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Updated script link: | |
https://github.com/blacktwin/JBOPS/blob/master/utility/add_label_recently_added.py |
Can you please help me how to configure and run this script correctly?
I have a library Movies. I want to add label Kids to each movie added that is for example Animation. But how?
if you are doing the initial labeling of your library you can do this manually as its not too difficult to do many items at once. i guess it depends how many movies and storage drives/libraries you have though, and yes i understand you probably want this to be automated like i do, but:
- open Plex Media Server in your browser on PC
- on the left side, click the Library that has your movies
- in the main content area, click where it says "All ↓" with a down arrow icon to filter the movies
- click "Genre", select the genre you want to mass label
- the content area will now be filtered by that genre of movie.
- hover a movie title and click the circle in the top left of the thumbnail to select the movie. unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to "Select all" so you have to manually select any/all movies you want to mass label.
- click the pen/pencil icon at the top right to alter the selected movies' properties
- click "Sharing" and add labels as you wish
is there any way we can alter labels using external software? I can tell Plex to update the media library from other software by using HTTP. Can I alter labels with this method? If so, we could write a utility that looks up a movie's info and then decide what labels to apply to it, and send the request to PMS to apply the labels.
The only way I know to share for kids is to make a Share label for them (you can use the kid's name specifically to handle different age levels) and then manually select the movies you want to allow them to see. I don't know anything about if you can auto label movies in particular folders/directories.
How would one do this via an agent?
when running update script on a movie that has being searched for
I would like to add the website where a review was found in the sharing label
i tried metadata.labels.add('my string')
but that did not work
How might I tweak this to add all my newly added movies into a collection called hide. Im using the new smart collections but they dont hide shit in my library so just want to make sure all new stuff gets hidden automatically.
Just wanted to say this Tautully script worked beautifully! Now If I can only find a way to have Plex not automatically merge library items.
Do you think this would be a good starting point to modify to change audio streams/ subtitles on library add? Specifically I have automation setup for two libraries of anime, one that grabs new episodes (Japanese) and the other will grab multi-audio episodes as they release a little later. I have a custom script setup to delete the old episode with single audio, but then I currently get notified and use PASTA to manually set the tracks. I'd like to automate this too if possible, so let me know if you have any ideas or feedback. Thanks!
could you help with this script a little bit? I have got 3 movie and 3 tv show folder on my nas, I added the folders to my plex library all 3 movie folder to 1 library, I want to automatically adding labels for example Kids for new movies from folder Kids Movies (not by rating)
which section of the scripts must be changing?
I know, I could do it manually, but I want it automatically :D
or somebody :)
thanks, but I don't want to make separate libraries, sharing label works fine, just would be awesome if it works automatically, for example download finished in the middle of the night and on saturday morning my kids could watch it before I'm adding the label (2 or 3 libraries is 2 or 3 times manage process) Emby could handle it by default, but I prefer Plex because the picture quality is better (and some feature is look better in emby but worst to handle it)
thanks, I will looking after it, but labeling is really good 1-1 library to manage with 3 type of users, simple to use if user is young or old
with fast search about automatic collection, I think it can't handle my preferences
User1 (me) see every 3 folder
user2 (kids) only see folder 2 and folder 3
User3 (granparents) only see folder 1 and folder 2
but I don't see options to make collections about the folder where it is
and rating is not option too, for example the last harry potter is pg-13 and loaded weapon 1 is pg-13 too, but my kids could watch hp (with me or my wife) but not loaded weapon (and not mention about movies without us-rating, too many variable, bigger task to makethe rules for ratings then manually adding every single movie or series a label :D )
finally, I think it's work how I want (so-so)
I'm playing with the conditions, and the result was File, contains, (folder name)
trying it with 3 movie, 2 in the specific folder and 1 in other. the 1 in other folder hasnt got the tag, it ok :D but only 1 got the label from the 2 :\
I found out why, for some reason the script only runs on the penultimate one, not on the last one added. so the kids tag only appears if a new movie has been added afterwards
and some time later it added the latest to the latest movie, so its working like a charm with movies
it would be great if there were some solution for series and collections as well
naah, I recently added manually
ah, I understand what you mean, before the script I added manually the label, after the script is added automatically in 5 minutes :) that's good for me :)
can't figured out, why it's not working with series
accidentally I make a notification without condition (file+contains with blank) and the script runs well and write the tag to the series, then I modified the notify like the working with movies (file+contains+animation) then nothing happens, log says there is no animation in the file (and there is, and in xml wiew about an episode i can see there is)
Can this be modified to add a label to an entire TV show (all seasons, all episodes)?