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Last active May 3, 2017 17:29
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Support Questionnaire

When contacting us with questions, please provide the following information to enable us to best help you.

Required Information

  • Cache Name

  • Date&Time when issue started and ended. Note: A 1-2 hour time window is ideal. If the issue is intermittent, please provide exact times for a few of the errors so that we can correlate with our logs.

    Important: Please Specify whether times are in UTC or some other Time Zone. If you do not clarify the time zone, we don't know what time window you are referring to since we are a global service.

  • Exception messages with full stack trace

  • Is the client running in the same Azure region as your cache?

  • Redis client library being used and Package Version (e.g. StackExchange.Redis 1.2.1, Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider 2.0.1, jedis 2.1.0, etc)

Optional (but helpful) information

  • Code snippet showing how your application configures and uses the ConnectionMultiplexer object. If using a connection string, please include the connection string value (minus the password). If not using a connection string, please paste code showing configuration options chosen for the client (e.g. ConfigurationOptions class settings in StackExchange.Redis).

  • What is the size of the value you are getting from or putting into the cache?

  • Did anything change in your client around the time of the error? Were you scaling the number of client instances up or down, or deploying a new version of the client? Does your client have auto-scale enabled?

  • What was the CPU utilization on your client both before and during the incident? What is the highest CPU % you see during the time window in question?

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