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Forked from nouseforname/Get-Updates.ps1
Last active October 14, 2024 01:12
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Powershell filter winget upgrade
# Add IDs to skip the update
$skipUpdate = @(
# Define a class to represent software information
class Software {
# Get the list of available upgrades using winget
$upgradeResult = winget upgrade --include-unknown
# Remove ellipsis character (Unicode 2026) and other potential problematic encodings
$upgradeResult = $upgradeResult -replace [char]0x2026, ' ' # Replace Unicode ellipsis with a space
$upgradeResult = $upgradeResult -replace '', ' ' # Replace other potential ellipsis encodings with a space
# Process the output from winget to extract software details
$upgrades = @() # Initialize an empty array to hold software objects
$idStart = -1 # Variable to determine the start position of ID in the output line
$isStartList = 0 # Flag to determine when to start processing lines
$upgradeResult | ForEach-Object -Process {
# Skip irrelevant lines until the header is found
if ($isStartList -lt 1 -and -not $_.StartsWith("Name") -or $_.StartsWith("---") -or $_.StartsWith("The following packages")) {
# Identify the header line and set the starting position of the ID column
if ($_.StartsWith("Name")) {
$idStart = $_.toLower().IndexOf("id") # Find the starting position of the ID column
$isStartList = 1 # Mark that we have found the header and can start processing
# Skip lines that are too short to contain valid data
if ($_.Length -lt $idStart) {
# Create a new software object and extract information
$Software = [Software]::new()
$Software.Name = $_.Substring(0, $idStart - 1).Trim() # Extract the name from the line
$info = $_.Substring($idStart) -split '\s+' # Split the rest of the line by whitespace
$Software.Id = $info[0] # Extract the ID
$Software.Version = $info[1] # Extract the current version
$Software.AvailableVersion = $info[2] # Extract the available version
# Add the software object to the upgrades list
$upgrades += $Software
# Display the list of upgrades in a table format
$upgrades | Format-Table
# Iterate through the list of upgrades and execute them if they are not in the skip list
$upgrades | ForEach-Object -Process {
# Check if the current software ID is in the skip list
if ($skipUpdate -contains $_.Id) {
Write-Host "Skipped upgrade to package $($_.Id)"
# Upgrade the software package
Write-Host "Going to upgrade $($_.Id)"
winget upgrade --id $_.Id --include-unknown --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --silent
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