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Created July 11, 2018 06:42
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interface value type convert
import (
biProto "proto/bi/common"
// BaseModel 所有model的继承
type BaseModel struct {
Cache cache.Cache
// Model 对外调用入口
var Model = &BaseModel{}
// getTableName 获取table名
func getTableName(s interface{}) string {
tableNameMethod := reflect.ValueOf(s).MethodByName("TableName")
if tableNameMethod.IsValid() {
tableName := tableNameMethod.Call([]reflect.Value{})
if len(tableName) == 1 && tableName[0].Kind() == reflect.String {
return tableName[0].String()
panic("param `s` is not a model")
// Insert 插入数据对象
func (m BaseModel) Insert(s interface{}) error {
if s == nil {
conn := db.GetConn(biProto.ConfigKey_guazi_bi_db_new)
f := func(t *orm.ORMTran) error {
return t.Insert(s)
return conn.Master().DoTransaction(f)
// Update 更新
func (m BaseModel) Update(s interface{}) error {
if s == nil {
conn := db.GetConn(biProto.ConfigKey_guazi_bi_db_new)
f := func(t *orm.ORMTran) error {
return t.UpdateByPK(s)
return conn.Master().DoTransaction(f)
// Delete 假删除
func (m BaseModel) Delete(s interface{}, ID int) error {
if s == nil {
conn := db.GetConn(biProto.ConfigKey_guazi_bi_db_new)
table := getTableName(s)
//args := make([]reflect.Value, 0)
//table := reflect.ValueOf(s).MethodByName("TableName").Call(args)[0].String()
updateSQL, params := squirrel.Update(table).
Set("is_deleted", consts.DBDeletedValue).
Eq("id", ID).ToSql()
log.Logger.Info("Delete-SQL=", updateSQL)
f := func(t *orm.ORMTran) error {
_, err := t.Exec(updateSQL, params...)
return err
return conn.DoTransaction(f)
// SelectByID 由ID查询对象
func (m BaseModel) SelectByID(s interface{}, ID int) error {
if s == nil {
querySQL, params := squirrel.
Eq("id", ID).ToSql()
log.Logger.Info("SelectByID-SQL=", querySQL)
conn := db.GetConn(biProto.ConfigKey_guazi_bi_db_new)
err := conn.Slave().SelectOne(s, querySQL, params...)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Logger.Warn("ErrNoRows for select ID:", ID)
return bierrors.ErrNoRows
} else if err != nil {
log.Logger.Error("SelectOne ID:", ID, " error:%", err)
return err
return nil
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