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Created May 23, 2017 21:09
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WordPress: Replace URLs in the database when moving between servers
-- Run this to replace URLs in the database when moving a WordPress blog from
-- one URL to another.
-- Replace "wp_" with the table prefix you have chosen. (If it's "wp_" you
-- should really change it for added security).
-- You may need to update other tables/columns as well - I normally use
-- phpMyAdmin's database search tool to search for the old URL.
-- Note: Don't replace the guid field if you're changing the URL of a live site,
-- only if you're making a development site live.)
UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, "", ""),
guid = REPLACE(guid, "", "");
UPDATE wp_comments
SET comment_author_url = REPLACE(comment_author_url, "", "");
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