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Created September 30, 2011 23:23
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pseudocode and data definitions
#lang racket
; for symbol->char contract
(define (single-symbol? sym)
(= 1 (string-length (symbol->string sym))))
(define (each-unique? lst)
(= (length lst)
(length (remove-duplicates lst))))
; could make a struct later if data type gets more complex
(define instruction/c (cons/c char? number?))
; for contracts
(define (valid-char? chr)
(and (char? chr)
(memq chr initial-queue)))
; for contracts
(define (valid-num? num)
(and (number? num)
[num . < . (length initial-queue)]))
; for contracts
(define (valid-input? inp)
(and (list? inp)
(= (count-numbers inp) (count-letters inp))
(andmap (λ (datum) (if (char? datum)
(valid-char? datum)
(valid-num? datum)))
(each-unique? inp)))
; count-numbers : list -> number
(define (count-numbers lst)
(let aux ([lst lst] [total 0])
(cond [(empty? lst) total]
[(number? (first lst))
(aux (rest lst) (add1 total))]
(aux (rest lst) total)])))
(define (count-letters lst)
(foldl (λ (elem total) (if (char? elem)
(add1 total)
0 lst))
(define initial-queue (list #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H))
[initial-queue (listof char?)]
[symbol->char (-> single-symbol? char?)]
[input->assoc-list (-> valid-input?
(listof instruction/c))]
[tip-the-queue (-> list? pair?
(provide count-numbers
(define (symbol->char sym)
(string-ref (symbol->string sym) 0))
(define (input->assoc-list vals)
(local [(define (extract-next upcoming [seen '()] #:type identifier?)
(let ([next (first upcoming)])
(if (identifier? next)
(values next (append (reverse seen) (rest upcoming)))
(extract-next (rest upcoming) (cons next seen) #:type identifier?))))]
(cond [(empty? vals) '()]
[(number? (first vals)) (define-values [ltr inp] (extract-next #:type char? (rest vals)))
(cons (cons ltr (first vals))
(input->assoc-list inp))]
[else ;char?
(define-values [num inp] (extract-next #:type number? (rest vals)))
(cons (cons (first vals) num)
(input->assoc-list inp))])))
(define (tip-the-queue q instr)
(local [(define chr (car instr))
(define pos (cdr instr))
(front back) (split-at q (add1 pos)#;"Add1 because otherwise this inserts BEFORE pos"))]
(set! front (remq chr front))
(set! back (remq chr back))
(append front (cons chr back))))
#lang racket
(require "Queue-Tip.rkt")
; set current-input-port to a particular string OR comment all out to read from user
(current-input-port (open-input-string "3 A B 5"))
;(current-input-port (open-input-string "A H 1 6 7 E"))
;(current-input-port (open-input-string "A 1 A 2"))
;(current-input-port (open-input-string "A 1 B 3 C"))
(define alphabet-gods-decree
;; (port->list)))
(for/list ([datum (in-port)])
(if (number? datum)
(symbol->char datum)))))
(define answer
(foldl (λ (instruction Q)
(tip-the-queue Q instruction))
(printf "The original queue was ~a" initial-queue)
(printf "According to the will of the alphabet gods, the new-- and most assuredly IMPROVED-- queue is ~a"
#lang racket
(require rackunit
; could consider require/expose
(define-test-suite 3AB5
"Tests for if the list of instructions is (3 A B 5)"
(define lst '(3 #\A #\B 5))
(check = 2 (count-letters lst))
#;(check-equal? (input->assoc-list '(3 #\A #\B 5))
'((#\A . 3) (#\B . 5)))
;(check-equal? 3 (count-letters '(#\A #\H 1 6 7 #\E)))
;(check-equal? (input->assoc-list '(#\A #\H 1 6 7 #\E))
; '((#\A . 1) (#\H . 6) (#\E . 7)))
class TranSlayTor
attr_accessor :content
class TextObj
attr_accessor :textType, :pos, :content
# data definitions
# textTypeIdentifier are bits of regexes, and these bits of regexes
# should be manipulatable/composable by CONSECUTIVE and UNIQUE
character = /[A-Za-z]/ # N.B. only one.
vowel = /[aeiou]/i
consonant = "" # AND character NOT vowel;
number = /\d+/ # if given x100x it needs to be greedy and get 100; not 10.
# UPDATE after trying in IRb, it seems to be greedy by default
word =
# character ==> \w ==> ([A-Z][a-z])
# @TODO should character be regarded only as a letter?
# vowel ==> (aeiou) y?
# number ==> <digit>+
# digit ==> \d ==> [0-9]
# word ==> \b+\w+\b+ ==>
# line IS ^.*$ ==> <word>*<newline>
# textType = character | consonant | vowel | number | word | line
# textObj IS at least a position, perhaps bound with the type and content
# consecutive is a function combinator
# consecutive(textType, inputStr)
# unique(textType, inputStr)
# replace_with(textObj, inputStr)
# @IDEA: a function that takes an inputStr of any length and returns all of the symbols that it validates
# plural?(inputChunk)
# if substring to one before end is a valid symbol, and final is "s", then TRUE
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