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Created December 13, 2019 15:34
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NLP example
Example Text: It’s what Chrome is a programming using AngularJS is a lightweight jQuery clone, without leaving the desired DOM in software modules, defined by modular programming, in a Web browsers perform just-in-time compilation Native development. Facebook for a creational pattern was engineered as an API for library/framework free JavaScript is a way to post status updates without leaving the intermediate to help run multiple versions of documents BEM is the current JavaScript. Apache Cordova is a project. Wide Web analytics, ad tracking, personalization or submitting data. Edge browser. Redux is ECMAScript 2015 / ES6 code can run both in Java. HTTP requests. XMLHttpRequest is a JavaScript code linter. JSPM is a structural framework for transferring data flow. SpiderMonkey, is the host environment for many frameworks in the performance limitations inherent to act as individual documentations, but more responsive. Virtual DOM is a library for building interactive 3D content for information about the result of JavaScript transformation toolkit which is the page elements, fading them automatically of common use the intermediate Memoize is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, and response objects, which a static type checker, designed for the desired DOM manipulation. Three.
Singularized and deduped, NLP'd:
"It "
'It' - Pronoun, Noun, Singular
"s "
's' - Verb
"what "
'what' - QuestionWord
"Chrome "
'Chrome' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"programming "
'programming' - Adjective
"using "
'using' - Noun
"AngularJS "
'AngularJS' - Acronym, Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"lightweight "
'lightweight' - Noun, Singular
"jQuery "
'jQuery' - Singular, Noun
"clone "
'clone' - Noun, Singular
"without "
'without' - Preposition
"leaving "
'leaving' - Gerund, PresentTense, Verb
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"desired "
'desired' - Noun
"DOM "
'DOM' - Acronym, Noun
"in "
'in' - Preposition
"software "
'software' - Noun, Singular
"modules "
'modules' - Noun, Plural
"defined "
'defined' - PastTense, Verb
"by "
'by' - Preposition
"modular "
'modular' - Adjective
"programming "
'programming' - Noun
"in "
'in' - Preposition
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"Web "
'Web' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"browsers "
'browsers' - Noun, Plural
"perform "
'perform' - Infinitive, PresentTense, Verb
"just "
'just' - Adverb
"in "
'in' - Preposition
"time "
'time' - Noun, Singular
"compilation "
'compilation' - Singular, Noun, Actor
"Native "
'Native' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular, Organization
"development "
'development' - Noun, Organization, Singular, ProperNoun
"Facebook "
'Facebook' - Organization, Singular, ProperNoun, Noun, TitleCase
"for "
'for' - Preposition
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"creational "
'creational' - Adjective
"pattern "
'pattern' - Noun, Singular
"was "
'was' - Copula, Verb, PastTense
"engineered "
'engineered' - PastTense, Verb
"as "
'as' - Preposition
"an "
'an' - Determiner
"API "
'API' - Acronym, Noun
"for "
'for' - Preposition
"library "
'library' - Noun, Singular
"framework "
'framework' - Noun, Singular
"free "
'free' - Comparable, Adjective
"JavaScript "
'JavaScript' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"way "
'way' - Adverb
"to "
'to' - Conjunction
"post "
'post' - Infinitive, PresentTense, Verb
"status "
'status' - Singular, Noun
"updates "
'updates' - Noun, Plural
"without "
'without' - Preposition
"leaving "
'leaving' - Gerund, PresentTense, Verb
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"intermediate "
'intermediate' - Comparable, Adjective
"to "
'to' - Conjunction
"help "
'help' - Infinitive, PresentTense, Verb
"run "
'run' - Infinitive, PresentTense, Verb
"multiple "
'multiple' - Adjective
"versions "
'versions' - Plural, Noun
"of "
'of' - Preposition
"documents "
'documents' - Noun, Plural
"BEM "
'BEM' - Acronym, Noun
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"current "
'current' - Adjective
"JavaScript "
'JavaScript' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"Apache "
'Apache' - TitleCase, ProperNoun, Noun, Singular
"Cordova "
'Cordova' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"project "
'project' - Noun, Singular
"Wide "
'Wide' - TitleCase, ProperNoun, Noun, Singular
"Web "
'Web' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"analytics "
'analytics' - Noun, Plural
"ad "
'ad' - Noun, Abbreviation, Singular
"tracking "
'tracking' - Gerund, PresentTense, Verb
"personalization "
'personalization' - Singular, Noun
"or "
'or' - Conjunction
"submitting "
'submitting' - Gerund, PresentTense, Verb
"data "
'data' - Noun, Singular
"Edge "
'Edge' - TitleCase, ProperNoun, Noun, Singular
"browser "
'browser' - Noun, Singular
"Redux "
'Redux' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"ECMAScript "
'ECMAScript' - Noun, Singular
"2015 "
'2015' - Cardinal, Value, NumericValue
"ES6 "
'ES6' - Noun, Singular
"code "
'code' - Noun, Singular
"can "
'can' - Modal, Verb, Auxiliary
"run "
'run' - Infinitive, PresentTense, Verb
"both "
'both' - Determiner
"in "
'in' - Preposition
"Java "
'Java' - TitleCase, ProperNoun, Noun, Singular
'HTTP' - Acronym, Noun
"requests "
'requests' - PresentTense, Verb
"XMLHttpRequest "
'XMLHttpRequest' - Noun, Singular
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"JavaScript "
'JavaScript' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"code "
'code' - Noun, Singular
"linter "
'linter' - Noun, Singular
'JSPM' - Acronym, Noun
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"structural "
'structural' - Adjective
"framework "
'framework' - Noun, Singular
"for "
'for' - Preposition
"transferring "
'transferring' - Gerund, PresentTense, Verb
"data "
'data' - Noun, Singular
"flow "
'flow' - Infinitive, PresentTense, Verb
"SpiderMonkey "
'SpiderMonkey' - Noun, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Singular
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"host "
'host' - Noun
"environment "
'environment' - Noun, Singular
"for "
'for' - Preposition
"many "
'many' - Adjective
"frameworks "
'frameworks' - Noun, Plural
"in "
'in' - Preposition
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"performance "
'performance' - Noun, Singular
"limitations "
'limitations' - Plural, Noun
"inherent "
'inherent' - Adjective
"to "
'to' - Conjunction
"act "
'act' - Infinitive, PresentTense, Verb
"as "
'as' - Preposition
"individual "
'individual' - Adjective
"documentations "
'documentations' - Plural, Noun
"but "
'but' - Conjunction
"more "
'more' - Adverb
"responsive "
'responsive' - Adjective
"Virtual "
'Virtual' - TitleCase, ProperNoun, Noun, Singular
"DOM "
'DOM' - Acronym, Noun
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"library "
'library' - Noun, Singular
"for "
'for' - Preposition
"building "
'building' - Gerund, PresentTense, Verb
"interactive "
'interactive' - Actor, Noun, Singular
"3D "
'3D' - Noun, Singular
"content "
'content' - Adjective
"for "
'for' - Preposition
"information "
'information' - Uncountable, Noun, Singular
"about "
'about' - Preposition
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"result "
'result' - Noun, Singular
"of "
'of' - Preposition
"JavaScript "
'JavaScript' - TitleCase, ProperNoun, Noun, Singular
"transformation "
'transformation' - Singular, Noun
"toolkit "
'toolkit' - Noun, Singular
"which "
'which' - QuestionWord
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"page "
'page' - Noun, Singular
"elements "
'elements' - Noun, Plural
"fading "
'fading' - Gerund, PresentTense, Verb
"them "
'them' - Pronoun, Noun
"automatically "
'automatically' - Adverb
"of "
'of' - Preposition
"common "
'common' - Comparable, Adjective
"use "
'use' - Noun
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"intermediate "
'intermediate' - Comparable, Adjective
"Memoize "
'Memoize' - TitleCase, ProperNoun, Noun, Singular
"is "
'is' - Verb, Copula
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"high "
'high' - Comparable, Adjective
"level "
'level' - Noun, Singular
"dynamic "
'dynamic' - Adjective
"untyped "
'untyped' - Noun, Singular
"and "
'and' - Conjunction
"response "
'response' - Noun, Singular
"objects "
'objects' - PresentTense, Verb
"which "
'which' - QuestionWord
"a "
'a' - Determiner
"static "
'static' - Adjective
"type "
'type' - Noun, Singular
"checker "
'checker' - Comparative, Adjective
"designed "
'designed' - PastTense, Verb
"for "
'for' - Preposition
"the "
'the' - Determiner
"desired "
'desired' - Noun
"DOM "
'DOM' - Acronym, Noun
"manipulation "
'manipulation' - Singular, Noun
'Three' - TextValue, Value, Cardinal, TitleCase, ProperNoun, Noun
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