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Created September 15, 2016 10:39
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Example JSON for Shipstation Create Order
"orderNumber" => 1,
"customerEmail" => "[email protected]",
"customerUsername" => "[email protected]",
"orderDate" => "2016-09-14 12:33:55",
"paymentDate" => "2016-09-14 12:33:55",
"orderStatus" => "awaiting_shipment",
"billTo" => {
"name" => "Wanda Predovic",
"company" => "",
"street1" => "3890 Rempel Street",
"street2" => "",
"street3" => "",
"city" => "Jeramyville",
"state" => "Arizona",
"postalCode" => "35242-5208",
"country" => "SE",
"phone" => "1-321-473-1448 x4315",
"residential" => true
"shipTo" => {
"name" => "Wanda Predovic",
"company" => "",
"street1" => "3890 Rempel Street",
"street2" => "",
"street3" => "",
"city" => "Jeramyville",
"state" => "Arizona",
"postalCode" => "35242-5208",
"country" => "SE",
"phone" => "1-321-473-1448 x4315",
"residential" => true
"items" => [
[0] {
"sku" => "csbox",
"name" => "Crochet Surprise Inspire Create Relax Box",
"weight" => {
"value" => 22.2,
"units" => "ounces"
"quantity" => 1,
"unitPrice" => 24.95,
"shippingAmount" => 7.95
"amountPaid" => 32.9,
"shippingAmount" => 7.95,
"carrierCode" => "stamps_com",
"serviceCode" => "usps_priority_mail",
"packageCode" => "package",
"confirmation" => "delivery",
"weight" => {
"value" => 22.2,
"units" => "ounces"
"dimensions" => {
"units" => "inches",
"length" => 11.13,
"width" => 7.63,
"height" => 4
"advancedOptions" => {
"warehouseId" => 91129,
"nonMachinable" => false,
"saturdayDelivery" => false,
"containsAlcohol" => false,
"storeId" => 191765,
"mergedOrSplit" => false
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