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Last active July 30, 2021 15:41
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Google vs industry MTB benchmark
/* Example of how to use SAS to retrieve data from WRDS
Computing market-to-book ratio for years 2000-, and benchmark it against
other firms in the industry */
/* this piece of code makes a connection of your SAS instance with WRDS remote server */
%let wrds = 4016;options comamid = TCP remote=WRDS;
signon username=_prompt_;
/* any code executed on WRDS needs to go in a remote submit block, for example: */
%put Hi there! ;
/* Let's get the MTB data for Google, notice how we compute it straight in the query */
proc sql;
/* create a table and name it 'myData' */
create table myData as
/* which variables to select: company name, fiscal year and compute market to book */
select conm, fyear, (csho * prcc_f / ceq) as mtb
/* where to get it from: compustat fundamental annual */
from comp.funda
/* filter: just get Google */
where TIC eq "GOOGL"
/* this is some boilerplate filtering (gets rid of doubles) */
and indfmt='INDL' and datafmt='STD' and popsrc='D' and consol='C';
proc print;run;
/* How about a benchmark: median firm in the industry (SIC: 7370)
proc sql;
/* create a table and name it 'myData2' */
create table myData2 as
/* which variables to select: fiscal year and compute market to book */
select fyear, count(*) as numFirms, median(mtb) as median_mtb
/* where to get it from: a subquery */
from (
select fyear, (csho * prcc_f / ceq) as mtb from comp.funda
/* filter: get all firms in industry 7370 after 2000 */
where SICH eq 7370 and fyear > 2000
/* this is some boilerplate filtering (gets rid of doubles) */
and indfmt='INDL' and datafmt='STD' and popsrc='D' and consol='C'
/* compute it for each year => GROUP BY */
group by fyear;
proc print;run;
/* lets combine the two tables (match on year) */
proc sql;
create table myData3 as
/* from table a (myData) get fyear and mtb (rename as mtb_google) */
select a.fyear, a.mtb as mtb_google,
/* from table b (myData2) get everything ('*') */
from myData a, myData2 b
/* join on fiscal year (we want to match Google's mtb to the industry median for each year)*/
where a.fyear = b.fyear;
proc print;run;
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