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Last active December 8, 2024 11:45
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  • Save JonasGroeger/7620911 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JonasGroeger/7620911 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gradle: Read git commit hash.
def getCheckedOutGitCommitHash() {
def gitFolder = "$projectDir/.git/"
def takeFromHash = 12
* '.git/HEAD' contains either
* in case of detached head: the currently checked out commit hash
* otherwise: a reference to a file containing the current commit hash
def head = new File(gitFolder + "HEAD").text.split(":") // .git/HEAD
def isCommit = head.length == 1 // e5a7c79edabbf7dd39888442df081b1c9d8e88fd
// def isRef = head.length > 1 // ref: refs/heads/master
if(isCommit) return head[0].trim().take(takeFromHash) // e5a7c79edabb
def refHead = new File(gitFolder + head[1].trim()) // .git/refs/heads/master
refHead.text.trim().take takeFromHash
// You can also use it somewhere else, not just in jar files.
jar {
// ...
classifier = getCheckedOutGitCommitHash()
// ...
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tomqsm commented Oct 19, 2015

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That function is when you do not have git executable in your path. If you do have git in your path, you can use this instead:

def getCheckedOutGitCommitHash() {
  'git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD'.execute().text.trim()

Same functionality, no?

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After a while refs/heads/ folder is empty because git will pack them into packed-refs file. So this script work only for small unpacked git repository.

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This is awesome, thanks so much for sharing!

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ikstewa commented Aug 5, 2021

You can use grgit as a plugin to support packed-refs as mentioned:

plugins {
    id 'org.ajoberstar.grgit' version '4.1.0'

def getCheckedOutGitCommitHash() {

// You can also use it somewhere else, not just in jar files.
jar {
    // ...
    classifier = getCheckedOutGitCommitHash()
    // ...

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stanio commented Apr 14, 2023

Looks very nice. One detail one may need to account for is the exact location of the .git directory:

Higher level SCMs may provide and manage additional information in the $GIT_DIR.

Then there also could be a .git file vs. directory:

Note: Also you can have a plain text file .git at the root of your working tree, containing gitdir: <path> to point at the real directory that has the repository. This mechanism is often used for a working tree of a submodule checkout...

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Googled to this beautiful script, thanks a lot @JonasGroeger!

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