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Last active June 18, 2020 07:39
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Fable React Context
module App
open Feliz
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
open Fable.UIFabric
open Auth
open HookRouter
open Contexts
let app = React.functionComponent(fun () ->
let authResult, logout = useAuth()
let isPM, email = match authResult with | Authenticated (user, token) -> user.IsPM, user.Email | _ -> false, ""
let routes = {|
``/`` = fun _ ->
``/timesheet-daily`` = fun _ -> { Type = Daily }
``/timesheet-weekly`` = fun _ -> { Type = Weekly }
``/projects`` = fun _ ->
``/project-create`` = fun _ -> {| projectId = "" |}
``/project-edit/:projectId`` = fun p -> p
``/rolling-schedule/:projectId`` = fun p -> p
``/users`` = fun _ ->
let content = HookRouter.useRoutes routes |> Option.defaultValue (h1[] [str "Not Found"])
div [] [
div [Class "p-3"] [
match authResult with
| Authenticating ->
Stack.stack [Stack.Gap 20; Stack.Horizontal] [
Spinner.spinner [Spinner.Size Spinner.SpinnerSize.Large] []
b [] [str "Authenticating..."]
| Denied reason ->
div [Class"alert alert-danger"] [
h4 [] [str "Unable to Login"]
p [] [ str reason ]
| Authenticated (user, token) ->
// Wrap content with a context provider
React.contextProvider(Contexts.appContext, { User = user; Token = token },
module Contexts
open Feliz
open Elmish
type AppState = {
User: User
Token: string
let private init = { User = { Username = ""; Email = ""; IsPM = false; IsAdmin = false; IsEnabled = true }; Token = "" }
let appContext = React.createContext<AppState>(name = "AppContext", defaultValue = init)
module SplashPage
open System
open Feliz
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
open Fable.UIFabric
let page = React.functionComponent(fun () ->
let ctx = React.useContext(Contexts.appContext)
if ctx.User.IsAdmin then
div [] [ str "Logged in as Admin" ]
div [] [ str "Logged in as User" ]
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