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Created September 10, 2013 07:42
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ssh tunnel without login shell
The problem: provide a user that can tunnel to a given host via ssh, but not log in or copy files from the host
1. Create user with adduser
2. Set shell for user to /bin/rbash (restricted shell, caution: this does not provide sufficient security by itself)
3. In user's home edit .profile: set path to home dir only
4. create <userhome>/.ssh/authorized_keys, chown -R user:user .ssh, chmod -R go-rwx .ssh
5. insert user's ssh public key into authorized_keys
6. set ssh permissions for this key in authorized_keys (see 'man authorized_keys') for details
Sample entry:
command="echo 'press <enter> to exit'; read a; exit" ssh-rsa AAA[..]4BH user@email
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