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Created July 1, 2016 17:24
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Macro to create dummy variables (non-missing values only)
/* Helper macro to make dummy variables
Note: it is not robust for missing values
%macro createDummyVars(dsin=, var=, newvar=);
proc sql noprint;
select distinct &var. into :mvals separated by '|'
from &dsin.;
/* Number of unique values */
%let mdim=&sqlobs;
data &dsin.;
set &dsin.;
/* Loop through #unique values */
%do _i=1 %to &mdim.;
/* Grab value */
%let _v = %scan(&mvals., &_i., |);
/* Create dummies */
&newvar.&_v. = (&var. eq &_v.);
/* Create year and industry dummies */
%createDummyVars(dsin=da.b_funda, var=fyear, newvar=yr);
%createDummyVars(dsin=da.b_funda, var=sic2, newvar=ind);
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