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Last active August 16, 2023 13:47
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In MS SQL Server 2016 T-SQL, convert large hexadecimal to decimal (numeric(38)) and back

This is some code I wrote in a doomed attempt to deal with some long hex strings in some of our database objects.

The effort was doomed, but this code seems to work fine.

The strings I was working with were fixed 24-hex-digit strings, but you could probably make this variable length (so long as the values fit in numeric(38) values).

This was for Sql Server 2016, so I didn't have string_split() or string_agg(). (String_split doesn't take empty string or null for separator.)

create or alter function dbo.fn_fromHex(
@hexStr char(24)
, @powers dbo.udt_tbl_powers READONLY -- Result of fn_powers()
Converts a 24-digit hexadecimal number (e.g., Sisense oid) to decimal so math can be performed on it (e.g., +1).
-- declare @characters dbo.udt_tbl_characterPositions = dbo.fn_stringToTableOfCharsIndexedFromRight ( upper( @hexStr));
-- declare @invalid_count int = (select count(*)
-- from @characters c
-- where 1 = 0
-- or c.character < '0'
-- or c.character > 'F'
-- or (c.character > '9' and c.character < 'A'))
-- if (@invalid_count <> 0)
-- begin
-- raiserror ('Unexpected character in string', 16, 1) -- throw 50000, 'Unexpected character in string', 1
-- end
declare @retval numeric(38);
select @retval = sum(p.power *
when c.character >= '0' and c.character <= '9'
then ascii(c.character) - 48 -- 48 = ascii('0')
when c.character >= 'A' and c.character <= 'F'
then ascii(c.character) - 65 + 10 -- 65 = ascii('A')
when c.character > 'a' and c.character <= 'f'
then ascii(c.character) - 97 + 10 -- 97 = ascii('a')
0 -- throw 50000, 'Unexpected character "' + c.character + '" at position ' + c.position, 1
from @powers p
join dbo.fn_stringToTableOfCharsIndexedFromRight(upper(@hexStr)) c on p.exponent = c.position;
return @retval
create or alter function dbo.fn_powers(@base numeric(38), @count int)
Returns a table of @count computed powers of the given @base, from 0 to @count-1.
Column "exponent" has values 0..@count-1.
Column "power" has the result of @base raised to the "exponent" power.
The intent is that, if you are converting a lot of hex numbers back and forth, you construct this table only once.
returns @powers table
exponent numeric(38) primary key,
power numeric(38)
declare @i int = 0
while @i < @count
insert @powers (exponent, power) values (@i, power(@base, @i))
set @i = @i + 1
create or alter function dbo.fn_stringToTableOfCharsIndexedFromRight(@str varchar(24))
returns @tbl table
position int primary key,
character char
) as
Returns a table consisting of one row for each character in the given string, with the position (0-based) of the
character indexed from the right end of the string.
(For hexadecimal numbers, the position index is the power of 16 corresponding to each digit position.)
declare @i int = 0;
declare @strLen int = len(@str)
declare @character char;
while @i < @strLen
set @character = substring(@str, @strLen - @i, 1)
insert @tbl (position, character) values (@i, @character)
set @i = @i + 1
create or alter function dbo.fn_toHex(
@number numeric(38)
, @powers dbo.udt_tbl_powers READONLY -- Result of fn_powers().
-- @debugOutput table
-- (
-- position int,
-- divisor numeric(38),
-- quotient numeric(38),
-- scratch numeric(38),
-- digit char,
-- finalResult varchar(24)
-- )
Converts a large decimal number (assumed to fit within 24 hex digits, though) to a hexadecimal string.
declare @hexDigits table
position int primary key,
digit char
declare @scratch numeric(38) = @number;
-- For @position, could optimize by setting to (select max(p.exponent) from @powers p where p.power < @number),
-- but I happen to know we'll be dealing with large numbers, so no need at this time.
declare @position int = 23;
declare @quotient numeric(38)
declare @divisor numeric(38)
declare @digit char;
while @position >= 0
set @divisor = (select top (1) p.power from @powers p where p.exponent = @position);
set @quotient = floor( @scratch / @divisor);
set @scratch = @scratch % @divisor;
set @digit = case
when @quotient < 10 then char(48 + @quotient)
else char(97 - 10 + @quotient)
insert @hexDigits (position, digit) values (@position, @digit)
-- insert @debugOutput (position, divisor, quotient, scratch, digit)
-- values (@position, @divisor, @quotient, @scratch, @digit)
set @position = @position - 1
-- And now we do Something Horrible: select the characters into a JSON string and munge it up in place.
declare @digitString varchar(max);
set @digitString =
(select hd.digit d from @hexDigits hd order by hd.position desc for json path, without_array_wrapper);
-- @digitString looks like this: {"d":"a"},{"d":"b"},{"d":"c"}
set @digitString = replace(replace(@digitString, '{"d":"', ''), '"},', '');
-- @digitString looks like this: abc"}
set @digitString = substring(@digitString, 1, len(@digitString) - 2);
-- insert @debugOutput (finalResult) values (@digitString)
return cast(@digitString as varchar(24));
create type dbo.udt_tbl_characterPositions as table
position int primary key,
character char
create type dbo.udt_tbl_powers as table
exponent numeric(38) primary key ,
power numeric(38)
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JohnL4 commented Aug 16, 2023

Prolly shouldn't use max here, maybe varchar(240) or so?

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