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Created April 28, 2019 15:03
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# The data config section configures the data loader
# file_list_fn: path to a txt file where each line is the absolute path
# to a .h5 file containing information from an event
file_list_fn: /data2/deeplearning/ctlearn/tests/prototype_files_class_balanced.txt
# channels: list of image-like features per image that will be loaded. Supports:
# image_charge: total charge received by pixel during the event
# peak_times: time in seconds when the peak of energy occured
# CAUTION: ctalearn assumes that image_charge is always the first channel
channels: [image_charge]
# img_size: [img_width, img_length]
img_size: [108, 108]
# selected_tel_types: list of telescopes whose images will be loaded
# supported types: 'LST', 'MSTF'
selected_tel_types: ['LST']
# data_type: select between loading single images or sequences from the same event
# supported modes: 'single_tel', 'array'
data_type: 'array'
# min_triggers_per_event: filter events with few telescope triggers
min_triggers_per_event: 1
# image_mapping_config: configuration for the mapping of images to numpy arrays
# hex_conversion_algorithm:
# supported options: oversampling
hex_conversion_algorithm: oversampling
# preprocessing_config: configuration for the preprocessing of images
# normalization: apply normalization to the images.
# Supported modes:
# null: no normalization
# log_normalization
normalization: null
# resize_mode: method for resizing images
# supported modes: 'interpolate'
resize_mode: 'interpolate'
# event_order_type: order events in array mode
# Supported modes
# null: no reordering
# size: order images by sum of charges
event_order_type: size
# event_order_reverse:
# if true, the images inside an event will be order greates to lowest
event_order_reverse: true
# min_imgs_per_seq: pads sequences smaller than this with zero images
min_imgs_per_seq: 4
# max_imgs_per_seq: truncates sequences bigger than this
max_imgs_per_seq: 4
# CAUTION: If using concat combine mode, min_imgs_per_seq must be equal to max_imgs_per_seq
# and both of them must be
# indicates if padding should be added before or after the original sequence
# supported modes: post, pre
sequence_padding: post
# indicates if padding should be added before or after the original sequence
# supported modes: post, pre
sequence_truncating: post
# Configuration during training
epochs: 30 # epoch = whole pass of the training dataset
batch_size: 16
train_split: 0.9
val_split: 0.1
seed: 1111 # seed the random generators
shuffle: true # shuffle training dataset between epochs
optimizer: adam
learning_rate: 1.0e-04
epsilon: 1.0e-08
decay: 0.0
loss: 'categorical_crossentropy'
# metrics: List of metrics to collect during training and validation.
# Supports:
# acc: train accuracy
# auc: area under the receiving operator curve
metrics: [acc, auc]
# stop_early: Metric whose progress to track to perform early stopping
# Supports:
# loss: tranining loss
# val_loss: validation loss
# acc: training accuracy
# val_acc: validation accuracy
# null: disable stop early
# min_delta: minimum change in target metric that registers as an improvement
# patience: number of epochs without an improvement before stopping early
stop_early: loss
min_delta: 0
patience: 3
# class_weight: if true, example losses are scaled to give more importance to examples from underrepresented classes
class_weight: false
# fit_batch_first: if true, it first overfits the model to a single batch before starting training
fit_batch_first: false
# save_model: if false, the trained weights are discarded instead of saved
save_model: false
# input_shape:
# for array mode with concatenation of the LSTM output, use [seq_length, img_width, img_height, n_channels]
# for array mode without concatenation of the LSTM output, use [null, img_width, img_height, n_channels]
# for single_tel mode use [img_width, img_height, n_channels]
input_shape: [4, 108, 108, 1]
# num_classes: how many classes to classify
num_classes: 2
# activation_function: activation function to be used after each layer
activation_function: 'relu'
# dropout_rate: fraction of units to randomly drop between layers during training for regularization
dropout_rate: 0.0
# use_batchnorm: if true, adds batchnorm layers between convolutions
use_batchnorm: true
# l2_regularization: regularization penalty to the kernel and bias of each layer
l2_regularization: 0.0
# cnn_layers: Conv2D layers
- {filters: 32, kernel_size: 3, use_maxpool: true}
- {filters: 32, kernel_size: 3, use_maxpool: true}
- {filters: 64, kernel_size: 3, use_maxpool: true}
- {filters: 128, kernel_size: 3, use_maxpool: true}
# lstm_units: dimensionality of output of each LSTM cell
# if null or 0 the LSTM is skipped
lstm_units: 2048
# combine_mode : specifies how the encoding of each image in the sequence
# is to be combined. Supports:
# concat : outputs are stacked on top of one another
# last : only last hidden state is returned
# attention : an attention mechanism is used to combine the hidden states
combine_mode: attention
# fcn_layers: Dense layers
- {units: 1024}
- {units: 512}
# the model is finally fed to a dense layer with a softmax activation and
# number of units equal to the number of classes
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