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Created March 13, 2011 17:58
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13:38.33 cartman: sooooo
13:38.41 mru: hi cartman
13:38.48 cartman: mru: lo
13:39.03 cartman: michaelni: thanks for breaking fate & co.
13:41.33 lu_zero: ?
13:42.10 cartman: is not responding
13:42.15 cartman: didn't you get the memo?
13:43.20 michaelni: cartman, we have done no change to git.ffmpeg and fate.ffmpeg they point to where they always pointed to
13:43.36 michaelni: if mru chooses to shut servers down, thats out of our hands
13:43.50 mru: michaelni: stop telling lies
13:43.59 mru: you hijacked the dns
13:44.21 jannau: michaelni: doesn't resolve
13:44.39 jannau: and neither does
13:44.51 michaelni: jannau it resolves for me
13:45.16 cartman: michaelni: is not resolving here so I can't submit to FATE
13:45.27 cartman: boy I am sick of this childish war
13:45.28 ShadowJK: patches doesn't resolve for me, fate resolves to
13:46.00 ShadowJK: and points to natsuki for me?
13:46.42 Rathann: git. and fate. resolve here, but patches. does not
13:47.01 michaelni: I swear we had no plans to do anything with git/fate/patches
13:47.08 mru: who are "we"?
13:47.11 michaelni: ill try to figure out whats wrong
13:47.18 mru: you and yourself and your highness?
13:49.01 michaelni send SMS to admin
13:49.46 mru: the worlds best admin can't even get dns right....
13:49.51 Rathann: looks like current nameservers are replying with NXDOMAIN for
13:50.18 mru: Rathann: yes, a group of rogues have stolen the domain name
13:50.22 Rathann: mru: you've never made any mistakes, I assume?
13:50.34 mru: yes, once
13:50.38 mru: I thought I'd made a mistake
13:50.39 lu_zero: uhm
13:50.40 mru: but I hand't
13:50.42 mru: hadn't
13:50.50 lu_zero: mru: =P
13:50.58 Rathann: mru: oh, sorry, I thought that's what you and your group of rogues did with FFmpeg project two months ago
13:51.21 lu_zero: Rathann: the rogue managing roundup is wondering
13:51.41 mru: and the one managing fate and git and mailing lists and samples and...
13:51.46 cartman: This project is worse than Middle East
13:52.08 mru: michaelni: please stop using my logo now
13:52.21 mru: or you'll get a letter from my lawyer
13:53.03 ShadowJK thinks someone or more needs to make a, or and
13:53.04 michaelni: arpi has difficulty reaching .hu network
13:53.15 lu_zero: michaelni: no wonders
13:53.22 cartman: lol
13:53.31 mru: michaelni: reply
13:53.35 cartman: I knew Arpi was involved in this.
13:53.45 mru: cartman: arpi is the world's best admin
13:53.52 cartman: yeah sure
13:53.53 cartman: :D
13:53.55 mru: it must be _very_ hard to set up dns
13:54.11 cartman: Google might be acting :P
13:54.13 ShadowJK read the "I don't need backups, I have raid1" thing today
13:54.44 mru: raid1 only does you so much good when both hard drives are dead
13:55.11 lu_zero: mru: two hard drivers one next to the other NEVER fail
13:55.18 lu_zero: ok I'm trolling the past
13:55.34 michaelni: mru dont fear while you have no copyright on ffmpegs logo we will replace it
13:55.41 mru: you are wrong
13:55.44 ShadowJK: they will if they have identical firmware bug :) (hello Seagate)
13:55.46 mru: the copyright is mine
13:56.26 michaelni: <arpi> patches.* fixed
13:56.27 Compn: cartman : dns changes will take 24-48 hours to propagate iirc
13:56.49 michaelni: what was the problem with git/fate ?
13:57.46 lu_zero: none, now
13:57.46 cartman: Compn: indeed
13:57.51 mru: michaelni: I'm waiting for you to stop violating my copyright
13:58.08 michaelni: mru ill fix it, just sue me in the meantime
13:58.20 mru: fix it now
13:58.28 mru: this is no different from ffmpeg license violators
13:58.47 Compn: michaelni : where is repo now btw ?
13:58.54 Compn: i mean
13:59.03 Compn: the www xml
13:59.07 Compn: html whatnot
13:59.15 michaelni: .hu network problems git/fate should be fine otherwise
13:59.32 michaelni: maybe one of you is DOS-ing it ;)
13:59.48 mru: I don't engage in illegal activities
13:59.50 mru: unlike you
14:04.24 lu_zero takes his time to do maintainance on
14:05.43 michaelni: mru, you violate the trademark, and even with that logo
14:05.49 mru: there is no trademark
14:06.24 michaelni: you have no copyright on the logo you gave it to the ffmpeg project, that was its purpose
14:06.28 michaelni: besides its my design
14:06.39 mru: show me where I gave away any rights
14:06.46 michaelni: but we of course will replace it
14:06.49 mru: that requires a signature on paper, you know
14:07.23 mru: you sound just like a typical gpl violator
14:07.28 mru: we will, we will
14:07.54 Compn: michaelni : tell me where the xml is and i'll remove the logo now
14:08.27 Compn remembers old logo revisions >
14:11.45 Compn: well guess i'd need access too
14:11.48 Compn: haha
14:13.25 iive: michaelni: is the original design of the logo yours?
14:14.09 michaelni: yes its my design
14:15.14 iive: have you made sketch or just described it with words?
14:15.56 Compn: who cares? if mru wants to take his toy and leave, let him
14:16.14 Compn: rather fight on more interesting things
14:16.23 mru: right....
14:16.26 iive: if he had made it as sketch, then mans logo would be derivative work.
14:16.33 mru: I remember michael's disaster
14:16.46 mru has kicked iive (you're not helping)
14:22.20 mru: found it:
14:24.31 Rathann: the zig-zag is there
14:25.38 mru: yes, but his is totally different
14:26.07 spaam: michaelni: why did you do takeover the dns?
14:26.18 mru: spaam: because he's an asshole like that
14:26.50 lu_zero: mru: that doesn't explain much
14:27.06 lu_zero: spaam: because he could and he did.
14:27.10 mru: and a megalomaniac
14:27.26 mru: he couldn't stand not being in total control
14:27.26 spaam: lu_zero: ok.
14:27.28 Compn: because the person who owned the dns agreed with him
14:27.35 Compn: that person being ... fabrice
14:27.43 mru: for all we know fabrice is locked up in some cellar in austria
14:27.54 spaam: so when will this war stop?
14:28.03 lu_zero: spaam: from my point of view
14:28.07 mru: when one side is annihilated
14:28.09 Rathann: mru: you forgot "raped and chained to a wall"
14:28.09 Compn: why did you lock out michael of the homepage repo? because you couldnt stand not being in total control ?
14:28.28 mru: because he was making unauthorised changes
14:28.39 mru: simple as that
14:28.42 Compn: werent your changes unauthorized first ?
14:28.42 lu_zero: sigh...
14:28.43 Compn: heh
14:28.55 mru has the urge to kickban some people
14:29.06 Compn: spaam : oh, this just beginning :( watch the fun when people decide they dont like each others' mailing lists or foundation
14:29.08 lu_zero: Compn: those questions are in bad faith as the last time?
14:29.30 spaam: Compn: :)
14:29.32 lu_zero: just to know if I should take time to reply or not
14:30.07 Compn: lu_zero : i think everyone is set in their ways. so i dont think talking about it will change anyones mind
14:30.38 Compn: feel free to write up a timeline so you can point at it whenever it comes up :)
14:30.38 Compn: hehe
14:31.16 lu_zero: Compn: I take it as a "yes I'm in bad faith"
14:31.32 ChanServ has changed mode: -o michaelni
14:31.48 spaam: ok.. who did that?
14:32.11 lu_zero: not me
14:32.15 Compn:lu_zero : we have disagreements on which 'side' is right to change the repo, i think
14:32.16 mru: I did
14:32.22 mru: I don't think he deserves that anymore
14:32.37 lu_zero: Compn: I think we are past this
14:32.44 spaam: mru: that does not help ...
14:32.50 mru: I'm not trying to help
14:33.08 spaam: mru: so you like this fight?
14:33.37 mru: no, I don't like fighting
14:33.50 ChanServ has changed mode: +o michaelni
14:33.57 mru: who did that?
14:34.24 lu_zero: Compn: changes should go to the mailing list
14:34.45 kierank: [17:27] mru: for all we know fabrice is locked up in some cellar in austria --> saying that doesn't help anyone
14:34.55 mru: kierank: I'm not trying to help anyone
14:35.13 mru: I see no reason to be nice
14:35.33 kierank: bear in mind this was the exact same thing only a few weeks ago you were castigating michaelni over
14:35.43 mru: huh?
14:35.48 lu_zero: sigh
14:35.50 kierank: the death threats
14:35.52 Compn: kierank : you wont be able to explain irony here
14:35.57 lu_zero: kierank: where?
14:36.11 mru: I haven't threatened to kill anyone
14:36.21 kierank: the discussions where michaelni was saying things about killing the new maintainers
14:36.28 lu_zero: that line says "I have no clue about where fabrice is"
14:36.44 kierank: oh come on
14:36.47 kierank: that's ridiculous
14:37.33 lu_zero: kierank: anyway I think that's a digression
14:37.36 iive: kierank: you can't fight bias with reasoning. in only reinforces it.
14:37.43 spaam: How old are you guys? 5? 6? ;S
14:37.46 mru has changed mode: +b *!*iive@unaffiliated/iive
14:37.48 mru has kicked iive (iive)
14:38.15 lu_zero: spaam: could we go back to more pressing issues?
14:38.25 kierank: lu_zero: yes it's a digression but as before saying this kind of things doesn't help the situation
14:38.34 mru: I'm not trying to help the situation
14:38.39 lu_zero: kierank: that's why I'm trying to be calm
14:38.52 lu_zero: while mru isn't that much
14:39.55 lu_zero: now
14:40.40 mru: I've been calm for 6 months
14:40.45 mru: it didn't work
14:42.47 Rathann: mru kickbanning people won't silence them
14:43.02 mru: no, but it gives me some peace
14:43.04 mru: and it feels good
14:43.05 Rathann: if you want to cover your ears, that's fine
14:43.31 Rathann: but why cover the ears of everyone here?
14:44.00 Rathann has some other suggestions if you want to feel good
14:44.09 jannau has changed mode: -o mru
14:44.10 Rathann: this is just childish
14:44.19 jannau: mru: please stay calm
14:44.28 ChanServ has changed mode: +o mru
14:44.43 kierank: ......
14:45.41 Rathann wonders why mru hasn't banned michaelni and anyone who supports him yet
14:45.57 mru has changed mode: +b *!*rathann@fedora/rathann
14:45.57 mru has kicked Rathann (you're not helping)
14:46.17 jannau has changed mode: -b *!*rathann@fedora/rathann
14:46.33 jannau: mru: neither are you
14:46.39 mru: as I said, I'm not trying to
14:47.23 ChanServ has changed mode: +o Rathann
14:47.57 Rathann: :)
14:48.57 DonDiego: mru: mans, calm down
14:49.04 mru: fuck you too
14:50.05 lu_zero: sigh
14:53.57 lu_zero: michaelni: you have mail
14:57.09 michaelni: lu_zero, mail me your phone num if you want to talk but i need to deal with the logo first even if i doubt the validity on any copyright claim
14:57.39 DeathWol1: change logo, profit;)
14:58.13 DeathWol1 is now known as DeathWolf
14:58.30 spaam: michaelni: did you talk to the other guys about the change for NS ?
14:58.35 DeathWolf: a Daizo joins!
14:59.01 tote: its super effective
14:59.28 mru: spaam: no he did not
15:00.25 spaam: mru: it whould have been better if he did that?
15:01.12 lu_zero: spaam: as I stated, it was and within his possibilities
15:01.18 DonDiego: michaelni: seems like there was a mail going around that i did not receive....
15:02.23 spaam: lu_zero: i know.. but maybe mru did like it more if he told everyone first about it.
15:02.46 mru: it was the _only_ thing he had a hope of doing
15:02.50 mru: so it was inevitable
15:02.57 lu_zero: spaam: wouldn't change much
15:03.04 lu_zero: regarding the logo
15:03.33 lu_zero: as I stated in the email I have no problem in burying the ffmpeg for now
15:03.53 lu_zero: michaelni keeps as name and we keep the other
15:03.56 michaelni: DonDiego, you are on the list of addresses it was sent to
15:04.13 michaelni: if you talk of the anouncement
15:04.26 DeathWolf: Domains are so important! They're the essence of a product.
15:04.35 michaelni: i had some bounces due to SPF but i think you wasnt amongth them
15:05.11 lu_zero: DeathWolf: wireshark would say not
15:05.25 DeathWolf: </sarcasm> btw;)
15:07.44 michaelni: DonDiego, i forwarded the mail to you just in case the original wont reach you for soem reason
15:08.09 michaelni: We tried to send the mail to everyone who has appeared on svn/cvs
15:08.14 michaelni: as devel/commiter
15:09.14 michaelni: there where like 180 email addresses IIRC
15:10.44 DonDiego: i did not get any email (yet), but my mail is often delayed
15:12.15 michaelni: if you dont get it tell me and ill ask arpi about it, maybe theres something in the logs that explains it
15:13.02 DonDiego: i just got the forward, so it's indeed strange
15:13.07 mru: maybe the world's best admin can't set up a mail relay
15:17.19 lu_zero: anyway
15:18.26 lu_zero: michaelni: here's the deal: We try to do our best and by the end of the year we see what's the result. nobody uses the ffmpeg name and we splice the ffmpeg ml
15:18.46 lu_zero: we are already using git and we already have different repos
15:20.25 DeathWolf: ffmpeg[0] and ffmpeg[1]
15:20.31 lu_zero: really, I'd rather quit discussions and just try to go back writing code, you don't like me or my ways, I don't like at all your behaviour.
15:22.11 Sean_McG is all for the "writing code" bit
15:22.25 BBB too
15:22.34 BBB: I see michaelni is on IRC, fun stuff must be happening
15:22.53 Kovensky: BBB:
15:24.19 BBB: Kovensky: long text... btu I see, the dns button was pushed
15:24.33 BBB: well, I guess that's the end of that then
15:24.46 Kovensky: and there have been threats of nuclear weapon usage (aka lawyers)
15:25.08 ShadowJK: atleast nobody has threatened with journalists yet
15:25.26 Rathann goes to do some useful work instead of feeding the troll(s)
15:25.38 kshishkov: ShadowJK: there a bloggers which is worse
15:25.39 elenril: journalists are busy in japan
15:25.54 Sean_McG: yes, I am so sick of CNN's coverage of that
15:25.54 Kovensky: phoronix most certainly has spies
15:26.59 DeathWolf: vaseline is what's needed here;)
15:27.46 Kovensky wonders if /g/ is visiting
15:29.05 DonDiego: bbiab
15:29.15 lu_zero: uhm my reply to stefano seems missing
15:33.31 michaelni: mru, we redid the logo, now let me politely ask you to stop immedeatly using our logo, the design and trademark is ours
15:33.36 michaelni: using that is a scam
15:34.22 mru: I don't see any change
15:34.22 michaelni: thanks for understanding, but iam a bit alergic to be called a copyright violator for using our own logo
15:34.32 michaelni: mru, good
15:35.09 lu_zero: our...
15:35.17 mru: I made that design
15:35.22 mru: I never gave up the rights to it
15:35.26 mru: you don't have permission to use it
15:35.27 mru: end of story
15:35.36 michaelni: mru we meet in court then
15:35.48 michaelni: lets see if the judge agrees with you
15:36.06 michaelni: lieing on IRC is easy try it in court
15:36.17 ruggles: michaelni: what trademark? and in what countries?
15:36.21 BBB: who made the logo?
15:36.25 mru: I did
15:36.32 BBB: the mru owns it, by US copyright
15:36.38 michaelni: the one on has been made by me
15:36.39 BBB:*then
15:36.42 mru: by Berne convention
15:37.31 BBB: michaelni: is it an adaptation of someone else's work?
15:37.31 lu_zero: michaelni: I guess you aren't aware I did trademark research in the past months...
15:37.32 lu_zero: and ffmpeg isn't in the trademarks db
15:37.32 mru: BBB: he changed the font
15:37.32 BBB: the image is still there
15:37.32 mru: and that's the part that matters
15:37.38 mru: I claim no ownership over the word ffmpeg
15:37.41 BBB: font isn't a creative work
15:37.47 kshishkov: it is!
15:37.47 BBB: unless you own the fonttype used
15:37.50 BBB: which none of us does
15:37.55 BBB: kshishkov: well, I mean it isn't ours
15:37.55 mru: designing a font is creative
15:38.01 BBB: using a font isn't
15:38.05 mru: can be
15:38.07 BBB: unless the text itself is creative
15:38.07 kshishkov: BBB: exactly, but in Germany typeface is protected as trademark
15:38.11 mru: but that's irrelevant
15:38.20 mru: the zigzag is what matters
15:38.41 BBB: michaelni: sorry, you don't own the zigzag logo, mru does. but I can ask aaron to help you with this monday if you so please
15:38.42 Kovensky: isn't the zigzag more likely to be owned by mpeg? or does that not count since it isn't used as a trademark?
15:38.57 Kovensky: (by mpeg itself that is)
15:38.57 lu_zero: and I guess the t-shirts made us owning the implicit trademark
15:38.58 michaelni: BBB, ok
15:55.58 DeathWolf: just rotate the zigzag 90°
15:56.01 DeathWolf: and make it red
15:56.08 DeathWolf: or pink!
15:56.13 DeathWolf: Pi/2+pink is always the solution
16:19.23 DeathWolf: I suggest going for the lawyers and a nice lawsuit though. Giving more money to lawyers is always a great solution.
16:20.33 Compn: BBB : did you see michael's original ffmpeg logo ?
16:20.50 mru: it's pathetic
16:22.35 Compn refrains from biting troll
16:44.17 DonDiego: oh, logo fun
16:44.44 DonDiego: michaelni: there is no trademark apparently and the logo is mans'
16:44.45 merbanan: Wingmakers .... ok
16:45.01 DonDiego: also, much of the text on the website is (c) me :)
16:45.09 DonDiego: and the design is (c) robert ...
16:46.14 mru points at PLAGIARISM in the dictionary
16:47.08 Compn: DonDiego : did you see michael's original ffmpeg logo ?
16:47.26 lu_zero: Compn: and?
16:48.05 DonDiego: Compn: yes, nothing to do with the zigzag created by mans
16:48.26 Compn: DonDiego : are you saying you dont want your copyrighted text on now ?
16:48.37 Compn: or just pointing out copyrights ?
16:49.47 beastd: mru: What are you claiming copyright for? The concrete digital representation that is used on the homepage, or what?
16:50.22 DonDiego: Compn: both
16:50.31 Compn: was used on the homepage... michaelni changed it iirc
16:50.45 mru: he changed to a slightly different font
16:50.49 mru: which is irrelevant
16:51.02 DonDiego: beastd: the green zigzag next to the word FFmpeg on
16:51.10 beastd: Are you claiming Rights on zigzag coding and the color green?
16:51.29 DonDiego: the logo
16:51.56 Compn: beastd : whole thing together it seems
16:52.41 merbanan: why even discuss this when we are going to consult SFLC in the matter ?
16:52.43 Compn: which robert? swain ?
16:52.44 shahriman: sorry to interrupt, but i really liked the original logo, especially the font
16:53.14 Compn: michaelni : DonDiego wishes his copyrighted text off ...
16:53.34 Compn: see, this is why its important to get your homepage under a gpl license :\
16:54.05 DonDiego: hmmm, who was it that insisted on this for years?
16:54.34 Compn: i dont know, but i think your request is be petty and juvenile :)
16:55.12 Compn: fully within your rights of course
16:56.48 DonDiego: i might change my mind, but i don't currently feel like helping the counter-revolution - why should i?
16:57.49 Compn: because i thought your original announcement was open to helping any ffmpeg developers
16:58.33 DonDiego: hmmm?
16:59.25 Compn: the fork mail. maybe i misread your intention to be helpful to the project and not just a group of devels within such project.
17:02.40 DonDiego: you did not misread - i do not support going back to the reign of the evil overlord though :)
17:03.02 Compn: he is democratically appointed
17:03.08 Compn: maybe you should start a vote
17:03.39 Compn: but i guess i'm tired of arguing
17:05.24 Compn: its fun to see how petty everyone is tho
17:05.48 BBB: let's vote whether everyone is petty
17:06.00 elenril votes maybe
17:06.11 Compn places bets on when roundup/lists/fate go down
17:06.24 DonDiego: Compn: he is not
17:06.39 DonDiego: there was also this "vote with your feet" thing...
17:06.56 BBB: Compn: why would fate go down. fate rocks
17:07.27 Compn: yes fate is very valuable to the project
17:09.21 Compn: there was a counter-vote with your feet too, this time it happened with dns
17:09.35 Compn: instead of homepage repo
17:09.39 mru: well, have fun with your dns
17:12.06 BBB: in the end it's all about code
17:12.15 BBB: unfortunately michaelni doesn't code, still
17:16.34 thresh: oh, more fun
17:19.00 DonDiego: Compn: there was no vote about the dns :)
17:20.47 Compn: there were a few devels who spoke in private about it
17:20.59 mru: "devels" lol
17:21.01 Compn: was there a public vote about michaels repo access ?
17:21.24 Compn: heh
17:21.28 peloverde: the repo was a new creation, nothing was taken away
17:21.30 DonDiego: there was a breach of svn policy :)
17:21.48 DonDiego: peloverde: Compn is talking about the homepage
17:21.49 Compn: peloverde : i meant the homepage
17:22.04 peloverde: ahhh, you are correct then
17:22.09 Compn: which is getting harder to specify as things go on...
17:22.19 Compn: DonDiego : which svn policy was broken ?
17:22.19 Compn: eheh
17:22.53 Compn: its like you voted to name yourself leader
17:23.24 Compn: and then kicked out michael for violating policy , since he was no longer leader
17:23.27 DonDiego: "don't just commit controversial stuff"
17:23.54 Compn: michael is leader and therefor restoring the original repo...
17:24.43 Compn: i dont understand why you all ignore this ?
17:25.02 DonDiego: the leader of what? when 18 people stand up and say they don't want him as leader anymore, is that not clear enough?
17:25.05 kshishkov: Compn: personally I don't understant why you call him leader
17:26.52 Compn: DonDiego : so if there are 18 people who stand up and say you arent root anymore , you would accept this ?
17:27.42 Compn: i think removing the videolan repo was pretty controversial itself
17:27.50 Compn: if you just listed another repo ... it wouldnt have been so bad
17:28.07 DonDiego: nobody removed the videolan repo
17:28.17 Compn: from download page ?
17:28.25 DonDiego: it's there
17:28.31 Compn: for a week while i asked you and mans to fix it ?
17:28.52 Compn: and threatened to fix it myself ...
17:28.58 DonDiego: there's a table now
17:29.14 Compn: so you agree it was removed for a week then
17:29.42 Compn: kshishkov : can we agree he was at one point leader ?
17:29.51 kshishkov: Compn: nope
17:30.03 Compn: kshishkov : then i cant understand why you dont call him leader
17:30.19 kshishkov: Compn: because he doesn't lead
17:30.52 DonDiego: Compn: which week?
17:31.27 mru: michael never did any leading
17:32.21 Compn: DonDiego :
17:34.06 Compn: DonDiego : the week is between that commit and the commit which restored repo to the download page
17:34.23 Compn: michael tried to restore it, and BBB reverted
17:34.39 Compn: so it must be controversial if we have two reverts
17:34.42 lu_zero: Compn: by doing math if more people say "go away" than the ones that say "please stay" what does that mean?
17:35.09 Compn: lu_zero : the announce mail said everyone was welcome, not 'go away'
17:35.26 lu_zero: which announce email?
17:35.37 Compn: DonDiego : or dont you think thats controversial and an svn policy broken ?
17:36.11 Compn: lu_zero : the one which DonDiego posted and 18 developers signed
17:36.19 Compn: i can get a link if you dont remember signing it...
17:37.40 Kovensky is pretty sure lu_zero remembers signing it
17:37.44 Compn: DonDiego : i'm sorry. it just strikes me as hypocritical when you say michael broke a svn rule but when Dark_Shikari and BBB make controversial commits its not breaking an svn rule
17:38.41 Kovensky: Compn: 1st: it's git now, 2nd: Dark_Shikari made a commit without review (even if uncontroversial) yesterday and he did get yelled at for doing so
17:39.18 Compn: Kovensky : homepage is hosted on git now ? not svn ?
17:39.33 Compn: Kovensky : shh if you arent paying attention
17:39.39 Kovensky: oh, wrong repository =p
17:42.02 DonDiego: Compn: there was a revolution against mn's fork to, it's clear that we would not let that be undone - the other homepage commits were nothing but provocation
17:42.18 Compn: sounds controversial
17:42.33 DonDiego: if you want to continue this, feel free to query me, but this is just wasting bandwidth for everybody here
17:43.15 Compn: well you had asked where it was removed
17:43.35 Compn: and you asked about the week
17:43.50 DonDiego: i was not sure what exactly you were referring to, that's all
17:44.08 Compn: but i'm happy to drop it
17:59.41 Rathann: AFAIU the git repo at was created temporarily because it was taking too long to create it on natsuki
18:00.20 Compn: iirc michael said he didnt want a repo where mans had root
18:00.40 Rathann: ah, that might have been an issue as well
18:00.57 Compn: it took a while for natsuki to get git , but that was ages before the switch
18:01.02 Compn: that it did get a git repo
18:01.44 Rathann: I always wondered why mru didn't want to give up being root - it's more of a burden than anything else in my experience
18:02.24 mru: I refuse to give anything up as punishment for crimes I did not commit
18:04.05 Rathann: why did it have to be "as punishment"?
18:04.27 mru: don't ask me
18:04.40 mru: I wasn't the one demanding it
18:05.29 spaam: so.. will there be a new channel?
18:05.40 mru: try #libav-devel
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