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Created November 6, 2016 06:29
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# UNIX Command-line Stuff for developers I've spent a few years at the UNIX command line professionally and as a student of web development. While I am often surprised at how little most noob developers (and some seasoned ones as well) know about the power of UNIX, I understand completely. We live in a world of the desktop with it's Finders and …
# UNIX Command-line Stuff for developers
I've spent a few years at the UNIX command line professionally and as a student of web development. While I am often surprised at how little most noob developers (and some seasoned ones as well) know about the power of UNIX, I understand completely. We live in a world of the desktop with it's Finders and Explorers. We forget that the command-line .. a.k.a. "Terminal" (or iTerm for people like me) packs a lot of power into it's not-so-pretty interface.
I assume you know a fair amount about getting around in UNIX with cd, ls, mkdir, rm, etc. If you don't, please don't try to understand this, but get yourself some training on basic UNIX (bash, zsh, etc).
## Find
* List directories under the current directory:
find . -type d
* list files and directories under the current directory:
find .
* find javascript or jsx files under the current directory:
find . -type f -name "*.js?$". (I think -- I need to test this one)
More UNIX happiness to come...
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