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Last active December 30, 2015 16:38
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Urgot's mom
Urgot focus carrys plz
Tryndamere ill focus ur mom
Urgot your so cool ass, my mom passed away a week ago.
Tryndamere suresure
Ahri oh no people on the internet give a fuck
Sejuani she got focused
Tryndamere pics or it didnt happen
Sejuani she should have bough a GA
Ahri [All] report urgot plz
Darius [All] ur a got
Urgot [All] making fun of my mom who died is not cool
Teemo [All] agreed
Tryndamere [All] my mom died too
Urgot [All] thats my team
Ahri [All] she should have npight a GA
Ahri [All] bought*
Darius [All] or took revive
Ahri [All] right!
Teemo [All] or befriended zilean
Sejuani [All] or uninstalled
Wukong stop pinging you fucking asshole
Ahri stop guys my ping died last week
Ahri goddamnit
Wukong best ahri NA
Teemo [All] urgot
Teemo [All] that was for your mom
Teemo [All] shes smiling down from heaven
Darius [All] who made fun of ur mom
Ahri [All] dude they keep spamming pings and its not funny cause my ping died last week
Urgot [All] everyone but wuo
Teemo [All] wus a monkey
Teemo [All] monkeys cant talk
Darius [All] monkey see monkey dont do
Sejuani [All] guys thats racist
Urgot [All] internet people think they funny.
Sejuani [All] wu came from africa
Sejuani [All] my monkey died last week
Ahri [All] i died 6 times
Teemo [All] demon
Ahri [All] his mom only died once
Ahri [All] shes good.
Darius [All] wow
Urgot [All] little too far.
Sejuani [All] lol op
Ahri [All] was she 1v1d or did she get ganked?
Sejuani [All] report urgots mom for feeding
Ahri [All] why shes already permabanned?
Darius [All] why are u guys so mean
Darius [All] to his mom
Teemo [All] shes a nice lady
Darius [All] srsly
Wukong oh my god, is my team actually doing something for once?
Wukong nope
Wukong guess not
Sejuani i always go in, no one does any dmg
Ahri [All] shrooms op plz nerf
Teemo [All] say sorry to urgots mom
Teemo [All] and i might put less shrooms down
Ahri [All] im sorry urgots mom fed so hard ;/
Tryndamere [All] fuck you and your shrooms!!!
Sejuani get seeker...
Tryndamere idiots
Tryndamere they shouldve baroned
Sejuani re group
Sejuani [All] urgot is with his mother now
Ahri [All] tell satan i said hi!
Sejuani and your fighting the tank...
Sejuani why
Wukong who
Sejuani ahri
Tryndamere morel ike why arent you fighting the tank
Sejuani i thought she was right behinf me
Ahri uhm
Ahri im not a tank
Ahri i cant dive past them
Ahri like you can
Ahri and hes mostly damage not tank
Tryndamere [All] gg
Darius [All] gg
Teemo [All] gg wp
Tryndamere [All] i blame urgt's mom
Teemo [All] that was for you
Teemo [All] urgots mom
Ahri [All] gggggggg urgots mom throws to hard
Darius [All] <3 urgot
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