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JoeGlines / pasteExample.ahk
Created January 14, 2025 12:38
simple v2 example using HotStrings to paste different text
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33+
#SingleInstance, Force ;Limit one running version of this script
#NoEnv ;Avoids checking empty variables to see if they are environment variables
:*X:cal::Snd("") ;type cal sends HotString
:*X:con::Snd("") ;type con sends HotString
clipsave := ClipboardAll ;backup clipboard
Clipboard := ""
*///////////////. DEFINE !DDN (DupVar !TOKENS (1)) SORT CASES BY !DupVar (A) . MATCH FILES /FILE = * /BY !DupVar /FIRST = First. var label first "Unique and Duplicates". value label first 0'Duplicates' 1'Unique'. Freq First /FORMAT=DVALUE. select if First=1. match files file= * / drop First. exe. !ENDDEFINE. *///////////////. /* !DDN DupVar=Number. *////SPSS macro to remove duplicates on String variable///////////. DEFINE !DDA (DupVar !TOKENS (1)) String duh (A1000). SORT CASES BY !DupVar (A) . compute duh=Lowcase(!DupVar). MATCH FILES /FILE = * /BY Duh /FIRST = First. var label first "Unique and Duplicates". value label first 0'Duplicates' 1'Unique'. Freq First /FORMAT=DVALUE. select if First=1. match files file= * / drop First duh. exe. !ENDDEFINE. *///////////////. /* !DDA DupVar=email. *///////////////. DEFINE !DDM (Var1 !TOKENS (1) / Var2 !Tokens (1) ) String duh1 duh2 (A1000). Compute duh1=Lowcase(!Var1). Compute duh2=Lowcase(!Var2). SORT CASES BY Duh1 (A) Duh2 (A). MATCH FILES /FILE = * /BY Duh1 Duh2 /
; Want a clear path for learning AutoHotkey? Go to
#Requires Autohotkey v2.0+
#HotIf MouseIsOver("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd")
WheelUp::Send "{Volume_Up}"
WheelDown::Send "{Volume_Down}"
MouseIsOver(WinTitle) {
;~ ~AppsKey & h::Run Excel.exe C:\Users\Joe\Dropbox\diet.xlsx ;diet
; Want a clear path for learning AutoHotkey; Take a look at our AutoHotkey courses.
;They're structured in a way to make learning AHK EASY:
;~ #Include <default_Settings>
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33+
#SingleInstance force
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.36+ ; prefer 64-Bit
JoeGlines / Run Windows app with AHK v1.ahk
Created January 14, 2024 21:11
How to run Windows Apps with AutoHotkey v1
; Want a clear path for Discovering AutoHotkey; Take a look at our AutoHotkey courses.
;They"re structured in a way to make learning AHK EASY:
#Include <default_Settings>
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33+
runApp("Paint") ;this calls the below function and will launch the named app
runApp("WordPad") ;this calls the below function and will launch the named app
JoeGlines / Run Windows App-v2.ahk
Created January 14, 2024 21:10
How to launch Windows apps with AHK v2
; Want a clear path for learning AutoHotkey; Take a look at our AutoHotkey courses.
;They"re structured in a way to make learning AHK EASY:
#Requires Autohotkey v2.0+
runApp('Spotify') ;this will launch Spotify
runApp(appName) { ;
#HotIf WinActive(' - Excel ahk_class XLMAIN')
F1:: ; Load Data
Global Data
PXL := XL_Start_Get() ; will connect to active Excel / Start new Workbook if no XL application
; Range := XL_Get_Selected_Range(PXL,1) ; Get selected range (set absolute to 1 if you want $)
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33+
Clipboard:="11231 Josh 11-11-2023 Manager"
send ^v
JoeGlines / Github GistV2.ahk
Created September 13, 2023 11:46
Github GistV2
if !ClipWait(2)
Notify.Default.GenSound := "Error"'The attempt to copy text onto the clipboard failed.')
sleep 3000