Enter this in the search box along with your search terms:
Get all gists from the user santisbon.
Find all gists with a .yml extension.
# ls *.xml | % {[xml] $xml = cat $_; $xml.Cloud["Cloud.Tabls"].Tables.CloudTable | % { [PSCustomObject] @{ Server = $_["CloudTable.ConnectionProperties"].SqlServerConnectionProperties.Server; Database = $_["CloudTable.ConnectionProperties"].SqlServerConnectionProperties.Database}}} | |
ls .\*.xml ` | |
| % {[xml] $xml = cat $_; # Cast to [xml] magically parses XML text into an XmlElement (document). | |
# $xml | gm # Then you just have to navigate the various children and attributes. | |
$xml.Cloud["Cloud.Tables"].Tables.CloudTable ` | |
| % { | |
# $_ | gm | |
[PSCustomObject] @{ # Cast to [PSCustomObject] "magically" turns a hash into an object w/hash key-value pairs as properties. | |
Server = $_["Clou |
# Wrap your entire script in a try-catch block: | |
try { | |
# Do stuff | |
} | |
catch { | |
Write-Error ("{0}`n{1}" -f $_, $_.ScriptStackTrace) | |
} |
get-service sisense* | select Status,Name,StartType | ft -au -wr | |
Get-CimInstance -ComputerName p8SisMnWeb01s,p8SisMnWeb02s,p8SisMnWeb03s -ClassName Win32_Service ` | |
| ? {$_.Name -match 'sisense.*'} ` | |
| select PSComputerName,State,ProcessID,Name,StartMode,StartName ` | |
| sort PSComputerName,Name ` | |
| ft -au -wr | |
ps *Sisense*,*Elasticube* | select ProcessName,StartTime,Path,Description | sort StartTime -desc | ft -au -wr | |
Enter this in the search box along with your search terms:
Get all gists from the user santisbon.
Find all gists with a .yml extension.
<# | |
Process pipeline junk | |
.NOTES | |
The mere presense of CmdletBinding() gives the -Verbose (-vb) parameter, so all Write-Verbose statement actually work. | |
Adding SupportsShouldProcess=$true gives -WhatIf, and all things this function/script does that can affect the system get turned | |
into verbose dry run ops. | |
#> | |
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] # Attribute goes on 'param' keyword. |
ls $src | ? {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).AddMinutes( -5)} | cp -dest $dest -for -pass |
# Hash table syntax is @{ name = value; name = value; ... } -- Curly braces and semicolons | |
$map = @{ key1 = "value1"; key2 = 3.14 } | |
echo $map.key1 # "value1" | |
echo $map["key2"] # 3.14 | |
# Coerce it to a new object | |
[PSCustomObject] $map | |
# Btw, you can SELECT a "calculated property" (or synthetic property, if that's how your brain works): |
import os | |
import yaml | |
import logging.config | |
import logging | |
import coloredlogs | |
def setup_logging(default_path='logging.yaml', default_level=logging.INFO, env_key='LOG_CFG'): | |
""" | |
| **@author:** Prathyush SP | |
| Logging Setup |
<# | |
This might help in finding that pesky windows service that's always locking you out when you change your password and reboot. | |
#> | |
# ft is Format-Table; -auto is auto column width; -wrap is wrap text if necessary | |
Get-WmiObject win32_service | sort startname,startmode,state,displayname | select StartMode,State,StartName,DisplayName | ft -auto -wrap | |
# Or you can select only certain services. | |
# '?' is 'where' alias; -match uses regular expressions; -not is (obviously) a 'not' operator. | |
Get-WmiObject win32_service | ? {-not ($_.state -match 'running')} | sort startname,displayname | select StartMode,State,StartName,DisplayName | ft -auto -wrap |
ls -rec | ? {-not ($_.FullName -match '\\(NUnitConsole|TestRun)\\')} | write-zip -output "$(datefn).zip" | |
#### If you want to get fancier... | |
# (1) Make a list of files touched in the last hour. | |
$fs = ls c:\work\sxa\18.4cu2\Projects\VisitRecord\VRDotNet\Portal\SXA.VR.Portal\bin ` | |
| ? {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-60)} | |
# (2) Add to it. The '+=' operator actually makes a new Array by copying the old Array + the entry(ies). |