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Created May 13, 2016 19:57
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Hayn 1995 replica, table 1
/* Table 1
Left panel shows by year the #obs, and the #loss years
Right panel shows the same, but for firms that were in the sample from 1968
through 1990 (23 years)
/* Left panel */
/* Using SQL */
proc sql;
create table c_table1_a_1 as
select fyear, count(*) as numObs, sum(loss) as numLossFirms,
/* 'calculated' refers to a variable constructed in the query (as opposed to a variable on the dataset) */
calculated numLossFirms / calculated numObs as percLoss
from b_sample group by fyear;
proc print;run;
/* Using proc means */
proc sort data=b_sample; by fyear; run;
proc means data=b_sample noprint;
output out=c_table1_a_2 n= mean= sum= /autoname;
var loss;
by fyear;
/* Using proc freq (needs further processing, from 'long' to 'wide' format) */
proc freq data=b_sample;
tables loss * fyear / out=c_table1_a_3;
by fyear;
/* How to group years 1962-1967 without changing any of the data (just the presentation) */
/* Define a format */
proc format;
value myYearFormat
/* For any values between 1962 and 1967 */
1962-1967 = '1962-1967'
/* Other values */
other = [best.];
/* Repeat the proc means with the format applied to fyear */
proc means data=b_sample noprint;
output out=c_table1_a_4 n= mean= sum= /autoname;
var loss;
/* Apply the format */
format fyear myYearFormat.;
by fyear;
/* Right panel */
/* We need the subsample of firms that have 23 years of data over 1968-1990 */
proc sql;
create table c_table1_b1 as
select gvkey, count(*) as numYears
from b_sample
where 1968 <= fyear <= 1990
group by gvkey
having numYears eq 23;
/* Using SQL */
proc sql;
create table c_table1_b2 as
select fyear, count(*) as numObs, sum(loss) as numLossFirms,
/* 'calculated' refers to a variable constructed in the query (as opposed to a variable on the dataset) */
calculated numLossFirms / calculated numObs as percLoss
from b_sample
where 1968 <= fyear <= 1990
and gvkey IN (select gvkey from c_table1_b1)
group by fyear;
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