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Created October 18, 2011 09:53
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Powershell prompt script
function prompt {
get-location | write-host;
if (isCurrentDirectoryGitRepository) {
$status = gitStatus
Write-Host('[') -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow
write-host $status["branch"] -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow;
if ($status["remote"] -ne ""){
if ($status["behind"] -ne 0){
write-host " <" -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow;
write-host $status["behind"] -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow;
write-host " " -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow;
if ($status["ahead"] -ne 0){
write-host $status["ahead"] -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow;
write-host "> " -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow;
write-host $status["remote"] -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow;
Write-Host(']') -foregroundcolor Yellow
function gitStatus {
$branch = "";
$remote = "";
$ahead = 0;
$behind = 0;
$output = git branch -vv
$output | foreach {
if ($_ -match "\* (.*?) "){
$branch = $matches[1];
if ($_ -match "\* .*\[(.*?)[:\]]"){
$remote = $matches[1];
if ($_ -match "\* .* ahead (\d+)"){
$ahead = $matches[1];
if ($_ -match "\* .* behind (\d+)"){
$behind = $matches[1];
return @{"branch" = $branch;
"remote" = $remote;
"ahead" = $ahead;
"behind" = $behind;}
# some functions sourced from
# Git functions
# Mark Embling (
# Is the current directory a git repository/working copy?
function isCurrentDirectoryGitRepository {
if ((Test-Path ".git") -eq $TRUE) {
return $TRUE
# Test within parent dirs
$checkIn = (Get-Item .).parent
while ($checkIn -ne $NULL) {
$pathToTest = $checkIn.fullname + '/.git'
if ((Test-Path $pathToTest) -eq $TRUE) {
return $TRUE
} else {
$checkIn = $checkIn.parent
return $FALSE
# end of Mark Emblings GIT functions
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