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Created April 7, 2016 18:22
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Maxscript: Example demonstrates a way to rename list items using a popup dialog.
try (destroyDialog ::rlGroupsList) Catch()
rollout rlGroupsList "Groups"
local Groups = #("test","candy","mike")
local index = undefined
button uiAdd "Add"
multilistbox uiGroupsList ""
fn SetNewName str:"" =
append Groups str
uiGroupsList.items = Groups
fn IsUniqueString strArr:#() str:"" =
for s in strArr do
if (matchPattern s pattern:str ignorecase:true) AND str != "" AND str != " " do
return false
return true
fn NameInput =
rollout rlNameInput "Group Name"
dotnetcontrol uiName "Textbox" text:"" width:140 pos:[10,10]
on uiName keyUp s e do
if not (IsUniqueString strArr:Groups str:uiName.text) then
uiName.ForeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 255 0 0
uiName.ForeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 0 0 0
if e.KeyCode == e.KeyCode.Enter do
SetNewName str:uiName.text
try(DestroyDialog ::rlNameInput)catch()
if e.KeyCode == e.KeyCode.Escape do
try(DestroyDialog ::rlNameInput)catch()
on rlNameInput open do
setfocus uiName
createDialog rlNameInput 160 50 modal:true
fn RenameGroup =
if index != unsupplied do
rollout rlNameInput "Group Name"
dotnetcontrol uiName "Textbox" text:"" width:140 pos:[10,10]
on uiName keyUp s e do
if not (IsUniqueString strArr:Groups str:uiName.text) then
uiName.ForeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 255 0 0
uiName.ForeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 0 0 0
if e.KeyCode == e.KeyCode.Enter do
Groups[index] = uiName.text
uiGroupsList.items = Groups
try(DestroyDialog ::rlNameInput)catch()
if e.KeyCode == e.KeyCode.Escape do
try(DestroyDialog ::rlNameInput)catch()
on rlNameInput open do
uiName.text = Groups[index]
setfocus uiName
uiName.SelectionStart = 0
uiName.SelectionLength = uiName.text.count
createDialog rlNameInput 160 50 modal:true
on uiGroupsList doubleClicked idx do
if idx >= 1 do
index = idx
on uiAdd pressed do
on rlGroupsList open do
uiGroupsList.items = Groups
createDialog rlGroupsList
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