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Last active December 17, 2015 17:59
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  • Save JiLiZART/5650121 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JiLiZART/5650121 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extends base yii CActiveRecord, for return results as array
* Class EActiveRecordAsArrayBehavior
* @method CActiveRecord getOwner()
class EActiveRecordAsArrayBehavior extends CActiveRecordBehavior
* Finds all active records satisfying the specified condition.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return array[] list of active records satisfying the specified condition. An empty array is returned if none is found.
* @see CActiveRecord::findAll()
public function findAllAsArray($condition='', $params=array())
return $this->query($criteria,true);
* Finds a single active record with the specified condition.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* If a string, it is treated as query condition (the WHERE clause);
* If an array, it is treated as the initial values for constructing a {@link CDbCriteria} object;
* Otherwise, it should be an instance of {@link CDbCriteria}.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* This is only used when the first parameter is a string (query condition).
* In other cases, please use {@link CDbCriteria::params} to set parameters.
* @return array the record found. An empty array is returned if none is found.
* @see CActiveRecord::find()
public function findAsArray($condition='', $params=array())
return $this->query($criteria);
* Performs the actual DB query and populates the AR objects with the query result.
* This method is mainly internally used by other AR query methods.
* @param CDbCriteria $criteria the query criteria
* @param boolean $all whether to return all data
* @return mixed the AR objects populated with the query result
* @since 1.1.7
* @see CActiveRecord::query()
protected function query($criteria,$all=false)
return $all ? $command->queryAll() : $command->queryRow();
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