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Created July 28, 2019 01:17
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purescript-selda example using my slightly updated Spago-based fork
module SeldaExample where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Traversable (for_)
import Database.PostgreSQL (Connection, PGError, PoolConfiguration, Query(..), Row0(..), execute, newPool, withConnection)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, error, launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
import Selda (Table(..), asc, insert, insert_, limit, lit, orderBy, restrict, (./=), (.<), (.>))
import Selda.PG (selectFrom)
import Type.Data.Row (RProxy(..))
import Type.Row (type (+))
config :: PoolConfiguration
config =
{ user: Just "my_pg_user"
, password: Just "mypassword"
, host: Just ""
, port: Nothing
, database: "my_database"
, max: Nothing
, idleTimeoutMillis: Just 1000
∷ ∀ a
. Connection
→ ExceptT PGError (ReaderT Connection Aff) a
→ Aff a
runSeldaAff conn m = do
r <- runReaderT (runExceptT m) conn
case r of
Left pgError -> throwError $ error $ "PG Error: " <> show pgError
Right a -> pure a
mkTable :: forall columns. String -> RProxy columns -> Table columns
mkTable name _ = Table { name }
-- | This table includes the 'id' column, a SERIAL integer data type.
-- | When inserting values into this table, we should not use this value
-- | as the types will force us to also specify the 'id' column's value for each
-- | inserted row. (see `names_exampleNoID` instead).
-- | Rather, we should use this version when selecting, updating,
-- | or deleting rows in the table.
names_example :: Table Name_All_Columns
names_example = mkTable "names_example" (RProxy :: RProxy Name_All_Columns)
-- | This table excludes the 'id' column. Thus, we can let the database specify
-- | what the 'id' column's value for each inserted row.
names_exampleNoID :: Table Name_Other_Columns
names_exampleNoID = mkTable "names_example" (RProxy :: RProxy Name_Other_Columns)
-- | To only define these columns once while allowing flexibility in how they
-- | are used, we type alias two rows: one that represents ID columns and
-- | one that represents non-ID columns. We then use `Type.Row (type (+))`
-- | to combine them together
type Name_All_Columns = (Name_ID_Columns + Name_Other_Columns)
type Name_ID_Columns r = (id :: Int | r)
type Name_Other_Columns = (first_name ∷ String, last_name :: String, age :: Int)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
launchAff_ do
pool <- liftEffect $ newPool config
withConnection pool case _ of
Left pgError -> log $ "Connection error: " <> show pgError
Right connection -> do
-- Set up database
void $ execute connection (Query """
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS names_example;
CREATE TABLE names_example (
first_name text NOT NULL,
last_name text NOT NULL,
age integer NOT NULL
""") Row0
-- now use Selda to interact with it
result <- runSeldaAff connection do
log $ "Same as 'insert into ... values ... '"
insert_ names_exampleNoID
[ { first_name: "Sherry", last_name: "Porker", age: 31 }
, { first_name: "Cary", last_name: "Porker", age: 41 }
, { first_name: "Mary", last_name: "Porker", age: 51 }
log "\n"
log $ "Same as 'insert into ... values ... returning ...'"
results <- insert names_exampleNoID
[ { first_name: "Bobbert", last_name: "Shubert", age: 12 }
, { first_name: "Mike", last_name: "Jello", age: 18 }
, { first_name: "Hopper", last_name: "Stopper", age: 21 }
, { first_name: "Morion", last_name: "Nygiel", age: 999 }
log $ "Returned results are:"
for_ results \el -> log $ "Element: " <> show el
log "\n"
log $ "No ordering made..."
badlyOrdered <- selectFrom names_example \rec -> do
pure rec
for_ badlyOrdered \el -> log $ "Badly Ordered - Element: " <> show el
log "\n"
log $ "Ordered by ID..."
betterOrdered <- selectFrom names_example \rec -> do
orderBy asc
pure rec
for_ betterOrdered \el -> log $ "Better Ordered - Element: " <> show el
log "\n"
log $ "Limited to top 3"
limited <- selectFrom names_example \rec -> do
orderBy asc
limit 3
pure rec
for_ limited \el -> log $ "Limited - Element: " <> show el
log "\n"
log $ "Ignore 'Porter' last names"
noPorkerShown <- selectFrom names_example \rec -> do
restrict $ rec.last_name ./= lit "Porker"
orderBy asc
limit 3
pure rec
for_ noPorkerShown \el -> log $ "No Porker - Element: " <> show el
log "\n"
log $ "Select only some columns"
someColumns <- selectFrom names_example \{ id, last_name, first_name, age} -> do
restrict $ last_name ./= lit "Porker"
orderBy asc id
limit 3
pure { id, first_name, age }
for_ someColumns \el -> log $ "Some Columns - Element: " <> show el
log "\n"
log $ "Change the order of our PG monadic computations"
changedOrder <- selectFrom names_example \{ id, last_name, first_name, age} -> do
limit 3
restrict $ last_name ./= lit "Porker"
orderBy asc id
pure { id, first_name, age }
for_ changedOrder \el -> log $ "Changed Order - Element: " <> show el
log "\n"
log $ "Select even less by adding more expressions in WHERE clause."
selectLess <- selectFrom names_example \{ id, last_name, first_name, age} -> do
limit 3
restrict $ last_name ./= lit "Porker"
restrict $ age .> lit 20
restrict $ age .< lit 50
orderBy asc id
pure { id, first_name, age }
for_ selectLess \el -> log $ "Select Less - Element: " <> show el
log "\n"
-- we could pattern match on result and do something
-- but since our last Aff was 'log', it wouldn't matter.
pure unit
setupDB :: Connection -> Aff Unit
setupDB connection = void $ execute connection (Query """
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS names_example;
CREATE TABLE names_example (
first_name text NOT NULL,
last_name text NOT NULL,
age integer NOT NULL
""") Row0
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