- Quality system implantation
- Define scope
- Diagnostics
- Documentation
- Transition
- Quality system certification
- Pre-audit (find non-conformities)
- Correct non-conformities
- Audit
- Receive new non-conformity report
Report can be blank (perfect), which certifies the company, or have Recommendations
Report may certify company even with minor non-conformities
With major non-conformities, report may certify upon correction, or not certify at all
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9126
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_15504
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_12207
- ftp://ftp.unilins.edu.br/caldas/Engenharia%20de%20Software/Normas_de_Qualidade/NBR%2012119%20-%20Tecnologia%20de%20informacao%20-%20Pacotes%20de%20software%20-%20Teste%20e%20requisitos%20de%20qualidade.pdf
- Despite this being an ISO standard, most google results are about the NBR document, even with &hl=en-US...