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Created May 13, 2016 19:58
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Hayn 1995 replica, table 4
/* Regressions */
/* Some variables need to be created */
data g_sample;
set b_sample;
/* earnings per share scaled by beginning of year stock price */
e_p = epspx / prcc_f_lag;
/* change in eps scaled by boy stock price */
ch_e_p = (epspx - epspx_lag) / prcc_f_lag;
/* keep observations with no missings */
if missing(e_p + ch_e_p + ret) eq 0;
/* Let's inspect the data: descriptive statistics */
proc means data=g_sample mean median min max N;
var e_p ch_e_p ret;
/* Winsorize outliers ('dampens' first and last percentile) */
/* Import winsorize macro */
filename m1 url '';
%include m1;
/* Invoke winsorize */
%winsor(dsetin=g_sample, byvar=fyear, dsetout=g_sample_wins, vars=e_p ch_e_p ret, type=winsor, pctl=1 99);
/* Take another look at descriptive statistics */
proc means data=g_sample_wins mean median min max N;
var e_p ch_e_p ret;
/* Regressions */
/* Pooled, levels */
proc reg data= g_sample_wins;
model ret = e_p ;
ods output ParameterEstimates = regout_1a
FitStatistics = regout_1b;
/* Pooled, changes */
proc reg data= g_sample_wins;
model ret = ch_e_p;
ods output ParameterEstimates = regout_2a
FitStatistics = regout_2b;
/* Pooled, levels, loss years only */
proc reg data= g_sample_wins (where= (loss eq 1));
model ret = e_p;
ods output ParameterEstimates = regout_3a
FitStatistics = regout_3b;
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