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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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  • Save JoeyEremondi/2b09a985cb19ecbdcc7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JoeyEremondi/2b09a985cb19ecbdcc7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import String
import Array
import Http
import Math.Vector3 (..)
import Math.Matrix4 (..)
import Graphics.WebGL (..)
type VertV = {position: Vec3}
type VertVT = {position : Vec3, texCoord : Vec3}
type VertVN = {position : Vec3, normal : Vec3}
type VertVTN = {position : Vec3, texCoord : Vec3, normal : Vec3}
type Uniforms = { view : Mat4 , m_normal : Mat4 }
data FaceVert = FaceVertV VertV
| FaceVertVT VertVT
| FaceVertVN VertVN
| FaceVertVTN VertVTN
data Model =
FlatColored [Triangle VertV] {color:Vec3}
| FlatTextured [Triangle VertVT] {texPath : String}
| SmoothColored [Triangle VertVN] {color:Vec3}
| SmoothTextured [Triangle VertVTN] {texPath : String}
modelTex : Model -> Maybe String
modelTex model = case model of
FlatColored _ _ -> Nothing
SmoothColored _ _ -> Nothing
FlatTextured _ rec -> Just rec.texPath
SmoothTextured _ rec -> Just rec.texPath
data ColorData = OneColor Vec3 | TexLoc String
--Helper function
triToList : Triangle a -> [a]
triToList (a,b,c) = [a,b,c]
--Given an OBJ string and options, convert it to a model
toModel : String -> ColorData -> Model
toModel objSource colorData = let
triangles = parseObj objSource
faceList = concat <| map triToList triangles
in case (containsV faceList, containsVT faceList, containsVN faceList, colorData) of
(True, _, _, OneColor col) -> FlatColored (map (mapTriangle toV) triangles) {color = col}
(_, True, True, OneColor col) -> FlatColored (map (mapTriangle toV) triangles) {color = col}
(_, True, _, TexLoc texLoc) -> FlatTextured (map (mapTriangle toVT) triangles) {texPath = texLoc}
(_, True, _, OneColor col) -> FlatColored (map (mapTriangle toV) triangles) {color = col}
(_, _, True, OneColor col) -> SmoothColored (map (mapTriangle toVN) triangles) {color = col}
(False, False, False, TexLoc texLoc) -> SmoothTextured (map (mapTriangle toVTN) triangles) {texPath = texLoc}
(False, False, False, OneColor col) -> SmoothColored (map (mapTriangle toVN) triangles) {color = col}
_ -> FlatColored (map (mapTriangle toV) triangles) {color = vec3 0.5 0.5 0.5}
toEntity : Signal Model -> Signal Uniforms -> Signal Entity
toEntity sModel sUniforms = let
mainFun model uniforms = case model of
(SmoothColored triangles _) -> entity vertexShaderVN fragmentShaderVN triangles uniforms
in lift2 mainFun sModel sUniforms
--Functions for checking what data we have avaliable
--Test if we have vertices of a given information level
containsV : [FaceVert] -> Bool
containsV l = case l of
[] -> False
((FaceVertV _) :: _) -> True
(_ :: rest) -> containsV rest
containsVT : [FaceVert] -> Bool
containsVT l = case l of
[] -> False
((FaceVertVT _) :: _) -> True
(_ :: rest) -> containsV rest
containsVN : [FaceVert] -> Bool
containsVN l = case l of
[] -> False
((FaceVertVN _) :: _) -> True
(_ :: rest) -> containsV rest
--Convert vertices to a (lower) information level
toV : FaceVert -> VertV
toV face = case face of
FaceVertV v -> v
FaceVertVN v -> {position = v.position}
FaceVertVT v -> {position = v.position}
FaceVertVTN v -> {position = v.position}
toVT : FaceVert -> VertVT
toVT face = case face of
FaceVertVT v -> v
FaceVertVTN v -> {position = v.position, texCoord = v.texCoord}
toVN : FaceVert -> VertVN
toVN face = case face of
FaceVertVN v -> v
FaceVertVTN v -> {position = v.position, normal = v.normal}
toVTN f = case f of
FaceVertVTN vtn -> vtn
FaceVertVN vn -> {position = vn.position, normal = vn.normal, texCoord = vec3 0 0 0}
data Face = FaceV (VertV, VertV, VertV)
| FaceVT (VertVT, VertVT, VertVT)
| FaceVN (VertVN, VertVN, VertVN)
| FaceVTN (VertVTN, VertVTN, VertVTN)
--Used to avoid "Math.pow is not a function"
myPow : Float -> Int -> Float
myPow b e = if
| e < 0 -> 1.0 / (myPow b (0-e))
| e == 0 -> 1
| e > 0 -> b * (myPow b (e-1))
--Check if a float is in scientific notation, then parse it accordingly
parseFloat : String -> Float
parseFloat s = case String.split "e" s of
[fs] -> fromJust <| String.toFloat fs
[base, power] -> let
bf = fromJust <| String.toFloat base
pi = fromJust <| String.toInt power
in bf * (myPow 10.0 pi)
--Check the first character of a line for parsing
isVertexLine= (\s -> "v" == (head <| String.words s))
isVtLine= (\s -> String.startsWith "vt" s)
isVnLine= (\s -> String.startsWith "vn" s)
isFaceLine = (\s -> String.startsWith "f" s)
lineToVert : String -> Vec3
lineToVert line = case (String.words line) of
["v", v1, v2, v3] -> vec3 (parseFloat v1) (parseFloat v2) (parseFloat v3)
lineToVn line = case (String.words line) of
["vn", v1, v2, v3] -> vec3 (parseFloat v1) (parseFloat v2) (parseFloat v3)
lineToVt line = case (String.words line) of
["vt", v1, v2, v3] -> vec3 (parseFloat v1) (parseFloat v2) (parseFloat v3)
["vt", v1, v2] -> vec3 (parseFloat v1) (parseFloat v2) (0.0)
lineToFace : (Array.Array Vec3, Array.Array Vec3, Array.Array Vec3) -> String -> [Triangle FaceVert]
lineToFace arrs line = case (String.words line) of
["f", f1, f2, f3] -> [(parseFaceVert arrs f1, parseFaceVert arrs f2, parseFaceVert arrs f3)]
["f", f1, f2, f3, f4] -> [(parseFaceVert arrs f1, parseFaceVert arrs f2, parseFaceVert arrs f3),
(parseFaceVert arrs f2, parseFaceVert arrs f3, parseFaceVert arrs f4)]
--x -> Error.raise <| show x
--Eventually will look for normals and such
--Right now, just converts the string to the vertex index
parseFaceVert : (Array.Array Vec3, Array.Array Vec3, Array.Array Vec3) -> String -> FaceVert
parseFaceVert (vArr, vtArr, vnArr) str = case String.split "//" str of
[v, n] -> FaceVertVN <| VertVN (deIndexVert vArr v) (deIndexVert vnArr n) --vertex and normal
[s] -> case String.split "/" s of
[v] -> FaceVertV <| VertV (deIndexVert vArr v) --only vertex
[v,t] -> FaceVertVT <| VertVT (deIndexVert vArr v) (deIndexVert vtArr t) --vertex and tex coords
[v,t,n] -> FaceVertVTN <| VertVTN (deIndexVert vArr v) (deIndexVert vtArr t) (deIndexVert vnArr n) --all 3.
fromJust (Just x) = x
--Given 3 indices and vertex array, get the right vertex from the array
deIndexVert vArr s = let
i = fromJust <| String.toInt s
in Array.getOrFail (i-1) vArr
--Parse an OBJ file into a list of triangles
parseObj : String -> [Triangle FaceVert]
parseObj inFile =
lines = String.lines inFile
vLines = filter isVertexLine lines
vertices = Array.fromList <| map lineToVert vLines
vtLines = filter isVtLine lines
texCoords = Array.fromList <| map lineToVt vtLines
vnLines = filter isVnLine lines
normals = Array.fromList <| map lineToVn vnLines
fLines = filter isFaceLine lines
faces = concat <| map (lineToFace (vertices, texCoords, normals) ) fLines
in faces
--Test mesh
mesh inFile = map (\(a,b,c) -> (toVTN a, toVTN b, toVTN c)) <| parseObj inFile
--Based off the triangle rendering code from
-- Create the scene
--main : Signal Element
main = let
myScene ent = webgl (400,400) [ent]
modelSig = lift2 toModel inFileSig (constant <| OneColor <| vec3 0.5 0.1 0.1)
entSig = toEntity modelSig myUnis
in lift myScene entSig
myUnis = lift uniformsAtTime (foldp (+) 0 (fps 30))
uniformsAtTime t = let
v = view (t / 1500)
in { view = v, m_normal = normal v }
view : Float -> Mat4
view t =
mul (makePerspective 45 1 0.01 100)
(makeLookAt (vec3 (3 * cos t) 0 ((3 * sin t))) (vec3 0 0 0) (vec3 0 1 0))
normal v = transpose <| inverseOrthonormal v
vertexShaderVN : Shader VertVN { unif | view:Mat4, m_normal:Mat4 } { vcolor:Vec3 }
vertexShaderVN = [glsl|
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec3 normal;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 m_normal;
varying vec3 vcolor;
const vec3 lightPos = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
const vec3 diffuseColor = vec3(0.5, 0.0, 0.0);
const vec3 specColor = vec3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
const vec3 ambientColor = vec3(0.15, 0.05, 0.05);
void main(){
gl_Position = view * vec4(position, 1.0);
// all following gemetric computations are performed in the
// camera coordinate system (aka eye coordinates)
vec3 adjustedNormal = vec3(m_normal * vec4(normal, 0.0));
vec4 vertPos4 = view * vec4(position, 1.0);
vec3 vertPos = vec3(vertPos4) / vertPos4.w;
vec3 lightDir = (lightPos - vertPos);
vec3 reflectDir = reflect(-lightDir, adjustedNormal);
vec3 viewDir = (-vertPos);
float lambertian = max(dot(lightDir,adjustedNormal), 0.0);
float specular = 0.0;
if(lambertian > 0.0) {
float specAngle = max(dot(reflectDir, viewDir), 0.0);
specular = pow(specAngle, 4.0);
vcolor = vec3(lambertian*diffuseColor + specular*specColor) + ambientColor;
fragmentShaderVN : Shader {} u { vcolor:Vec3 }
fragmentShaderVN = [glsl|
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 vcolor;
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(vcolor, 1.0);
fromResponse r = case r of
Http.Success s -> s
_ -> ""
inFileSig = let
resp = Http.sendGet <| constant ""
in lift fromResponse resp
meshSig = lift mesh inFileSig
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