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Created June 25, 2014 01:50
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<tilea> my final
<tilea> single spaced
<zarkdread> woah
<zarkdread> thats a lot of text
<zarkdread> nice
<terrortenebrarum> gratz m8
<tilea> my hand
<tilea> ow
<terrortenebrarum> :<<
<tilea> it's okay though.
<terrortenebrarum> mmk
<terrortenebrarum> nighto
<terrortenebrarum> or morning, cuz theres like
<terrortenebrarum> a sun now
<tilea> nigt0
... ends 11:06
... start 12:54
* jtv removes channel operator status from alexis_evo
* jtv gives channel operator status to alexis_evo
<studiofortress> this is a table of healthcare ranking around the world
<studiofortress> yay, UK no.1 \ o /
<studiofortress> and the cheapest per capita too, universal healthcare is awesome
<studiofortress> and we offer various things to help with transitioning on the NHS, including hair removal
* Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
* Now talking on #tilea
* jtv gives channel operator status to tilea
* jtv gives channel operator status to alexis_evo
* jtv removes channel operator status from alexis_evo
* jtv gives channel operator status to alexis_evo
* Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
* Now talking on #tilea
* jtv gives channel operator status to alexis_evo
* jtv gives channel operator status to tilea
* jtv removes channel operator status from tilea
* jtv gives channel operator status to tilea
* jtv removes channel operator status from alexis_evo
* jtv gives channel operator status to alexis_evo
* jtv removes channel operator status from tilea
* jtv gives channel operator status to tilea
* Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
* Now talking on #tilea
* jtv gives channel operator status to alexis_evo
* jtv gives channel operator status to tilea
* Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
* Now talking on #tilea
* jtv gives channel operator status to alexis_evo
... starts 15:24
<studiofortress> I hate my bank so much
<studiofortress> their online system is just one fuck up after another
<studiofortress> and today /r/worldnews is justifying people owning child porn
<zarkdread> hmmm you could always just hide your money under a rug Kappa
<studiofortress> oh FFS
<studiofortress> so last friday I went to reset my password
<studiofortress> as a part of that it phones you up, to confirm it's you
<studiofortress> and gives you a code online to put in
<studiofortress> I went to put in the code, the system didn't understand me (I didn't get it wrong, it said "I don't understand")
<studiofortress> so then it locked me out and said I have to phone the customer service
<studiofortress> I did that, failed the security questions
<studiofortress> so I was doubly locked out
<studiofortress> so they send me a second code in the post to put in to fully unlock it
<studiofortress> I got the code today, put it in, unlocked
<studiofortress> it then says I must reset my password again (since I just unlocked it, putting aside that I reset it last friday to begin with)
<studiofortress> so I put in a new password
<studiofortress> now it says "we already had a request to reset your password" (the one from last friday which locked it up)
<studiofortress> so now I have to call their call centre again
<studiofortress> to get it unlocked
<zarkdread> sounds like you need a new bank
<studiofortress> thing is, last time I failed because I got the security question wrong, and I think that's because I have 2 accounts
<studiofortress> I know I was within £200 of my main account, but I have a second 'e saver' account with only £100 in it
<studiofortress> so like do I put the amount in my main account, or the amount of my e-saver account?
<studiofortress> they don't know
<studiofortress> the system when I went to reset the password, asked if I wanted to be given my balance; I said yes, and it gave me the e-saver account balance
<studiofortress> which isn't the balance of my main account
<studiofortress> oh, my bank was one of those bailed out by the UK government too
<alexis_evo> 08:25:06 studiofortress and today /r/worldnews is justifying people owning child porn
<alexis_evo> uh, no, quit making shit up
<studiofortress> people are actually, and getting up votes for it
<studiofortress> in one of the news stories there
<alexis_evo> link
<studiofortress> Japan made it illegal for people to own CP
<alexis_evo> yes, I am aware of the thread you are talking about
<alexis_evo> hence why I called bullshit
<alexis_evo> you're sensationalizing your statement
<alexis_evo> this comment is *not* justifying child porn
<alexis_evo> if you actually read it and understood it, you would know that
<studiofortress> it's about as relevant, as saying "well people could frame you for possession of drugs, or murder, or theft, therefore legalize drugs murder and theft"
<alexis_evo> LOL
<alexis_evo> I don't know why I bothered
<alexis_evo> I should've known from the start not to argue with you
<studiofortress> you aren't arguing though
<studiofortress> you are just saying "you are flat wrong", you even said "if you understood" as in I don't understand and that's why I do not think the same as you
<studiofortress> that's not an argument
<alexis_evo> that statement is so ridiculously easy to rebuttal but I'm not going to bother because you're too thick headed to understand/admit it and it will just devolve into arguing for an hour with me trying to get it through your thick skull
<alexis_evo> 8:25:06 studiofortress and today /r/worldnews is justifying people owning child porn
<alexis_evo> sensationalizing lying bullshit
<alexis_evo> 1000000%
<alexis_evo> sensationalizing lying bullshit
<studiofortress> there are people there saying CP should be legal though
<studiofortress> in the comments
<studiofortress> not that comment
<studiofortress> but there are
<alexis_evo> nowhere near the top of the thread
<studiofortress> and I don't get why you care so much about defending /r/worldnews
<studiofortress> it's a trashy subreddit
<alexis_evo> you're taking a few people that are against the majority and generalizing them to the entirety of reddit
<studiofortress> not to the entirety of reddit, to the entirety of worldnews
<alexis_evo> I don't care about defending worldnews, or reddit, I care about you making shit up
<zarkdread> what is not a trashy subreddit :P
<studiofortress> now who is sensationalizing/
<studiofortress> ?
<studiofortress> pot ... kettle ...
* jtv removes channel operator status from alexis_evo
<studiofortress> and she just left
<studiofortress> but I hate my bank
<zarkdread> annnnnnd she leaves
<zarkdread> LOL
<studiofortress> I should stop looking at /r/worldnews though
<studiofortress> I might look into blocking parts of reddit on my PC
<studiofortress> you just don't get these banking issues in Hong Kong
<studiofortress> it's like, how can the banking systems in the UK be this bad????
* Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
... ends 15:54
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