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  • Save JokerMartini/4be7febf2c159cdf2888 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JokerMartini/4be7febf2c159cdf2888 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Maxscript: This snippet demonstrates how to create a simple geometry plugin for 3ds Max using a combination of custom geometry and a primitive.
plugin simpleObject IntegratedMesh
category:"Standard Primitives"
classID:#(0x512e8ff9, 0x51aefc78)
parameters main rollout:rltParams
enableTube type:#boolean default:false ui:uiEnableTube
tubeRadius type:#worldUnits default:6 ui:uiTubeRadius
frameWidth type:#worldUnits default:30 ui:uiFrameWidth
frameSegs type:#integer default:4 ui:uiFrameSegs
numDupes type:#integer default:5 ui:uiNumDupes
DupeDist type:#float default:10 ui:uiDupeDist
rollout rltParams "Parameters"
checkbox uiEnableTube "Enable Tube" offset:[6,4]
spinner uiTubeRadius "Tube Radius:" range:[.1,1e9,0] type:#worldUnits
spinner uiFrameWidth "Frame Width:" range:[0,1e9,0] type:#worldunits offset:[0,6]
spinner uiFrameSegs "Segments:" range:[2,1e9,1] type:#integer
spinner uiNumDupes "Duplicates:" range:[0,100,5] type:#integer offset:[0,3]
spinner uiDupeDist "Distance:" range:[0,100000,10] type:#worldunits offset:[0,3]
fn genFramePlatform start:[0,0,0] =
local FrameVerts = #()
/* Create first strip of verts */
for r = 0 to frameSegs-1 do
rowSet = (frameWidth/(frameSegs-1))*r
for s = 0 to frameSegs-1 do
offset = (frameWidth/(frameSegs-1))*s
vertPos = start + [offset,rowSet,0]
append FrameVerts vertPos
return FrameVerts
fn genMesh =
/*Set Vertices*/
local verticesArr = #()
/* Platform of Verts */
frameVerts = genFramePlatform start:[0,0,0]
join verticesArr frameVerts
/*Set Faces*/
local facesArr = #()
local count = frameSegs
local endCounter = count
local loops = frameSegs * frameSegs - frameSegs --total number of verts minus last set
for l = 1 to loops do
if l < endCounter then --less then
append facesArr [l+1, l, l+count]
append facesArr [l+count , l+count+1 , l+1 ]
--only needed if planning on connecting start/end edges like a tube
endCounter += count --reset strip of verts
/*Set Mesh*/
platformMesh = setMesh mesh verts:verticesArr faces:facesArr
/*Dupe Meshes*/
local meshes = #()
for i = 1 to numDupes do
local newMesh = copy mesh
meshop.moveVert newMesh #{1..(newMesh.numverts)} [0,0,i*DupeDist]
append meshes newMesh
for m in meshes do
meshop.attach mesh m
free m
free meshes
/* Tube */
if enableTube do
local tub = createinstance Tube pos:[0,0,0] sides:8 heightsegs:20 capsegs:1 height:30 radius1:tubeRadius radius2:(tubeRadius/2) smooth:on
meshop.attach mesh tub.mesh
free tub
update mesh
on buildMesh do (genMesh())
tool create
on mousePoint click do ()
on mouseMove click do ()
delete objects
m = IntegratedMesh()
m.vertexticks = true
select m
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