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Created September 13, 2024 12:56
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Testing instituional dashboard from no volume
How to test institutional dashboard locally from no volumes.
0. First ensure you have no pre-existing images or volumes, remove any you have, then pull images appropreaiate for
arm/amd, override elasticsearch6 if necesarry
1. Change Postgres env `POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD: trust`
2. Start the postgres container `docker compose up -d postgres` and then enter bash inside of it. `docker compose exec postgres bash`
once in bash open postgres and create a new database for the OSF using `psql` to edit postgres.
root@14a01cd0126a:/# psql -Upostgres
postgres=# create database osf;
3. Once your done with that you still have to migrate into the database so enter bash for the web `docker compose exec web bash` and
Then run `python3 migrate` to run migrations.
4. Run script: `python3 -m scripts.populate_institutions` to create test institutions.
5. Now you can open the shell `python3 osf_shell` and create/edit test users and senarios to setup for the dashboard
and commit the changes. Remember to set the feature flag:
6. run `python3 sync_databases` to generate the es6 metrics indexes.
7. run `python3 monthly_reporters_go yyyy-mm ` to record for the present month.
8. run `python3 update_institution_project_counts`
9. See changes on `http://localhost:5000/institutions/<inst_id>/dashboard/`
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