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Last active March 14, 2025 10:58
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This gist will give you all installation steps needed to install properly virt-manager with all dependencies.

Virt-Manager Installation (for ubuntu based distrib)

This gist will give you all installation steps needed to install properly virt-manager with all dependencies.


Here is the list of all dependencies required to install properly virt-manager on your ubuntu based distrib.

  • libvirt-bin
  • qemu
  • python-spice-client-gtk
  • spice-client-gtk
  • spice-vdagent
  • gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0

This will deffer depending on your version, 16.04 and 18.04 does not share the same dependencies.


Simply run apt as usual 😉

Ubuntu 16.04

sudo apt install virt-manager libvirt-bin qemu python-spice-client-gtk spice-client-gtk spice-vdagent gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0

Ubuntu 18.04

sudo apt install virt-manager libvirt-bin qemu spice-client-gtk spice-vdagent gir1.2-spiceclientgtk-3.0

Then reboot to be sure that everything is loaded correctly.


If you want to install Windows 7, you may use cirrus as a video display during the installation then switch to qxm once the operating system is ready.

Display device

To use the qxm display, you'll need to install the spice-guest-tools on the windows guest.

You can found them here:

This will also add support for some features like copy and paste, automatic resolution switching, etc...

Linux guests

To have all desktop integration features on Linux guests, you'll have to install spice-vdagent also on guest (previously installed on host). Just do it so:

sudo apt install spice-vdagent

Start issues

Sometimes the connection to qemu is failing without reasons... but it's possible to fix this issue.

  1. Verify that your user is still in the libvirtd group:
  2. Restart the libvirtd service:
cat /etc/group | grep -i libvirtd
sudo systemctl restart libvirtd && sudo systemctl status libvirtd

Then try to connect again, it should work.

Will add more details later, actually this gist is a draft.

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