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Created May 12, 2021 16:11
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Clomid for Restoring Testosterone - Jire
He may not be well versed enough on the subject familiar with the subject beyond its use as part of PCT, as are most bodybuilders. Most people think that the drug is only used for boosting back up LH levels following a cycle. That's why he didn't explain the mechanism of action for why it's a bad idea at a young age.
Physically altering estrogen receptors before the brain is fully developed can leave you with dramatically altered cognition. Hell, even after the brain has finished developing the drug is powerful enough to be used as an anti-psychotic. Nobody knows this. It's never been studied before, but it's true. The cause of psychotic episodes are the brain's shift in "perception" of estrogen. During an episode, the brain starts peaking estrogen receptor activity, with increasingly higher and higher receptivity until the episode is over, at which point the receptors return to normal. Bipolar disorder is just the continual fluctuation of the brain's estrogenic activity, which is why really bad cases show signs of a psychotic episode, and schizophrenia.
Clomid works because the Enclomiphine isomer rapidly surges your LH production, so as long as your testes are receptive to the LH (i.e. your problem of low T isn't an issue with your body's LH signalling), it will continually increase testosterone production in the testes.
The issues arise from using Clomid itself because it is a dual isomer drug, made of Enclomiphine and Zuclomiphene, in a ratio of 1:1. Zuclomiphene's nature is to rampantly increase the brain's estrogenic receptor activity. Why do you think this is included in the drug? Because it's a female fertility drug developed for females having issues getting pregnant. Females need a higher level of neurologic estrogen activity, and the Zuclomiphene keeps that activity up. That's why dudes get serious fucking issues on the stuff, especially taking into consideration the nearly 3 day half life of Zuclomiphene compared to Enclomiphine's 8 hours, the scale perpetually tips towards the Zu, making men act.. female. Literally. At a receptor level Zu alters certain parts of the brain to be much more receptive to estrogen. Eventually, guys will literally cry at everything like a girl on her estrogenic peak during her period. This is why it's a dumb as fuck idea for males to EVER take Clomid at all, nevermind while the brain is still developing -- which could leave your brain permanently in this state, mimicking a female on period, if the brain is still physically developing you will never be able to rid of the underlying, literally fucking female, development.
Enclomiphine does not have any of these issues in men, because it's essentially a polar opposite of Zuclomiphene. This does not mean it's without some drawbacks that you need to consider. The main issue from Enclomiphine arises from deceased LH sensitivity. After perpetually having high levels, the body (testes) decrease sensitivity to the hormone to reach homeostatic levels, as part of a feedback loop in the pituitary system. This means that eventually you'll hit a point where regardless of higher and higher levels of LH, testosterone production will not continue.
Basically this is the problem I and many others faced, and what many people face when trying to raise test using it. To counteract the issue you can use a drug to increase LH sensitivity, and one of the best choices for this is tadalafil (Cialis).
People most often use about 25mg Enclomiphine every day or other day. The efficacious dose of tadalafil is 250mg to counteract this, because it is extremely selective to the pituitary in the brain and, of course, vasodilation for your dick.
Sildenafil, known as Viagra works too, but due to its lack of selectiveness, it comes with a shitload of side effects at an efficacious dose, like literally to the point of a full on psychedelic-like visual "trip" at the required dose to counteract desensitization from 25mg Enclo per day, 2500mg!!! Normal Viagra tablets are only 100mg, 25 fucking tablets dude. Every day.
At a certain point, in my experience at the upper limit of the reference range for natural serum test levels (~1000ng/dL), you can't sustain using the Enclo and Cialis combo. You reach a point where yes, your total serum levels of testosterone keep going up, but due to your body's limited capacity for sensitizing and releasing testosterone to the active form, your levels of free testosterone basically stay where they were completely naturally, which means you won't actually get the benefits of high testosterone, as it's not total serum levels that dictate its activity in the body but rather free, unbinded available testosterone.
This is why I attempted to remedy this by taking proviron, and it actually does notably work, but for how long am I going to keep swallowing this literal handful of tablets, and what comes next? What happens when I encounter the bottleneck? Add more and more drugs until I'm eating literal fucking food sized portions of pills? No thanks. That's why I switched to TRT. The drawbacks are all extremely well known, and remedies for them are all over the place. It's simple and easy using test, and I suggest you continue as a natural for another 2-3 years before hopping on some gear.
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