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Last active August 6, 2020 15:00
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create extension hstore;
create table if not exists planet_osm_line
osm_id bigint,
access text,
"addr:housename" text,
"addr:housenumber" text,
"addr:interpolation" text,
admin_level text,
aerialway text,
aeroway text,
amenity text,
barrier text,
bicycle text,
bridge text,
boundary text,
building text,
construction text,
covered text,
foot text,
highway text,
historic text,
horse text,
junction text,
landuse text,
layer integer,
leisure text,
lock text,
man_made text,
military text,
name text,
"natural" text,
oneway text,
place text,
power text,
railway text,
ref text,
religion text,
route text,
service text,
shop text,
surface text,
tourism text,
tracktype text,
tunnel text,
water text,
waterway text,
way_area real,
z_order integer,
tags hstore,
way geometry(LineString,3857)
alter table planet_osm_line owner to DB_USER;
create table if not exists planet_osm_nodes
id bigint not null
constraint planet_osm_nodes_pkey
primary key,
lat integer not null,
lon integer not null
alter table planet_osm_nodes owner to DB_USER;
create table if not exists planet_osm_point
osm_id bigint,
access text,
"addr:housename" text,
"addr:housenumber" text,
admin_level text,
aerialway text,
aeroway text,
amenity text,
barrier text,
boundary text,
building text,
highway text,
historic text,
junction text,
landuse text,
layer integer,
leisure text,
lock text,
man_made text,
military text,
name text,
"natural" text,
oneway text,
place text,
power text,
railway text,
ref text,
religion text,
shop text,
tourism text,
water text,
waterway text,
tags hstore,
way geometry(Point,3857)
alter table planet_osm_point owner to DB_USER;
create table if not exists planet_osm_polygon
osm_id bigint,
access text,
"addr:housename" text,
"addr:housenumber" text,
"addr:interpolation" text,
admin_level text,
aerialway text,
aeroway text,
amenity text,
barrier text,
bicycle text,
bridge text,
boundary text,
building text,
construction text,
covered text,
foot text,
highway text,
historic text,
horse text,
junction text,
landuse text,
layer integer,
leisure text,
lock text,
man_made text,
military text,
name text,
"natural" text,
oneway text,
place text,
power text,
railway text,
ref text,
religion text,
route text,
service text,
shop text,
surface text,
tourism text,
tracktype text,
tunnel text,
water text,
waterway text,
way_area real,
z_order integer,
tags hstore,
way geometry(Geometry,3857)
alter table planet_osm_polygon owner to DB_USER;
create table if not exists planet_osm_rels
id bigint not null
constraint planet_osm_rels_pkey
primary key,
way_off smallint,
rel_off smallint,
parts bigint[],
members text[],
tags text[]
alter table planet_osm_rels owner to DB_USER;
create table if not exists planet_osm_roads
osm_id bigint,
access text,
"addr:housename" text,
"addr:housenumber" text,
"addr:interpolation" text,
admin_level text,
aerialway text,
aeroway text,
amenity text,
barrier text,
bicycle text,
bridge text,
boundary text,
building text,
construction text,
covered text,
foot text,
highway text,
historic text,
horse text,
junction text,
landuse text,
layer integer,
leisure text,
lock text,
man_made text,
military text,
name text,
"natural" text,
oneway text,
place text,
power text,
railway text,
ref text,
religion text,
route text,
service text,
shop text,
surface text,
tourism text,
tracktype text,
tunnel text,
water text,
waterway text,
way_area real,
z_order integer,
tags hstore,
way geometry(LineString,3857)
alter table planet_osm_roads owner to DB_USER;
create table if not exists planet_osm_ways
id bigint not null
constraint planet_osm_ways_pkey
primary key,
nodes bigint[] not null,
tags text[]
alter table planet_osm_ways owner to DB_USER;
create table if not exists planet_osm_ways
id bigint not null
constraint planet_osm_ways_pkey
primary key,
nodes bigint[] not null,
tags text[]
alter table planet_osm_ways owner to DB_USER;
create table if not exists spatial_ref_sys
srid integer not null
constraint spatial_ref_sys_pkey
primary key
constraint spatial_ref_sys_srid_check
check ((srid > 0) AND (srid <= 998999)),
auth_name varchar(256),
auth_srid integer,
srtext varchar(2048),
proj4text varchar(2048)
alter table spatial_ref_sys owner to DB_USER;
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
def get_environ(key):
return os.environ[key]
except KeyError as e:
return None
SQL_DIR = '/config/docker'
SQL_PATHS = [os.path.join(SQL_DIR, name) for name in os.listdir(SQL_DIR) if '.sql' in name]
DB_USER = get_environ("DB_USER")
DB_USER = DB_USER if DB_USER is not None else "postgres"
for sqls in SQL_PATHS:
f_old = open(sqls, 'r')
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as tmp_f:
for line in f_old:
line = line.replace('DB_USER', DB_USER)
shutil.copy2(, sqls)
echo "iniiit"
#SQL_LIST=($(ls /config/docker/osm-ddl/*.sql*))
#for f in $SQL_LIST; do
echo "[O2P] ${count}/${#SQL_LIST[@]} Creating table... "
psql \
-h $DB_HOST \
-p $DB_PORT \
-d $DB_NAME \
-f /config/docker/init_osm.sql
echo "[O2P] Creating tables done."
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