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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Toy linefitting
import numpy
from numpy import log, isnan, isfinite, sin, cos, tan, abs, any, pi
import scipy, scipy.stats
import pymultinest
import json
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
outputfiles_basename = "mnchains_toy_"
print 'loading data...'
data = numpy.loadtxt(sys.argv[1],
dtype=[(colname, 'f') for colname in 'x', 'x_err', 'y', 'y_err', 'cor'],
allsamples = []
# convert each data point description into many samples from its error distribution
for row in data:
x, x_err, y, y_err, cor = row
cov = [[x_err**2, cor*(x_err*y_err)], [cor*(x_err*y_err), y_err**2]]
allsamples.append(scipy.random.multivariate_normal([x, y], cov, size=40))
allsamples = numpy.array(allsamples)
x = allsamples[:,:,0]
y = allsamples[:,:,1]
print 'loading data... done'
def prior(cube, ndim, nparams):
# angle of line
cube[0] = (cube[0] - 0.5) * pi
# origin
cube[1] = cube[1] - 0.5
# intrinsic scatter, orthogonal to line; log
cube[2] = cube[2] * 3 - 2
plot = False
def likelihood(cube, ndim, nparams):
angle = cube[0]
origin = cube[1]
logscatter = cube[2]
rv = scipy.stats.norm(0, 10**logscatter)
#rv = scipy.stats.t(1, 0, 10**logscatter)
# compute the density at x/y of the postulated line relation
# compute distance from line
xline = ((y - origin) / sin(angle)) * cos(angle)
distance = abs(x - xline) * tan(angle)
rowlike = rv.pdf(distance).mean(axis=1)
totalloglike = numpy.log(rowlike).sum()
if plot:
print xline.shape, y.shape
plt.plot(xline, y, '+', color='orange')
#print totalloglike, angle, origin, logscatter, numpy.abs(distance).max()
if not isfinite(totalloglike): # NaNs, Infs
return -1e300
return totalloglike
except Exception as e:
print e
# number of dimensions our problem has
parameters = ["angle", "origin", "logscatter"]
n_params = len(parameters)
# run MultiNest, prior, n_params, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename,
importance_nested_sampling = False, n_live_points=400, resume = True, verbose = True,
# lets analyse the results
a = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
stats = a.get_stats()
# store name of parameters, always useful
with file('%sparams.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(stats, f, indent=2)
plt.plot(data['x'], data['y'], 'x', ms=3, color='k', alpha=0.1)
plt.xlim(data['x'].min() - 0.1, data['x'].max() + 0.1)
plt.ylim(data['y'].min() - 0.1, data['y'].max() + 0.1)
def plot_line(angle, origin, logscatter, **kwargs):
t = numpy.linspace(-10, 10, 40)
x = t * cos(angle)
y = t * sin(angle) + origin
plt.plot(x, y, '-', **kwargs)
x1 = x + 10**logscatter * sin(angle)
y1 = y + 10**logscatter * cos(angle)
plt.plot(x1, y1, '--', **kwargs)
x1 = x - 10**logscatter * sin(angle)
y1 = y - 10**logscatter * cos(angle)
plt.plot(x1, y1, '--', **kwargs)
for angle, origin, logscatter in a.get_equal_weighted_posterior()[:40,:-1]:
plot_line(angle, origin, logscatter, color='red', alpha=0.1)
ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.55, 0.6, 0.3, 0.25])
x = a.get_equal_weighted_posterior()[:,1]
y = a.get_equal_weighted_posterior()[:,0] / pi * 180
ax.plot(x, y, 'x ', color='k')
ax.set_ylabel('angle [degree]')
ax.set_xlabel('y offset')
ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.55, 0.17, 0.3, 0.2])
ax.hist(a.get_equal_weighted_posterior()[:,2], color='k', histtype='step')
ax.set_xlabel('log scatter')
plt.savefig(outputfiles_basename + 'predict.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig(outputfiles_basename + 'predict.png', bbox_inches='tight')
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