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Created June 9, 2012 16:27
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pretty errors (as is)
* Pretty Errors
* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
* WARNING! It is downright _DANGEROUS_ to use this in production, on
* a live website. It should *ONLY* be used for development.
* Pretty Errors allows the outside world to alter your project,
* and this is deliberate (it's what makes pretty errors so powerful).
* It deliberately displays as much information about your runtime as
* possible, and errors are free to perform HTML injection.
* If you use it in development, awesome! If you use it in production,
* you're an idiot.
* ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
* A small API for replacing the standard PHP errors, with prettier
* error reporting.
* Basic example:
* \pretty_errors\reportErrors();
* ... and that's it! There is more too it if you want more customized
* error handling.
* Fuller example:
* $handler = new \pretty_errors\PrettyErrorsHandler( $myOptions );
* There should only ever be one handler! This is an (underdstandable)
* limitation in PHP. It's because if an exception or error is raised,
* then there is a single point of handling it.
* @author Joseph Lenton |
namespace pretty_errors;
use \pretty_errors\PrettyErrorsHandler;
use \ReflectionMethod,
use \stdClass as stdClass,
global $_pretty_errors_global_handler;
$_pretty_errors_global_handler = null;
function updateFile( $name, $content )
file_put_contents( $name, $content );
* Turns on error reporting, and returns the handler.
* If you just want error reporting on, then don't bother
* catching the handler. If you're building something
* clever, like a framework, then you might want to grab
* and use it.
* Note that you can only call this *once*. Repeat calls
* will throw an exception.
* @param options Optional, options declaring how pretty errors should be setup and used.
* @return The PrettyErrorsHandler used for reporting errors.
function reportErrors( $options=null ) {
$handler = new PrettyErrorsHandler( $options );
return $handler->turnOn();
class PrettyErrorsHandler extends stdClass
const REGEX_PHP_IDENTIFIER = '\b[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*';
* Matches:
* blah::foo()
* foo()
const REGEX_METHOD_OR_FUNCTION_END = '/\b[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(::[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)?\\(\\)$/';
const REGEX_METHOD_OR_FUNCTION = '/\b[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(::[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)?\\(\\)/';
* The number of lines to take from the file,
* where the error is reported. This is the number
* of lines around the line in question,
* including that line.
* So '9' will be the error line + 4 lines above + 4 lines below.
const NUM_FILE_LINES = 7;
* At the time of writing, scalar type hints are unsupported.
* By scalar, I mean 'string' and 'integer'.
* If they do get added, this is here as a trap to turn scalar
* type hint warnings on and off.
private static $IS_SCALAR_TYPE_HINTING_SUPPORTED = false;
private static $SCALAR_TYPES = array(
'string', 'integer', 'float', 'boolean', 'int', 'number'
* A mapping of PHP internal symbols,
* mapped to descriptions of them.
private static $PHP_SYMBOL_MAPPINGS = array(
'$end' => 'end of file',
'T_ABSTRACT' => 'abstract',
'T_AND_EQUAL' => '&=',
'T_ARRAY' => 'array',
'T_ARRAY_CAST' => 'array cast',
'T_AS' => 'as',
'T_BOOLEAN_AND' => '&&',
'T_BOOLEAN_OR' => '||',
'T_BOOL_CAST' => 'boolean cast',
'T_BREAK' => 'break',
'T_CASE' => 'case',
'T_CATCH' => 'catch',
'T_CLASS' => 'class',
'T_CLASS_C' => '__CLASS__',
'T_CLONE' => 'clone',
'T_CLOSE_TAG' => 'closing PHP tag',
'T_CONCAT_EQUAL' => '.=',
'T_CONST' => 'const',
'T_CONTINUE' => 'continue',
'T_DEC' => '-- decrement',
'T_DECLARE' => 'declare',
'T_DEFAULT' => 'default',
'T_DIR' => '__DIR__',
'T_DIV_EQUAL' => '/=',
'T_DNUMBER' => 'number',
'T_DO' => 'do',
'T_DOUBLE_ARROW' => '=>',
'T_DOUBLE_CAST' => 'double cast',
'T_DOUBLE_COLON' => '::',
'T_ECHO' => 'echo',
'T_ELSE' => 'else',
'T_ELSEIF' => 'elseif',
'T_EMPTY' => 'empty',
'T_ENDDECLARE' => 'enddeclare',
'T_ENDFOR' => 'endfor',
'T_ENDFOREACH' => 'endforeach',
'T_ENDIF' => 'endif',
'T_ENDSWITCH' => 'endswitch',
'T_ENDWHILE' => 'endwhile',
'T_EVAL' => 'eval',
'T_EXIT' => 'exit call',
'T_EXTENDS' => 'extends',
'T_FILE' => '__FILE__',
'T_FINAL' => 'final',
'T_FOR' => 'for',
'T_FOREACH' => 'foreach',
'T_FUNCTION' => 'function',
'T_FUNC_C' => '__FUNCTION__',
'T_GLOBAL' => 'global',
'T_GOTO' => 'goto',
'T_HALT_COMPILER' => '__halt_compiler',
'T_IF' => 'if',
'T_IMPLEMENTS' => 'implements',
'T_INC' => '++ increment',
'T_INCLUDE' => 'include',
'T_INCLUDE_ONCE' => 'include_once',
'T_INSTANCEOF' => 'instanceof',
'T_INT_CAST' => 'int cast',
'T_INTERFACE' => 'interface',
'T_ISSET' => 'isset',
'T_IS_EQUAL' => '==',
'T_IS_IDENTICAL' => '===',
'T_IS_NOT_EQUAL' => '!= or <>',
'T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL' => '!==',
'T_LINE' => '__LINE__',
'T_LIST' => 'list',
'T_LNUMBER' => 'number',
'T_LOGICAL_AND' => 'and',
'T_LOGICAL_OR' => 'or',
'T_LOGICAL_XOR' => 'xor',
'T_METHOD_C' => '__METHOD__',
'T_MINUS_EQUAL' => '-=',
'T_MOD_EQUAL' => '%=',
'T_MUL_EQUAL' => '*=',
'T_NAMESPACE' => 'namespace',
'T_NS_C' => '__NAMESPACE__',
'T_NS_SEPARATOR' => '/ namespace seperator',
'T_NEW' => 'new',
'T_OBJECT_CAST' => 'object cast',
'T_OLD_FUNCTION' => 'old_function',
'T_OPEN_TAG' => '<?php or <?',
'T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO' => '<?=',
'T_OR_EQUAL' => '|=',
'T_PLUS_EQUAL' => '+=',
'T_PRINT' => 'print',
'T_PRIVATE' => 'private',
'T_PUBLIC' => 'public',
'T_PROTECTED' => 'protected',
'T_REQUIRE' => 'require',
'T_REQUIRE_ONCE' => 'require_once',
'T_RETURN' => 'return',
'T_SL' => '<<',
'T_SL_EQUAL' => '<<=',
'T_SR' => '>>',
'T_SR_EQUAL' => '>>=',
'T_START_HEREDOC' => '<<<',
'T_STATIC' => 'static',
'T_STRING' => 'string',
'T_STRING_CAST' => 'string cast',
'T_SWITCH' => 'switch',
'T_THROW' => 'throw',
'T_TRY' => 'try',
'T_UNSET' => 'unset',
'T_UNSET_CAST' => 'unset cast',
'T_USE' => 'use',
'T_VAR' => 'var',
'T_VARIABLE' => 'variable',
'T_WHILE' => 'while',
'T_XOR_EQUAL' => '^='
private static $syntaxMap = array(
T_COMMENT => 'syntax-comment',
'reference_ampersand' => 'syntax-function',
T_ABSTRACT => 'syntax-keyword',
T_AS => 'syntax-keyword',
T_BREAK => 'syntax-keyword',
T_CASE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_CATCH => 'syntax-keyword',
T_CLASS => 'syntax-keyword',
T_CONST => 'syntax-keyword',
T_CONTINUE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_DECLARE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_DEFAULT => 'syntax-keyword',
T_DO => 'syntax-keyword',
T_ELSE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_ELSEIF => 'syntax-keyword',
T_ENDDECLARE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_ENDFOR => 'syntax-keyword',
T_ENDFOREACH => 'syntax-keyword',
T_ENDIF => 'syntax-keyword',
T_ENDSWITCH => 'syntax-keyword',
T_ENDWHILE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_EXTENDS => 'syntax-keyword',
T_FINAL => 'syntax-keyword',
T_FOR => 'syntax-keyword',
T_FOREACH => 'syntax-keyword',
T_FUNCTION => 'syntax-keyword',
T_GLOBAL => 'syntax-keyword',
T_GOTO => 'syntax-keyword',
T_IF => 'syntax-keyword',
T_IMPLEMENTS => 'syntax-keyword',
T_INSTANCEOF => 'syntax-keyword',
T_INTERFACE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_LOGICAL_AND => 'syntax-keyword',
T_LOGICAL_OR => 'syntax-keyword',
T_LOGICAL_XOR => 'syntax-keyword',
T_NAMESPACE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_NEW => 'syntax-keyword',
T_PRIVATE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_PUBLIC => 'syntax-keyword',
T_PROTECTED => 'syntax-keyword',
T_RETURN => 'syntax-keyword',
T_STATIC => 'syntax-keyword',
T_SWITCH => 'syntax-keyword',
T_THROW => 'syntax-keyword',
T_TRY => 'syntax-keyword',
T_USE => 'syntax-keyword',
T_VAR => 'syntax-keyword',
T_WHILE => 'syntax-keyword',
// __VAR__ type magic constants
T_CLASS_C => 'syntax-literal',
T_DIR => 'syntax-literal',
T_FILE => 'syntax-literal',
T_FUNC_C => 'syntax-literal',
T_LINE => 'syntax-literal',
T_METHOD_C => 'syntax-literal',
T_NS_C => 'syntax-literal',
T_DNUMBER => 'syntax-literal',
T_LNUMBER => 'syntax-literal',
T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING => 'syntax-string',
T_VARIABLE => 'syntax-variable',
// this is for unescaped strings, which appear differently
// this includes function names
T_STRING => 'syntax-function',
// in build keywords, which work like functions
T_ARRAY => 'syntax-function',
T_CLONE => 'syntax-function',
T_ECHO => 'syntax-function',
T_EMPTY => 'syntax-function',
T_EVAL => 'syntax-function',
T_EXIT => 'syntax-function',
T_HALT_COMPILER => 'syntax-function',
T_INCLUDE => 'syntax-function',
T_INCLUDE_ONCE => 'syntax-function',
T_ISSET => 'syntax-function',
T_LIST => 'syntax-function',
T_REQUIRE_ONCE => 'syntax-function',
T_PRINT => 'syntax-function',
T_REQUIRE => 'syntax-function',
T_UNSET => 'syntax-function'
* Looks up a description for the symbol given,
* and if found, it is returned.
* If it's not found, then the symbol given is returned.
private static function phpSymbolToDescription( $symbol ) {
if ( isset(PrettyErrorsHandler::$PHP_SYMBOL_MAPPINGS[$symbol]) ) {
return PrettyErrorsHandler::$PHP_SYMBOL_MAPPINGS[$symbol];
} else {
return $symbol;
* Attempts to syntax highlight the code snippet done.
* This is then returned as HTML, ready to be dumped to the screen.
* @param code An array of code lines to syntax highlight.
* @return HTML version of the code given, syntax highlighted.
private static function syntaxHighlight( $code ) {
$syntaxMap = PrettyErrorsHandler::$syntaxMap;
// @supress invalid code raises a warning
$tokens = @token_get_all( "<?php " . $code . " ?>" );
$html = array();
$len = count($tokens)-1;
$inString = false;
$stringBuff = null;
$skip = false;
for ( $i = 1; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$token = $tokens[$i];
if ( is_array($token) ) {
$type = $token[0];
$code = $token[1];
$code = htmlspecialchars( $code );
} else {
$type = null;
$code = $token;
// work out any whitespace padding
if ( strpos($code, "\n") !== false && trim($code) === '' ) {
if ( $inString ) {
$html[]= "<span class='syntax-string'>" . join('', $stringBuff);
$stringBuff = array();
} else if ( $code === '&' ) {
if ( $i < $len ) {
$next = $tokens[$i+1];
if ( is_array($next) && $next[0] === T_VARIABLE ) {
$code = '&amp;';
$type = 'reference_ampersand';
} else if ( $code === '"' || $code === "'" ) {
if ( $inString ) {
$html[]= "<span class='syntax-string'>" . join('', $stringBuff) . "$code</span>";
$stringBuff = null;
$skip = true;
} else {
$stringBuff = array();
$inString = !$inString;
} else if ( $code === '->' ) {
$code = '-&gt;';
if ( $skip ) {
$skip = false;
} else {
if ( $type !== null && isset($syntaxMap[$type]) ) {
$class = $syntaxMap[$type];
if ( $type === T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING && strpos($code, "\n") !== false ) {
$append = "<span class='$class'>" .
"</span>\n<span class='$class'>",
explode( "\n", $code )
) .
"</span>" ;
} else {
$append = "<span class='$class'>$code</span>";
} else if ( $inString && $code !== '"' ) {
$append = "<span class='syntax-string'>$code</span>";
} else {
$append = $code;
if ( $inString ) {
$stringBuff[]= $append;
} else {
$html[]= $append;
if ( $stringBuff !== null ) {
$html[]= "<span class='syntax-string'>" . join('', $stringBuff) . '</span>';
$stringBuff = null;
return join( '', $html );
* Splits a given function name into it's 'class, function' parts.
* If there is no class, then null is returned.
* It also returns these parts in an array of: array( $className, $functionName );
* Usage:
* list( $class, $function ) = \pretty_errors\PrettyErrorsHandler::splitFunction( $name );
* @param name The function name to split.
* @return An array containing class and function name.
private static function splitFunction( $name ) {
$name = preg_replace( '/\\(\\)$/', '', $name );
if ( strpos($name, '::') !== false ) {
$parts = explode( '::', $name );
$className = $parts[0];
$type = '::';
$functionName = $parts[1];
} else if ( strpos($name, '->') !== false ) {
$parts = explode( '->', $name );
$className = $parts[0];
$type = '->';
$functionName = $parts[1];
} else {
$className = null;
$type = null;
$functionName = $name;
return array( $className, $type, $functionName );
private static function newArgument( $name, $type=false, $isPassedByReference=false, $isOptional=false, $optionalValue=null, $highlight=false ) {
if ( $name instanceof ReflectionParameter ) {
$highlight = func_num_args() > 1 ?
$highlight = $type :
$klass = $name->getDeclaringClass();
$functionName = $name->getDeclaringFunction()->name;
if ( $klass !== null ) {
$klass = $klass->name;
$export = ReflectionParameter::export(
( $klass ?
array( "\\$klass", $functionName ) :
$functionName ),
$paramType = preg_replace('/.*?(\w+)\s+\$'.$name->name.'.*/', '\\1', $export);
if ( strpos($paramType, '[') !== false || strlen($paramType) === 0 ) {
$paramType = null;
return PrettyErrorsHandler::newArgument(
( $name->isDefaultValueAvailable() ?
var_export( $name->getDefaultValue(), true ) :
null ),
( func_num_args() > 1 ?
$type :
false )
} else {
return array(
'name' => $name,
'has_type' => ( $type !== false ),
'type' => $type,
'is_reference' => $isPassedByReference,
'has_default' => $isOptional,
'default_val' => $optionalValue,
'is_highlighted' => $highlight
private static function syntaxHighlightFunctionMatch( $match, &$stackTrace, $highlightArg=null, &$numHighlighted=0 ) {
list( $className, $type, $functionName ) = PrettyErrorsHandler::splitFunction( $match );
// is class::method()
if ( $className !== null ) {
$reflectFun = new ReflectionMethod( $className, $functionName );
// is a function
} else {
$reflectFun = new ReflectionFunction( $functionName );
$params = $reflectFun->getParameters();
if ( $params ) {
$args = array();
$min = 0;
foreach( $params as $i => $param ) {
$arg = PrettyErrorsHandler::newArgument( $param );
if ( ! $arg['has_default'] ) {
$min = $i;
$args[]= $arg;
if ( $highlightArg !== null ) {
for ( $i = $highlightArg; $i <= $min; $i++ ) {
$args[$i]['is_highlighted'] = true;
$numHighlighted = $min-$highlightArg;
if ( $className !== null ) {
if ( $stackTrace && isset($stackTrace[1]) && isset($stackTrace[1]['type']) ) {
$type = htmlspecialchars( $stackTrace[1]['type'] );
} else {
$type = null;
return PrettyErrorsHandler::syntaxHighlightFunction( $className, $type, $functionName, $args );
} else {
return null;
* Returns the values given, as HTML, syntax highlighted.
* It's a shorter, slightly faster, more no-nonsense approach
* then 'syntaxHighlight'.
* This is for syntax highlighting:
* - fun( [args] )
* - class->fun( [args] )
* - class::fun( [args] )
* Class and type can be null, to denote no class, but are not optional.
private static function syntaxHighlightFunction( $class, $type, $fun, &$args=null ) {
$info = array();
// set the info
if ( isset($class) && $class && isset($type) && $type ) {
if ( $type === '->' ) {
$type = '-&gt;';
$info []= "<span class='syntax-class'>$class</span>$type";
if ( isset($fun) && $fun ) {
$info []= "<span class='syntax-function'>$fun</span>";
if ( $args ) {
$info []= '( ';
foreach ($args as $i => $arg) {
if ( $i > 0 ) {
$info[]= ', ';
if ( is_string($arg) ) {
$info[]= $arg;
} else {
$highlight = $arg['is_highlighted'];
$name = $arg['name'];
if ( $highlight ) {
$info[]= '<span class="syntax-higlight-variable">';
if ( $name === '_' ) {
$info[]= '<span class="syntax-variable-not-important">';
if ( $arg['has_type'] ) {
$info []= "<span class='syntax-class'>";
$info []= $arg['type'];
$info []= '</span> ';
if ( $arg['is_reference'] ) {
$info []= '<span class="syntax-function">&amp;</span>';
$info []= "<span class='syntax-variable'>\$$name</span>";
if ( $arg['has_default'] ) {
$info []= '=<span class="syntax-literal">' . $arg['default_val'] . '</span>';
if ( $name === '_' ) {
$info[]= '</span>';
if ( $highlight ) {
$info[]= '</span>';
$info []= ' )';
} else {
$info []= '()';
return join( '', $info );
* Checks if the item is in options, and if it is, then it is removed and returned.
* If it is not found, or if options is not an array, then the alt is returned.
private static function optionsPop( &$options, $key, $alt=null ) {
if ( $options && isset($options[$key]) ) {
$val = $options[$key];
unset( $options[$key] );
return $val;
} else {
return $alt;
private static function isFolderType( &$folders, $longest, $file ) {
$parts = explode( '/', $file );
$len = min( count($parts), $longest );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
if ( isset($folders[$i+1]) ) {
$folderParts = &$folders[ $i+1 ];
$success = false;
for ( $j = 0; $j < count($folderParts); $j++ ) {
if ( $folderParts[$j] === $parts[$j] ) {
$success = true;
} else {
$success = false;
if ( $success ) {
return true;
return false;
private static function setFolders( &$origFolders, &$longest, $folders ) {
$newFolders = array();
$newLongest = 0;
foreach ( $folders as $i => $folder ) {
$folder = str_replace( '\\', '/', $folder );
$folder = preg_replace( '/(^\\/+)|(\\/+$)/', '', $folder );
$parts = explode( '/', $folder );
$count = count( $parts );
$newLongest = max( $newLongest, $count );
if ( isset($newFolders[$count]) ) {
$folds = &$newFolders[$count];
$folds[]= $folder;
} else {
$newFolders[$count] = array( $folder );
$origFolders = $newFolders;
$longest = $newLongest;
private $cachedFiles;
private $isShutdownRegistered;
private $isOn;
private $ignoreFolders = array();
private $ignoreFoldersLongest = 0;
private $applicationFolders = array();
private $applicationFoldersLongest = 0;
private $defaultErrorReportingOn;
private $defaultErrorReportingOff;
private $documentRoot;
private $serverName;
private $catchClassNotFound;
private $catchSurpressedErrors;
private $backgroundText;
* = Options =
* All options are optional, and so is passing in an options item.
* You don't have to supply any, it's up to you.
* Includes:
* = Types of errors this will / won't catch =
* - catch_class_not_found When true, calling the class autoloader in PHP will throw an error. This defaults to true.
* - catch_supressed_errors The @ supresses errors. However if this is set to true, then they are still reported. Defaults to false.
* = Error reporting level =
* - error_reporting_on value for when errors are on, defaults to all errors
* - error_reporting_off value for when errors are off, defaults to php.ini's error_reporting.
* = Setup details =
* - document_root When it's working out hte stack trace, this is the root folder of the application, to use as it's base.
* Defaults to the servers root directory.
* - server_name The name for this server, defaults to "$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']"
* - ignore_folders This is allows you to highlight non-framework code in a stack trace.
* An array of folders to ignore, when working out the stack trace.
* This is folder prefixes in relation to the document_root, whatever that might be.
* They are only ignored if there is a file found outside of them.
* If you still don't get what this does, don't worry, it's here cos I use it.
* - application_folders Just like ignore, but anything found in these folders takes precedence
* over anything else.
* - background_text The text that appeares in the background. By default it says 'ERROR!'.
* Why? You can replace this with the name of your framework, for extra customization spice.
* @param options Optional, an array of values to customize this handler.
* @throws Exception This is raised if given an options that does *not* exist (so you know that option is meaningless).
public function __construct( $options=null ) {
// there can only be one to rule them all
global $_pretty_errors_global_handler;
if ( $_pretty_errors_global_handler !== null ) {
throw new Exception( "there can only ever be one PrettyErrorsHandler" );
$_pretty_errors_global_handler = $this;
$this->cachedFiles = array();
$this->isShutdownRegistered = false;
$this->isOn = false;
* Deal with the options.
* They are removed one by one, and any left, will raise an error.
$ignoreFolders = PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'ignore_folders' , null );
if ( $ignoreFolders !== null ) {
$this->setFolders( $this->ignoreFolders, $this->ignoreFoldersLongest, $ignoreFolders );
$appFolders = PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'application_folders' , null );
if ( $appFolders !== null ) {
$this->setFolders( $this->applicationFolders, $this->applicationFoldersLongest, $appFolders );
$this->defaultErrorReportingOn = PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'error_reporting_on' , -1 );
$this->defaultErrorReportingOff = PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'error_reporting_off', error_reporting() );
$this->documentRoot = str_replace( '\\', '/',
PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'document_root', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] )
$this->serverName = PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'error_reporting_off', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] );
$this->catchClassNotFound = PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'catch_class_not_found' , true );
$this->catchSurpressedErrors = PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'catch_supressed_errors', false );
$this->backgroundText = PrettyErrorsHandler::optionsPop( $options, 'background_text', 'ERROR!' );
if ( $options ) {
foreach ( $options as $key => $val ) {
throw new \Exception( "Unknown option given $key" );
public function isOn() {
return $this->isOn;
public function isOff() {
return !$this->isOn;
public function turnOn() {
$this->isOn = true;
return $this;
public function turnOff() {
$this->isOn = false;
return $this;
* Allows you to run a callback with strict errors turned off.
* Standard errors still apply, but this will use the default
* error and exception handlers.
* This is useful for when loading libraries which do not
* adhere to strict errors, such as Wordpress.
* To use:
* withoutErrors( function() {
* // unsafe code here
* });
* This will use the error_reporting value from the php.ini
* file, and failing that, it will use 'E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED'.
* @param callback A PHP function to call.
public function withoutErrors( $callback ) {
if ( ! is_callable($callback) ) {
throw new Exception( "non callable callback given" );
return $this;
private function isApplicationFolder( $file ) {
return PrettyErrorsHandler::isFolderType(
private function isIgnoreFolder( $file ) {
return PrettyErrorsHandler::isFolderType(
private function getFolderType( $root, $file=null ) {
if ( func_num_args() === 1 ) {
$file = $root;
} else {
$file = $this->removeRootPath( $root, $file );
if ( $this->isApplicationFolder($file) ) {
return PrettyErrorsHandler::FILE_TYPE_APPLICATION;
} else if ( $this->isIgnoreFolder($file) ) {
return PrettyErrorsHandler::FILE_TYPE_IGNORE;
} else {
return false;
* Finds the file named, and returns it's contents in an array.
* It's essentially the same as 'file_get_contents'. However
* this will add caching at this PHP layer, avoiding lots of
* duplicate calls.
* It also splits the file into an array of lines, and makes
* it html safe.
* @param path The file to get the contents of.
* @return The file we are after, as an array of lines.
private function getFileContents( $path ) {
if ( isset($this->cachedFiles[$path]) ) {
return $this->cachedFiles[$path];
} else {
$contents = explode(
$this->cachedFiles[ $path ] = $contents;
return $contents;
* Reads out the code from the section of the line,
* which is at fault.
* The array is in a mapping of: array( line-number => line )
* If something goes wrong, then null is returned.
private function readCodeFile( $errFile, $errLine ) {
try {
$lines = $this->getFileContents( $errFile );
$numLines = PrettyErrorsHandler::NUM_FILE_LINES;
* This ensures we attempt to always get NUM_FILE_LINES
* number of lines, if we are at the top of the file,
* for consistency.
$searchDown = (int)( $numLines/2 );
$minLine = max( 0, $errLine-$searchDown );
$maxLine = min( $minLine+$numLines, count($lines) );
$fileLines = array_splice( $lines, $minLine, $maxLine-$minLine );
$fileLines = join( "\n", $fileLines );
$fileLines = PrettyErrorsHandler::syntaxHighlight( $fileLines );
$fileLines = explode( "\n", $fileLines );
$lines = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($fileLines); $i++ ) {
// +1 is because line numbers start at 1, whilst arrays start at 0
$lines[ $i+$minLine+1 ] = $fileLines[$i];
return $lines;
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
return null;
return null;
* Attempts to remove the root path from the path given.
* If the path can't be removed, then the original path is returned.
* For example if root is 'C:/users/projects/my_site',
* and the file is 'C:/users/projects/my_site/index.php',
* then the root is removed, and we are left with just 'index.php'.
* This is to remove line noise; you don't need to be told the
* 'C:/whatever' bit 20 times.
* @param root The root path to remove.
* @param path The file we are removing the root section from.
private function removeRootPath( $root, $path ) {
$filePath = str_replace( '\\', '/', $path );
if (
strpos($filePath, $root) === 0 &&
strlen($root) < strlen($filePath)
) {
return substr($filePath, strlen($root)+1 );
} else {
return $filePath;
* Parses, and alters, the errLine, errFile and message given.
* This includes adding syntax highlighting, removing duplicate
* information we already have, and making the error easier to
* read.
private function improveErrorMessage( $ex, $code, $message, $errLine, $errFile, $root, &$stackTrace ) {
// change these to change where the source file is come from
$srcErrFile = $errFile;
$srcErrLine = $errLine;
$altInfo = null;
$stackSearchI = 0;
$skipStackFirst = function( &$stackTrace ) {
$skipFirst = true;
foreach ( $stackTrace as $i => $trace ) {
if ( $skipFirst ) {
$skipFirst = false;
} else {
if ( $trace && isset($trace['file']) && isset($trace['line']) ) {
return array( $trace['file'], $trace['line'], $i );
return array( null, null, null );
* This is for calling a function that doesn't exist.
* The message contains a long description of where this takes
* place, even though we are already told this through line and
* file info. So we cut it out.
if ( $code === 1 ) {
if (
( strpos($message, " undefined method ") !== false ) ||
( strpos($message, " undefined function ") !== false )
) {
$matches = array();
preg_match( '/\b[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*((->|::)[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)?\\(\\)$/', $message, $matches );
* undefined function or method call
if ( $matches ) {
list( $className, $type, $functionName ) = PrettyErrorsHandler::splitFunction( $matches[0] );
$args = array();
if ( $ex && $ex instanceof \pretty_errors\CallErrorToExceptionException ) {
$numArgs = $ex->getNumArgs();
for ( $i = 0; $i < $numArgs; $i++ ) {
$args[]= PrettyErrorsHandler::newArgument( "_" );
$message = preg_replace(
PrettyErrorsHandler::syntaxHighlightFunction( $className, $type, $functionName, $args ),
} else if (
strpos($message, "Class ") !== false &&
strpos($message, "not found") !== false
) {
$matches = array();
preg_match( '/\'(\\\\)?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*((\\\\)?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)+\'/', $message, $matches );
if ( count($matches) > 0 ) {
// lose the 'quotes'
$className = $matches[0];
$className = substr( $className, 1, strlen($className)-2 );
$message = preg_replace(
"'<span class='syntax-class'>$className</span>'",
} else if ( $code === 2 ) {
if ( strpos($message, "Missing argument ") === 0 ) {
$message = preg_replace( '/, called in .*$/', '', $message );
$matches = array();
preg_match( PrettyErrorsHandler::REGEX_METHOD_OR_FUNCTION_END, $message, $matches );
if ( $matches ) {
$argumentMathces = array();
preg_match( '/^Missing argument ([0-9]+)/', $message, $argumentMathces );
$highlightArg = count($argumentMathces) === 2 ?
(((int) $argumentMathces[1])-1) :
null ;
$altInfo = PrettyErrorsHandler::syntaxHighlightFunctionMatch( $matches[0], $stackTrace, $highlightArg, $numHighlighted );
if ( $numHighlighted > 0 ) {
$message = preg_replace( '/^Missing argument ([0-9]+)/', 'Missing arguments ', $message );
if ( $altInfo ) {
$message = preg_replace( PrettyErrorsHandler::REGEX_METHOD_OR_FUNCTION_END, $altInfo, $message );
list( $srcErrFile, $srcErrLine, $stackSearchI ) = $skipStackFirst( $stackTrace );
* Unexpected symbol errors.
* For example 'unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR'.
* This swaps the 'T_WHATEVER' for the symbolic representation.
} else if ( $code === 4 ) {
$matches = array();
$num = preg_match( '/\bunexpected ([A-Z_]+|\\$end)\b/', $message, $matches );
if ( $num > 0 ) {
$match = $matches[0];
$newSymbol = PrettyErrorsHandler::phpSymbolToDescription( str_replace('unexpected ', '', $match) );
$message = str_replace( $match, "unexpected '$newSymbol'", $message );
$matches = array();
$num = preg_match( '/, expecting ([A-Z_]+|\\$end)\b/', $message, $matches );
if ( $num > 0 ) {
$match = $matches[0];
$newSymbol = PrettyErrorsHandler::phpSymbolToDescription( str_replace(', expecting ', '', $match) );
$message = str_replace( $match, ", expecting '$newSymbol'", $message );
* Undefined Variable, add syntax highlighting and make variable from 'foo' too '$foo'.
} else if ( $code === 8 ) {
if (
strpos($message, "Undefined variable") !== false
) {
$matches = array();
preg_match( '/\b[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $message, $matches );
if ( count($matches) > 0 ) {
$message = preg_replace(
'<span class="syntax-variable">$' . $matches[0] . '</span>',
* Invalid type given.
} else if ( $code === 4096 ) {
if ( strpos($message, 'must be an ') ) {
$message = preg_replace( '/, called in .*$/', '', $message );
$matches = array();
preg_match( '/\b[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(::[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)?\\(\\)/', $message, $matches );
if ( $matches ) {
$argumentMathces = array();
preg_match( '/^Argument ([0-9]+)/', $message, $argumentMathces );
$highlightArg = count($argumentMathces) === 2 ?
(((int) $argumentMathces[1])-1) :
null ;
$fun = PrettyErrorsHandler::syntaxHighlightFunctionMatch( $matches[0], $stackTrace, $highlightArg );
if ( $fun ) {
$message = str_replace( 'passed to ', 'calling ', $message );
$message = preg_replace( PrettyErrorsHandler::REGEX_METHOD_OR_FUNCTION, $fun, $message );
$prioritizeCaller = true;
* scalars not supported.
$scalarType = null;
if ( ! PrettyErrorsHandler::$IS_SCALAR_TYPE_HINTING_SUPPORTED ) {
foreach ( PrettyErrorsHandler::$SCALAR_TYPES as $scalar ) {
if ( stripos($message, "must be an instance of $scalar,") !== false ) {
$scalarType = $scalar;
if ( $scalarType !== null ) {
$message = preg_replace( '/^Argument [0-9]+ /', 'Incorrect type hint ', $message );
$message = preg_replace(
'/ must be an instance of ' . PrettyErrorsHandler::REGEX_PHP_IDENTIFIER . '\b.*$/',
", ${scalarType} not supported",
$prioritizeCaller = false;
} else {
$message = preg_replace( '/ must be an (instance of )?' . PrettyErrorsHandler::REGEX_PHP_IDENTIFIER . '\b/', '', $message );
if ( preg_match('/, none given$/', $message) ) {
$message = preg_replace( '/^Argument /', 'Missing argument ', $message );
$message = preg_replace( '/, none given$/', '', $message );
} else {
$message = preg_replace( '/^Argument /', 'Incorrect argument ', $message );
if ( $prioritizeCaller ) {
list( $srcErrFile, $srcErrLine, $stackSearchI ) = $skipStackFirst( $stackTrace );
if ( $stackTrace !== null ) {
if (
count($stackTrace) > 0 && (
(! isset($stackTrace[0]['line'])) ||
($stackTrace[0]['line'] !== $errLine)
) {
array_unshift( $stackTrace, array(
'line' => $errLine,
'file' => $errFile
) );
if ( $stackTrace ) {
$ignoreCommons = false;
$len = count($stackTrace);
* The code above can prioritize a location in the stack trace,
* this is 'stackSearchI'. So we should start our search from there,
* and work down the stack.
* This is built in a way so that when it reaches the end, it'll loop
* back round to the beginning, and check the traces we didn't check
* last time.
* If stackSearchI was not altered, then it just searches from top
* through to the bottom.
for ( $i = $stackSearchI; $i < $stackSearchI+$len; $i++ ) {
$trace = &$stackTrace[ $i % $len ];
if ( isset($trace['file']) && isset($trace['line']) ) {
$type = $this->getFolderType( $root, $trace['file'] );
if ( $type !== PrettyErrorsHandler::FILE_TYPE_IGNORE ) {
if ( $type === PrettyErrorsHandler::FILE_TYPE_APPLICATION ) {
$srcErrLine = $trace['line'];
$srcErrFile = $trace['file'];
} else if ( ! $ignoreCommons ) {
$srcErrLine = $trace['line'];
$srcErrFile = $trace['file'];
$ignoreCommons = true;
return array( $message, $srcErrFile, $srcErrLine, $altInfo );
* Parses the stack trace, and makes it look pretty.
* This includes adding in the syntax highlighting,
* highlighting the colours for the files,
* and padding with whitespace.
* If stackTrace is null, then null is returned.
private function parseStackTrace( $code, $message, $errLine, $errFile, &$stackTrace, $root, $altInfo=null ) {
if ( $stackTrace !== null ) {
* For whitespace padding.
$lineLen = 0;
$functionLen = 0;
$fileLen = 0;
$identifyType = function( $arg, $recurse, $identifyType ) {
if ( ! is_array($arg) && !is_object($arg) ) {
if ( is_string($arg) ) {
return "<span class='syntax-string'>\"$arg\"</span>";
} else {
return "<span class='syntax-literal'>" . var_export( $arg, true ) . '</span>';
} else if ( is_array($arg) ) {
if ( count($arg) === 0 ) {
return "[]";
} else if ( $recurse ) {
$argArr = array();
foreach ($arg as $i => $ag) {
$argArr[]= $identifyType( $ag, false, $identifyType );
return "[" . join(', ', $argArr) . "]";
} else {
return "[...]";
} else {
return '<span class="syntax-variable">$' . get_class( $arg ) . '</span>';
// parse the stack trace, and remove the long urls
foreach ( $stackTrace as $i => $trace ) {
if ( $trace ) {
$trace['info'] = '';
if ( isset($trace['line'] ) ) {
$lineLen = max( $lineLen, strlen($trace['line']) );
} else {
$trace['line'] = '';
$info = '';
if ( $i === 0 ) {
if ( $altInfo !== null ) {
$info = $altInfo;
} else if ( isset($trace['info']) && $trace['info'] !== '' ) {
$info = PrettyErrorsHandler::syntaxHighlight( $trace['info'] );
} else {
$contents = $this->getFileContents( $trace['file'] );
$info = PrettyErrorsHandler::syntaxHighlight(
trim( $contents[$trace['line']-1] )
} else {
$args = array();
if ( isset($trace['args']) ) {
foreach ( $trace['args'] as $arg ) {
$args[]= $identifyType( $arg, true, $identifyType );
$info = PrettyErrorsHandler::syntaxHighlightFunction(
isset($trace['class']) ? $trace['class'] : null,
isset($trace['type']) ? $trace['type'] : null,
isset($trace['function']) ? $trace['function'] : null,
$trace['info'] = $info;
if ( isset($trace['file']) ) {
$file = $this->removeRootPath( $root, $trace['file'] );
$klass = '';
if ( strpos($file, '/') === false ) {
$klass = 'file-root';
} else {
$type = $this->getFolderType( $file );
if ( $type === PrettyErrorsHandler::FILE_TYPE_IGNORE ) {
$klass = 'file-ignore';
} else if ( $type === PrettyErrorsHandler::FILE_TYPE_APPLICATION ) {
$klass = 'file-app';
} else {
$klass = 'file-common';
$trace['html_file'] = "<span class='$klass'>$file</span>";
} else {
$file = '[internal function]';
$trace['html_file'] = "<span class='file-internal'>$file</span>";
$trace['file'] = $file;
$fileLen = max( $fileLen, strlen($file) );
$stackTrace[$i] = $trace;
* We are allowed to highlight just once, that's it.
$highlightI = -1;
foreach ( $stackTrace as $i => $trace ) {
if (
$trace['line'] === $errLine &&
$trace['file'] === $errFile
) {
$highlightI = $i;
foreach ( $stackTrace as $i => $trace ) {
if ( $trace ) {
$line = str_pad( $trace['line'] , $lineLen, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT );
$file = $trace['html_file'] . str_pad( '', $fileLen-strlen($trace['file']), ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT );
$info = $trace['info'];
$info = str_replace( "\n", '\n', $info );
$info = str_replace( "\r", '\r', $info );
$stackStr = ( $info !== '' ) ?
"$line $file $info" :
"$line $file" ;
if ( $highlightI === $i ) {
$stackStr = "<div class='highlight'>$stackStr</div>";
} else if ( $highlightI > $i ) {
$stackStr = "<div class='pre-highlight'>$stackStr</div>";
} else {
$stackStr = "<div>$stackStr</div>";
$stackTrace[$i] = $stackStr;
return join( "", $stackTrace );
} else {
return null;
* The entry point for handling an error.
public function reportError( $code, $message, $errLine, $errFile, $stackTrace=null, $ex=null ) {
$root = $this->documentRoot;
list( $message, $srcErrFile, $srcErrLine, $altInfo ) =
$this->improveErrorMessage( $ex, $code, $message, $errLine, $errFile, $root, $stackTrace );
$fileLines = $this->readCodeFile( $srcErrFile, $srcErrLine );
$errFile = $srcErrFile;
$errLine = $srcErrLine;
$errFile = $this->removeRootPath( $root, $errFile );
$stackTrace = $this->parseStackTrace( $code, $message, $errLine, $errFile, $stackTrace, $root, $altInfo );
$this->displayError( $message, $srcErrLine, $errFile, $stackTrace, $fileLines );
* Now the actual hooking into PHP's error reporting.
* We enable _ALL_ errors, and make them all exceptions.
* We also need to hook into the shutdown function so
* we can catch fatal and compile time errors.
private function attachErrorHandles() {
if ( $this->isOff() ) {
error_reporting( $this->defaultErrorReportingOff );
} else {
$self = $this;
// all errors \o/ !
error_reporting( $this->defaultErrorReportingOn );
function( $code, $message, $file, $line, $context ) use ( $self ) {
* DO NOT! log the error.
* Either it's thrown as an exception, and so logged by the exception handler,
* or we return false, and it's logged by PHP.
if ( $self->isOn() ) {
* When using an @, the error reporting drops to 0.
if ( error_reporting() !== 0 || $this->catchSurpressedErrors ) {
throw new \pretty_errors\ErrorToExceptionException( $code, $message, $file, $line, $context );
} else {
return false;
set_exception_handler( function($ex) use ( $self ) {
if ( $self->isOn() ) {
$file = $ex->getFile();
$line = $ex->getLine();
$message = $ex->getMessage();
$trace = $ex->getTraceAsString();
$parts = explode( "\n", $trace );
$trace = " " . join( "\n ", $parts );
error_log( "$message \n $file, $line \n$trace" );
$self->reportError( $ex->getCode(), $message, $line, $file, $ex->getTrace(), $ex );
} else {
return false;
if ( ! $self->isShutdownRegistered ) {
if ( $self->catchClassNotFound ) {
spl_autoload_register( function($className) use ( $self ) {
if ( $self->isOn() ) {
throw new \pretty_errors\ErrorToExceptionException( E_ERROR, "Class '$className' not found", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} );
register_shutdown_function( function() use ( $self ) {
if ( $self->isOn() ) {
$error = error_get_last();
// fatal and syntax errors
if (
$error && (
$error['type'] === 1 ||
$error['type'] === 4
) {
$self->reportError( $error['type'], $error['message'], $error['line'], $error['file'] );
$self->isShutdownRegistered = true;
* The actual display logic.
* This outputs the error details in HTML.
private function displayError( $message, $errLine, $errFile, $stackTrace, &$fileLines ) {
$documentRoot = $this->documentRoot;
$serverName = $this->serverName;
$backgroundText = $this->backgroundText;
// pre, in the head
function() use( $message, $errFile, $errLine ) {
echo "<!--\n" .
"$message\n" .
"$errFile, $errLine\n" .
// the content
function() use (
$backgroundText, $serverName, $documentRoot,
$message, $errLine, $errFile, $stackTrace, &$fileLines
) {
?><div id="error-wrap">
<div id="error-back"><?= $backgroundText ?></div>
<h2 id="error-file-root"><?= $serverName ?> | <?= $documentRoot ?></h2>
<h1 id="error-title"><?= $message ?></h1>
<h2 id="error-file" class="<?= $fileLines ? 'has_code' : '' ?>"><?= $errFile ?>, <?= $errLine ?></h2>
<? if ( $fileLines ) { ?>
<ul id="error-file-lines">
<? foreach ( $fileLines as $lineNum => $line ) { ?>
<li class="error-file-line <?= ($lineNum === $errLine) ? 'highlight' : '' ?>"><?= $line ?></li>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if ( $stackTrace !== null ) { ?>
<div id="error-stack-trace"><?= $stackTrace ?></div>
<? }
* A generic function for clearing the buffer, and displaying error output.
function displayHTML( $pre, $content=null ) {
if ( func_num_args() === 1 ) {
$content = $pre;
$pre = null;
// clean out anything displayed already
try {
} catch ( \Exception $ex ) { /* do nothing */ }
echo '<!DOCTYPE html>';
if ( $pre !== null ) {
html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding: 16px 32px;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: #111;
color: #f0f0f0;
::-moz-selection{background: #662039 !important; color: #fff !important; text-shadow: none;}
::selection {background: #662039 !important; color: #fff !important; text-shadow: none;}
a:active {
color: #9ae;
text-decoration: undefine;
a:hover {
color: #aff;
h1 {
font: 32px consolas;
margin-bottom: 0;
h2 {
font: 24px consolas;
margin-top: 0;
#error-stack-trace {
font: 18px consolas;
line-height: 28px;
white-space: pre;
cursor: pointer;
#error-file.has_code {
margin: 36px 0 -6px 128px;
#error-file-root {
color: #555;
#error-file-lines {
margin-left : 128px;
margin-bottom: 38px;
padding: 0 18px 9px 0;
display: inline-block;
.error-file-line {
font: 16px consolas;
color: #ddd;
white-space: pre;
list-style-type: none;
/* needed for empty lines */
min-height: 20px;
.highlight {
width: 100%;
color: #eee;
.pre-highlight {
opacity: 0.3;
color: #999 !important;
.pre-highlight span {
color: #999 !important;
border: none !important;
.highlight {
background: #391818;
box-shadow: 0 0 6px #301010;
border-radius: 2px;
padding-bottom: 1px;
.syntax-class {
color: #C07041;
.syntax-string {
color: #7C9D5D;
.syntax-literal {
color: #cF5d33;
.syntax-variable-not-important {
opacity: 0.5;
.syntax-higlight-variable {
color: #f00;
border-bottom: 3px dashed #c33;
.syntax-variable {
color: #798aA0;
.syntax-keyword {
color: #C07041;
.syntax-function {
color: #F9EE98;
.syntax-comment {
color: #5a5a5a;
.file-internal {
color: #555;
.file-common {
color: #eb4;
.file-ignore {
color: #585;
.file-app {
color: #7bc;
.file-root {
color: #b69;
#error-wrap {
right: 0;
top: 0;
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: -1;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#error-back {
font: 240px consolas;
color: #211600;
position: absolute;
top: 60px;
right: -80px;
-webkit-transform: rotate( 24deg );
-moz-transform: rotate( 24deg );
-ms-transform: rotate( 24deg );
-o-transform: rotate( 24deg );
transform: rotate( 24deg );
* This is a wrapper class, for wrapping errors inside
* of Exceptions. This way errors can now be terminal,
* and provide a stack trace.
class ErrorToExceptionException extends Exception
protected $_context = null;
public function __construct( $code, $message, $file, $line, $context=null )
parent::__construct( $message, $code );
$this->file = $file;
$this->line = $line;
$this->setContext( $context );
public function getContext()
return $this->_context;
public function setContext( $value )
$this->_context = $value;
class CallErrorToExceptionException extends ErrorToExceptionException
private $fun;
private $args;
public function __construct( $code, $message, $file, $line, $fun, $args ) {
parent::__construct( $code, $message, $file, $line );
$this->fun = $fun;
$this->args = $args;
public function getFunctionName() {
return $this->fun;
public function getArgs() {
return $this->args;
public function getNumArgs() {
return count( $this->args );
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