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Created May 13, 2016 19:57
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Hayn 1995 replica, table 2
/* Table 2
Use firms that have at least 8 years of data
Count the number of loss-years
/* For each gvkey, count the #loss-years */
proc sql;
create table d_table2_a as
select gvkey, sum(loss) as lossYears from b_sample
/* gvkey must be in the following table */
where gvkey IN (
/* get gvkey from a table */
select gvkey from (
/* cook the table on the spot */
/* count the number of years for each gvkey */
select gvkey, count(*) as numYears
from b_sample
group by gvkey
/* only if numyears is 8 or more, keep in result */
having numYears >= 8
group by gvkey;
proc format;
value myCountFormat
/* If 10 or higher */
10-100 = '10 or more'
/* Other values */
other = [best.];
/* Using proc freq */
proc freq data=d_table2_a;
tables lossYears / out=d_table2_b;
/* Apply the format */
format lossYears myCountFormat.;
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