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Created April 25, 2022 01:31
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async posting
import json
import time
import asyncio
import httpx
import random
from functools import partial
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
RANDOM_WORDS = ['Monarch', 'Flagship', 'Russian', 'Thee', 'Species', 'Policies', 'Unique', 'Deutsch', 'Agree', 'Enable']
async def scan_for_favorable_market_conditions(queues):
for i in range(10):
print(f"Loop: {i}")
r = random.randint(0, 10)
if r >= 5:
msg = f"[{random.choice(RANDOM_WORDS)}_{i}]"
stamp =
print(f"found condition {msg}. Send for processing.")
for q in queues:
q.put_nowait((msg, stamp))
await asyncio.sleep(.1)
def sign(secret, endpoint="orders", full_path="api/v2/orders/"):
return secret+endpoint+full_path
def compact_json_dict(data):
return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)
def kucoin_post(client: httpx.AsyncClient, symbol, side, size):
url = ""
data = {
'side': side,
'symbol': symbol,
'type': 'market',
'size': size
headers = {
"KC-API-TIMESTAMP": int(time.time() * 1000),
"KC-API-SIGN": sign("asdf")
}, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=10)
async def generic_post_trade_request(trade_type: str, q: asyncio.Queue):
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
while True:
msg, stamp = await q.get()
print(f"Got {msg}. Posting {trade_type=}")
r = await"", data={"data": msg})
time_to_post = ( - stamp) / timedelta(milliseconds=1)
print(f"{trade_type=}: {r.status_code}. Took {time_to_post=}ms to process {msg=}")
async def main():
queues = [asyncio.Queue() for _ in range(3)]
scanning_task = asyncio.create_task(scan_for_favorable_market_conditions(queues))
posting_coros = [
partial(generic_post_trade_request, "usd -> btc"),
partial(generic_post_trade_request, "btc -> eth"),
partial(generic_post_trade_request, "eth -> usd"),
posting_tasks = []
for i in range(1): # Bump to increase workers
for coro, q in zip(posting_coros, queues):
await scanning_task
await asyncio.gather(*[q.join() for q in queues], return_exceptions=True)
for task in posting_tasks:
await asyncio.gather(*posting_tasks, return_exceptions=True)
print("The queues are now empty, and posting tasks have been shutdown.")
if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=True)
print("Exiting gracefully.")
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