is the list prepend operator in Elm.
3 :: 2 :: 1 :: []
is equivalent to
we can pattern match on particular series of prepended elements. Why?
Let's try building our own list.
type MyList a = Prepend a (MyList a) | EmptyList
instatiating such a list would look like:
list = Prepend 3 (Prepend 2 (Prepend 1 EmptyList))
Now we can pattern match like:
case list of
Prepend x (Prepend y (Prepend z rest))) -> -- a list with at least 3 elements
Prepend x (Prepend y rest) -> -- a list with at least 2 elements
Prepend x rest -> -- a list with at least 1 element
EmptyList -> -- a list with no elements
Look familiar?
The core List
equivalent would look like:
case list of
x :: y :: z :: rest -> -- a list with at least 3 elements
x :: y :: rest -> -- a list with at least 2 elements
x :: rest -> -- a list with at least 1 element
[] -> -- a list with no elements