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Created May 18, 2016 02:24
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This is an example of how to make an HTTP request using vanilla JS.
'use strict';
// Step One:
// in order to make an HTTP request we need an XMLHTTPRequest (XHR) object.
// Action: use new XMLHttpRequest() to create an XMLHttpRequest object and assign it to a variable.
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
// The variable now holds an XMLHttpRequest object, which looks something like this:
// req = {
// onreadystatechange: null,
// readyState: 0,
// timeout: 0,
// withCredentials: false,
// upload: XMLHttpRequestUpload,
// responseURL: "",
// status: 0,
// statusText: "",
// responseType: "",
// response: ""
// }
// Notice that req.readyState === 0.
// Every new XMLHttpRequest has a readyState of 0.
// Step Four: (skip to Step Two before reading this section)
// When req.readyState changes values, the browser will invoke req.onreadystatechange.
// Action: set req.onreadystatechange to a function.
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
// Every time req.readyState changes this function is invoked.
// Step Five:
// Since we are loading a JSON file, we only care when the request is done.
// Remember, when a request is done loading readyState === 4.
// Action: check if the request is finished loading:
if (req.readyState === 4) {
// Step Six:
// Every HTTP request has a status code, this number shows whether or not a request succeeded or failed.
// Status codes from 100 to 199 represent special conditions.
// Status codes from 200 to 299 represent success.
// Status codes from 300 to 399 represent special conditions.
// Status codes from 400 to 499 represent an issue with request.
// Status codes from 500 to 599 represent an issue with the server.
// Action: if the request has a bad status code print the error code, otherwise continue
if (req.status > 400) {
} else {
// Step Seven:
// Action get the JSON response String and parse it into a usable Javascript object.
var responseJSON = this.responseText;
var responseObj = JSON.parse(responseJSON);
// Note: There are different responseTypes, some save the response in req.response while others use req.responseText
// Step Two:
// All HTTP requests have a method, here are 4 commonly used methods:
// GET - this method is typically used to ask the server for retrieve a resource.
// POST - this method is typically used to ask the server to create a resource.
// PUT - this method is typically used to ask the server to update a resource.
// DELETE - this method is typically used to ask the server to delete a resource.
// An HTTP request must have a destination URL. This is the address of the server to send the request.
// Here are some valid URLs:
// http://localhost:8080
// Action: call to set the request:
// HTTP method
// destination URL'GET', '');
// now notice that req.readySate === 1
// When is called the readyState changes from 0 to 1.
// Step Three:
// Now that set the HTTP method and destination URL we can send the request.
// Action: call XMLHTTPRequest.send() to send the request.
// Opening up the browser tools reveals that a request has been sent.
// Shortly after, req.readyState === 2.
// When XMLHttpRequest.send is called and the server recognizes the request readyState changes from 1 to 2.
// Shortly after, req.readyState === 3.
// When the browser starts loading data from the server the request readyState changes from 2 to 3.
// Shortly after, req.readyState === 4.
// When the browser finishes loading data from the server the request readyState changes from 3 to 4.
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