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Last active June 22, 2018 17:32
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CryptoCurrency Dashboard Challenge


Create a web application to display in real time the price of the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin (BTC) and Etherium (ETH)

User stories

Feature: As a visitor I should be able to see a graph with the last prices of
the BTC and ETH currencies

Scenario: Live graph
  Given I'm a visitor
  When I enter into the site
  Then I should see the graph with the last prices of the BTC and ETH currencies
  And the graph should be automatically updated in real time

Feature: As a visitor I should be able to use the currency calculator

Scenario: BTC to USD/EUR
  Given I'm a visitor
  When I enter into the site
  And I select BTC as cryptocurrency in the calculator
  And I enter 200 in the input
  Then I should see the equivalent in USD
  And If I change the currency to EUR
  Then The calculator should update the equivalent in EUR

Scenario: ETH to USD/EUR
  Given I'm a visitor
  When I enter into the site
  And I select ETH as cryptocurrency in the calculator
  And I enter 200 in the input
  Then I should see the equivalent in USD
  And If I change the currency to EUR
  Then The calculator should update the equivalent in EUR

Scenario: Auto-update accordingly with the last price
  Given I'm a visitor
  When I enter into the site
  And I select BTC as cryptocurrency in the calculator
  And I enter 200 in the input
  Then I should see the equivalent in USD
  Then The price of BTC is updated
  Then The calculator should update the equivalent in USD

Feature: As a visitor I should be able to see a table in real time with the price of BTC and ETH

Scenario: Table with live prices of BTC
  Given I'm a visitor
  When I enter into the site
  Then I should see a table with the following information
    | Time   | USD   | EUR   |
    | <time> | <USD> | <EUR> |
  And The table must be updated every 10 seconds

Scenario: Table with live prices of ETH
  Given I'm a visitor
  When I enter into the site
  Then I should see a table with the following information
    | Time   | USD   | EUR   | BTC              |
    | <time> | <USD> | <EUR> | <BTC equivalent> |
  And The table must be updated every 10 seconds



API for crytpcurrencies

What are we going to evaluate?

  • Quality of the code
  • Logic
  • Architecture used


  • Add tests - TDD/BDD
  • Use angular/react or any other JS framework
  • Use a CSS framework


  • You can use the framework of your preference
  • The code must be uploaded to a github repository
  • The application must be deployed to heroku or any other host provider
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