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Created August 13, 2020 19:20
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FROM frolvlad/alpine-python3
# Build and install numpy
RUN apk add --no-cache \ \
g++ gfortran file binutils \
musl-dev python3-dev cython openblas-dev lapack-dev && \
apk add libstdc++ openblas lapack && \
pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-build-isolation --no-cache-dir numpy==1.18.5 && \
find /usr/lib/python3.*/ -name 'tests' -exec rm -r '{}' + && \
find /usr/lib/python3.*/site-packages/ -name '*.so' -print -exec sh -c 'file "{}" | grep -q "not stripped" && strip -s "{}"' \; && \
apk del .build-dependencies
# Build and install h5py
RUN apk add --no-cache \ \
g++ gfortran file binutils \
musl-dev python3-dev cython hdf5-dev && \
apk add libstdc++ hdf5 && \
pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-build-isolation --no-cache-dir h5py && \
find /usr/lib/python3.*/ -name 'tests' -exec rm -r '{}' + && \
find /usr/lib/python3.*/site-packages/ -name '*.so' -print -exec sh -c 'file "{}" | grep -q "not stripped" && strip -s "{}"' \; && \
apk del .build-dependencies
# Build and install scipy
COPY "scipy/scipy-1.4.1" "/tmp/scipy-1.4.1"
RUN apk add --no-cache \ \
g++ gfortran file binutils patch \
musl-dev python3-dev cython openblas-dev lapack-dev && \
apk add libstdc++ openblas lapack && \
ln -s locale.h /usr/include/xlocale.h && \
cd /tmp && \
SCIPY_VERSION=1.4.1 && \
#wget "$SCIPY_VERSION/scipy-$SCIPY_VERSION.tar.xz" && \
#tar -xJf "scipy-$SCIPY_VERSION.tar.xz" && \
#(cd "scipy-$SCIPY_VERSION" && wget -O - | patch -p1) && \
pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-build-isolation "/tmp/scipy-$SCIPY_VERSION/" && \
rm -rf /tmp/* && \
rm -r /root/.cache && \
find /usr/lib/python3.*/ -name 'tests' -exec rm -r '{}' + && \
find /usr/lib/python3.*/site-packages/ -name '*.so' -print -exec sh -c 'file "{}" | grep -q "not stripped" && strip -s "{}"' \; && \
rm /usr/include/xlocale.h && \
apk del .build-dependencies
# Install python packages
RUN pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-build-isolation --no-cache-dir mock pytest ruamel.yaml Jinja2 nbformat nbconvert && \
find /usr/lib/python3.*/ -name 'tests' -exec rm -r '{}' +
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