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Created May 3, 2023 05:00
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<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="BenchmarkDotNet" Version="0.13.5" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\FlexVer\FlexVer.csproj" />
* To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
* and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
* worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
* See <>
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace FlexVer;
* Implements FlexVer, a SemVer-compatible intuitive comparator for free-form versioning strings as
* seen in the wild. It's designed to sort versions like people do, rather than attempting to force
* conformance to a rigid and limited standard. As such, it imposes no restrictions. Comparing two
* versions with differing formats will likely produce nonsensical results (garbage in, garbage out),
* but best effort is made to correct for basic structural changes, and versions of differing length
* will be parsed in a logical fashion.
public static class FlexVerComparer
public static IComparer<string> Default { get; } = new FlexVerComparerImpl();
private sealed class FlexVerComparerImpl : IComparer<string>
// ReSharper disable once MemberHidesStaticFromOuterClass
public int Compare(string? x, string? y)
if (x is null) return y is null ? 0 : -1;
if (y is null) return 1;
return FlexVerComparer.Compare(x, y);
/// <summary>
/// Parse the given strings as freeform version strings, and compare them according to FlexVer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a">the first version string</param>
/// <param name="b">the second version string</param>
/// <returns><c>0</c> if the two versions are equal, a negative number if <c>a &lt; b</c>, or a positive number if <c>a &gt; b</c></returns>
public static int Compare(string a, string b)
if (a is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(a));
if (b is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(b));
List<VersionComponent> ad = Decompose(a);
List<VersionComponent> bd = Decompose(b);
int highestCount = Math.Max(ad.Count, bd.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < highestCount; i++) {
int c = Get(ad, i).CompareTo(Get(bd, i));
if (c != 0) return c;
return 0;
private static readonly VersionComponent Null = NullVersionComponent.Instance;
internal class NullVersionComponent : VersionComponent
public static NullVersionComponent Instance { get; } = new();
public override int CompareTo(VersionComponent other)
=> ReferenceEquals(other, Null) ? 0 : -other.CompareTo(this);
private NullVersionComponent() : base(Array.Empty<int>())
{ }
internal class VersionComponent
public int[] Codepoints { get; }
public VersionComponent(int[] codepoints)
Codepoints = codepoints;
public virtual int CompareTo(VersionComponent that)
if (ReferenceEquals(that, Null)) return 1;
int[] a = this.Codepoints;
int[] b = that.Codepoints;
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(a.Length, b.Length); i++) {
int c1 = a[i];
int c2 = b[i];
if (c1 != c2) return c1 - c2;
return a.Length - b.Length;
public override string ToString() => new string(Codepoints.Select(el => (char)el).ToArray());
internal sealed class SemVerPrereleaseVersionComponent : VersionComponent
public SemVerPrereleaseVersionComponent(int[] codepoints) : base (codepoints) { }
public override int CompareTo(VersionComponent that)
if (ReferenceEquals(that, Null)) return -1; // opposite order
return base.CompareTo(that);
internal sealed class NumericVersionComponent : VersionComponent
public NumericVersionComponent(int[] codepoints) : base(codepoints) { }
public override int CompareTo(VersionComponent that)
if (ReferenceEquals(that, Null)) return 1;
if (that is NumericVersionComponent) {
ReadOnlySpan<int> a = RemoveLeadingZeroes(this.Codepoints);
ReadOnlySpan<int> b = RemoveLeadingZeroes(that.Codepoints);
if (a.Length != b.Length) return a.Length-b.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) {
int ad = a[i];
int bd = b[i];
if (ad != bd) return ad-bd;
return 0;
return base.CompareTo(that);
private static ReadOnlySpan<int> RemoveLeadingZeroes(ReadOnlySpan<int> a)
if (a.Length == 1) return a;
int i = 0;
while (i < a.Length && a[i] == '0') {
return a[i..];
* Break apart a string into intuitive version components, by splitting it where a run of
* characters changes from numeric to non-numeric.
internal static List<VersionComponent> Decompose(string str)
if (string.Empty == str) return new List<VersionComponent>();
bool lastWasNumber = char.IsAsciiDigit(str[0]);
var stringInfo = new StringInfo(str);
int totalCodepoints = stringInfo.LengthInTextElements;
int[] accum = new int[totalCodepoints];
List<VersionComponent> outComponents = new();
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) {
char cp = str[i];
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(cp)) i++;
if (cp == '+') break; // remove appendices
bool isNumber = char.IsAsciiDigit(cp);
if (isNumber != lastWasNumber || (cp == '-' && j > 0 && accum[0] != '-')) {
outComponents.Add(CreateComponent(lastWasNumber, accum, j));
j = 0;
lastWasNumber = isNumber;
accum[j] = cp;
outComponents.Add(CreateComponent(lastWasNumber, accum, j));
return outComponents;
private static VersionComponent CreateComponent(bool number, int[] s, int j)
s = s[..j];
if (number) {
return new NumericVersionComponent(s);
if (s.Length > 1 && s[0] == '-') {
return new SemVerPrereleaseVersionComponent(s);
return new VersionComponent(s);
private static VersionComponent Get(List<VersionComponent> li, int i)
=> i >= li.Count ? Null : li[i];
* To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
* and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
* worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
* See <>
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace FlexVer;
* Implements FlexVer, a SemVer-compatible intuitive comparator for free-form versioning strings as
* seen in the wild. It's designed to sort versions like people do, rather than attempting to force
* conformance to a rigid and limited standard. As such, it imposes no restrictions. Comparing two
* versions with differing formats will likely produce nonsensical results (garbage in, garbage out),
* but best effort is made to correct for basic structural changes, and versions of differing length
* will be parsed in a logical fashion.
public static class FlexVerComparerV2
public static IComparer<string> Default { get; } = new FlexVerComparerImpl();
private sealed class FlexVerComparerImpl : IComparer<string>
// ReSharper disable once MemberHidesStaticFromOuterClass
public int Compare(string? x, string? y)
if (x is null) return y is null ? 0 : -1;
if (y is null) return 1;
return FlexVerComparer.Compare(x, y);
/// <summary>
/// Parse the given strings as freeform version strings, and compare them according to FlexVer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a">the first version string</param>
/// <param name="b">the second version string</param>
/// <returns><c>0</c> if the two versions are equal, a negative number if <c>a &lt; b</c>, or a positive number if <c>a &gt; b</c></returns>
public static int Compare(string a, string b)
if (a is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(a));
if (b is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(b));
var offsetA = 0;
var offSetB = 0;
Span<int> codepointsA = stackalloc int[32]; // 32 arbitrarily chosen
Span<int> codepointsB = stackalloc int[32];
while (true) {
var ac = GetNextVersionComponent(a, ref offsetA, codepointsA);
var bc = GetNextVersionComponent(b, ref offSetB, codepointsB);
if (ac.ComponentType is VersionComponentType.Null && bc.ComponentType is VersionComponentType.Null) {
return 0;
int c = VersionComponent.CompareTo(ac, bc);
if (c != 0) return c;
internal enum VersionComponentType
[DebuggerDisplay("{ComponentType} | '{Codepoints}'")]
internal ref struct VersionComponent
public ReadOnlySpan<int> Codepoints { get; }
public VersionComponentType ComponentType { get; }
public VersionComponent(ReadOnlySpan<int> codepoints, VersionComponentType componentType)
Codepoints = codepoints;
ComponentType = componentType;
public static int CompareTo(VersionComponent cur, VersionComponent other)
#pragma warning disable CS8524
return cur.ComponentType switch
#pragma warning restore CS8524
VersionComponentType.Default => CompareToBase(cur, other),
VersionComponentType.Null when other.ComponentType == VersionComponentType.Null => 0,
VersionComponentType.Null => -CompareToBase(other, cur),
VersionComponentType.Numeric => CompareToNumeric(cur, other),
VersionComponentType.SemVerPrerelease => CompareToSemVerPrerelease(cur, other)
public static int CompareToBase(VersionComponent cur, VersionComponent other)
if (other.ComponentType == VersionComponentType.Null) return 1;
ReadOnlySpan<int> a = cur.Codepoints;
ReadOnlySpan<int> b = other.Codepoints;
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(a.Length, b.Length); i++) {
int c1 = a[i];
int c2 = b[i];
if (c1 != c2) return c1 - c2;
return a.Length - b.Length;
public static int CompareToNumeric(VersionComponent cur, VersionComponent that)
if (that.ComponentType == VersionComponentType.Null) return 1;
if (that.ComponentType == VersionComponentType.Numeric) {
ReadOnlySpan<int> a = RemoveLeadingZeroes(cur.Codepoints);
ReadOnlySpan<int> b = RemoveLeadingZeroes(that.Codepoints);
if (a.Length != b.Length) return a.Length-b.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) {
int ad = a[i];
int bd = b[i];
if (ad != bd) return ad-bd;
return 0;
return CompareToBase(cur, that);
public static int CompareToSemVerPrerelease(VersionComponent left, VersionComponent right)
if (right.ComponentType == VersionComponentType.Null) return -1; // opposite order
return CompareToBase(left, right);
private static ReadOnlySpan<int> RemoveLeadingZeroes(ReadOnlySpan<int> a)
if (a.Length == 1) return a;
int i = 0;
while (i < a.Length && a[i] == '0') {
return a[i..];
public override string ToString() => new string(Codepoints.ToArray().Select(el => (char)el).ToArray());
internal static VersionComponent GetNextVersionComponent(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, ref int i, Span<int> writableComponentCodepoints)
if (span.Length == i) {
return new VersionComponent(ReadOnlySpan<int>.Empty, VersionComponentType.Null);
bool lastWasNumber = char.IsAsciiDigit(span[i]);
ValueListBuilder<int> builder = new ValueListBuilder<int>(writableComponentCodepoints); // 16 arbitrarily chosen
int j = 0;
while (i < span.Length) {
char cp = span[i];
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(cp)) i++;
if (cp == '+') break; // remove appendices
bool isNumber = char.IsAsciiDigit(cp);
if (isNumber != lastWasNumber || (cp == '-' && j > 0 && builder[0] != '-')) {
return CreateComponent(lastWasNumber, builder.AsSpan(), j);
return CreateComponent(lastWasNumber, builder.AsSpan(), j);
private static VersionComponent CreateComponent(bool number, ReadOnlySpan<int> s, int j)
s = s[..j];
if (number) {
return new VersionComponent(s, VersionComponentType.Numeric);
if (s.Length > 1 && s[0] == '-') {
return new VersionComponent(s, VersionComponentType.SemVerPrerelease);
return new VersionComponent(s, VersionComponentType.Default);
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using FlexVer;
var instance = new Benchmarker();
// instance.CompareAll_AV2();
public class Benchmarker
private List<(string, string)> _versionsToCompare = null!;
// private List<string> _versionsToSort = null!;
public void CompareAll_AV2_StackAlloc_ToArray()
foreach (var (a, b) in _versionsToCompare) {
FlexVerComparerV2.Compare(a, b);
public void CompareAll_Existing()
foreach (var (a, b) in _versionsToCompare) {
FlexVerComparer.Compare(a, b);
#region TestData
public void Setup()
_versionsToCompare = VersionsToTest.Split('\n')
.Where(line => !line.StartsWith('#'))
.Where(line => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
.Select(line =>
var split = line.Split(' ');
if (split.Length != 3) throw new ArgumentException($"Line formatted incorrectly, expected 2 spaces: '{line}'");
return (split[0], split[2]);
private const string VersionsToTest = """
# This test file is formatted as "<lefthand> <operator> <righthand>", seperated by the space character
# Implementations should ignore lines starting with "#" and lines that have a length of 0
# Basic numeric ordering (lexical string sort fails these)
10 > 2
100 > 10
# Trivial common numerics
1.0 < 1.1
1.0 < 1.0.1
1.1 > 1.0.1
# SemVer compatibility
1.5 > 1.5-pre1
1.5 = 1.5+foobar
# SemVer incompatibility
1.5 < 1.5-2
1.5-pre10 > 1.5-pre2
# Check boundary between textual and prerelease
a-a < a
# Check boundary between textual and appendix
a+a = a
# Dash is included in prerelease comparison (if stripped it will be a smaller component)
# Note that a-a < a=a regardless since the prerelease splits the component creating a smaller first component; 0 is added to force splitting regardless
a0-a < a0=a
# Pre-releases must contain only non-digit
1.16.5-10 > 1.16.5
# Pre-releases can have multiple dashes (should not be split)
# Reasoning for test data: "p-a!" > "p-a-" (correct); "p-a!" < "p-a t-" (what happens if every dash creates a new component)
-a- > -a!
# Misc
b1.7.3 > a1.2.6
b1.2.6 > a1.7.3
a1.1.2 < a1.1.2_01
1.16.5-0.00.5 > 1.14.2-1.3.7
1.0.0 < 1.0.0_01
1.0.1 > 1.0.0_01
1.0.0_01 < 1.0.1
0.17.1-beta.1 < 0.17.1
0.17.1-beta.1 < 0.17.1-beta.2
1.4.5_01 = 1.4.5_01+fabric-1.17
1.4.5_01 = 1.4.5_01+fabric-1.17+ohgod
14w16a < 18w40b
18w40a < 18w40b
1.4.5_01+fabric-1.17 < 18w40b
13w02a < c0.3.0_01
0.6.0-1.18.x < 0.9.beta-1.18.x
#endregion TestData
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace FlexVer;
internal ref struct ValueListBuilder<T>
private Span<T> _span;
private int _pos;
public static ValueListBuilder<T> Empty()
=> new ValueListBuilder<T>(Span<T>.Empty);
public ValueListBuilder(Span<T> initialSpan)
_span = initialSpan;
_pos = 0;
public int Length
get => _pos;
Debug.Assert(value >= 0);
Debug.Assert(value <= _span.Length);
_pos = value;
public int Capacity
get => _span.Length;
public ref T this[int index]
Debug.Assert(index < _pos);
return ref _span[index];
public void Append(T item)
int pos = _pos;
if (pos >= _span.Length)
_span[pos] = item;
_pos = pos + 1;
public void AppendRange(T[] items)
int pos = _pos;
while (pos + items.Length >= _span.Length) {
foreach (T item in items)
_span[pos] = item;
_pos = pos + 1;
public ReadOnlySpan<T> AsSpan()
return _span[.._pos];
public void Grow()
T[] array = new T[_span.Length * 2];
bool success = _span.TryCopyTo(array);
_span = array;
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