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Last active April 12, 2016 23:54
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Elm to Javascript


Elm is a fantastic programming language. It faciliates a style of structuring web applications, both through functional programming and the Elm architecture, that allows for code that is modular, reliable, and easy to refactor.

If you are starting a new project that requires a fast interactive front-end and you are willing or able to learn a new language and ecosystem, I would strongly encourage you to choose Elm.

But if you don't have that flexibility, if you want to stay inside the javascript world and borrow some of the fantastic ideas behind Elm, this blog post is an attempt to replicate some of them.

First it will introduce some essential tools, like Functional Programming utilies, stateless rendering with main-loop and hyperscript-helpers. We will then use them to build an application somewhat similar to that of the classic To-Do list example.

The application we'll be building is available here and the source code is available on GitHub.

Wiring the application

The essential wiring we'll use to try to emulate the Elm architecture is by leveraging a module called main-loop.

Main loop allows us to create a mechanism for taking the state of our application, represented in a javascript object, and run it through a render function that turns that state into a virtual dom node. We can the attach the result of that operation and append it on to the page. This will put the visual representation of the state on the page.

var mainLoop = require('main-loop');

var render = function(state) {

var initialState = {
  title: 'test'
var loop = mainLoop(initialState, render, vdom);


Where the magic happens is that we can call the update method on loop at any point and pass it a new state. When we do that, the virtual dom will take care of figuring out the which minimal updates need to be applied to the dom to make the new representation we need.

  title: 'new title'

Hyperscript Helpers

One of my favorite features of Elm is the ability to represent html in normal everyday functions. That allows you to run any normal operations (like map) to calculate your views. It also allows you to unit test your views just like any other function.

titleView state =
  h1 [] [ text state.title ]

Manually creating nodes in our views works, but it's much less elegant than in Elm. Luckily there's a library called hyperscript-helpers that makes this better! With hyperscript-helpers, you get functions just like in Elm.

var titleView = function(state){
  h1('.title', state.title);

Rendering arbitrary lists

Initial State

Our initial state will have two properties, both arrays of objects, availableLegislators and selectedLegislators.

/* Initial state */
var initialState =  {
  selectedLegislators: [{
    firstName: 'Juan',
    lastName: 'Caicedo'
  }, {
    firstName: 'Carson',
    lastName: 'Banov'
  availableLegislators: [{
    firstName: 'Senator',
    lastName: 'One'
  }, {
    firstName: 'Congresswoman',
    lastName: 'Two'

This is the initial state that we will pass to the mainLoop function, along with the virtual-dom module and the rendering function we will be describing next.

Render functions

Let's start out with the main render function. This function only needs to create a main div and then it can delegate the rendering of each of the two arrays in the state.

var render = function (state) {
  return div('.container', [
    legislatorTableView('Your Team', state.selectedLegislators),
    legislatorTableView('Available', state.availableLegislators)

Both of the children to this main div will be structurally identically, the only difference will be the title rendered above the table and the actual contents of the table. We can encapsulate these similarities by defining a new function legislatorTableView and passing the differences in as parameters.

var legislatorTableView = function (title, legislators) {
  return div('.col-xs-6', [
    table('.table.table-striped', [
      tbody(, legislators)

The legislatorTableView renders another div (adding some bootstrap styling to make it take up half of the screen), renders the title we passed in, initiates another table, and delegates the rendering of each row to another function legislatorView.

var legislatorView = function (legislator) {
  return tr('.container-fluid', [
    td('.col-xs-6', legislator.firstName),
    td('.col-xs-6', legislator.lastName)

This function legislatorView is the lowest level of our rendering, so it just takes care of turning a single object into a row of a table with two cells.

With all those view functions, we now have a way of rendering our initial state into a page with two tables side by side, each with two rows.

Dealing with updates

We would now like to add functionality so that if you click on a legislator, it will move that legislator from one table to the other. hyperscript-helpers exposes a simple way to wire up onclick handlers, but that means that we need to be able to trigger an update from inside the rendering code.

main-loop gives us the .update function, but we need to first instantiate the loop before we can call it. Since we have to pass the render function in order to instantiate the loop, there's no way the render function can call loop.update directly.

In Elm, updating is done through an indirect, but wonderfully elegant mechanism. Views have access to an "address" to which they can pass an "action". An action is just a structure that has a type and some data associated with it. These actions all find their way eventually to an update function that knows how to calculate a new state given the old state and an action.

We can emulate this mechanism by first creating an action function to instantiate this data structure.

var action = function(type, data) {
  return {
    type: type,
    data: data

Next we will need to wire up some unavoidable stateful code. This code will go in our "unsafe" section of the code, like instantiating the main loop.

We instantiate a new event emitter. Here we're doing it with Node's built-in EventEmitter, since we'll be using browserify to build a client-side bundle, but the same could be done with the DOM events or with jQuery's events.

var emitter = new EventEmitter();

The address function here just takes care of triggering an event of type 'update' and sending the action it gets along as data with the event. It's worth noting that the addresses used in the Elm architecture are actually part of a more complex update wiring which is therefore much more robust, but for these purposes, a simple address illustrates the idea.

function address(action) {
  emitter.emit('update', action);

Then we register an event listener on any update event. It will call update passing it the current state of loop and action to calculate a new state with.

emitter.on('update', function(action) {
  var newState = update(loop.state, action);

update simply needs to be a function that checks the type of the action and uses its data to calculate a new state. This is not very complicated at all, simply some appending to the one list and removing from the other, depending on the direction. Though it would be possible to return these two properties as a new state, I prefer to use R.merge, which mirrors how Elm "modifies" records. It creates a new object from the first object and the properties of the second object.

var update = function (state, action) {
  var newSelected;
  var newAvailable;

  // fallback case
  var newState = state;

  if (action.type === 'Drop') {
    newSelected = R.reject(R.equals(, state.selectedLegislators);
    newAvailable = R.append(, state.availableLegislators);

    newState = R.merge(state, {
      selectedLegislators: newSelected,
      availableLegislators: newAvailable
  } else if (action.type === 'Select') {
    newSelected = R.append(, state.selectedLegislators);
    newAvailable = R.reject(R.equals(, state.availableLegislators);

    newState = R.merge(state, {
      selectedLegislators: newSelected,
      availableLegislators: newAvailable
  return newState;

It's worth pointing out that this whole update mechanism is code that has no outside state and is therefore very easy to test!

Now that we have this update mechanism, all we have to do is add the ability to trigger updates to our views.

We can change the definition of render to now also take address as a parameter. We will also curry the whole function so that we will be able to specify address without needing to specify state (as that will be specified when main-loop calls that function). We will then pass the address function as well as the type of the action to send whenever a use clicks on a row to legislatorTableView.

var render = R.curry(function (address, state) {
  return div('.container', [
    legislatorSelectView(address, 'Drop', 'Your Team', state.selectedLegislators),
    legislatorSelectView(address, 'Select', 'Available', state.availableLegislators)

This also means that we should change how we instantiate the main loop since we changed the definition of render.

var loop = mainLoop(initialState, render(address), vdom);

The definition of legislatorTableView will also change, but not by much. Now we will just add the two new arguments, and we will pass them to legislatorView. Note that we will also be currying legislatorView, so we can call it with address and type to partially apply those arguments.

var legislatorTableView = function (address, type, title, legislators) {
  return div('.col-xs-6', [
    table('.table.table-striped', [
      tbody(, type), legislators)

And now down at the legislatorView level, we will actually wire up a a call to address. hyperscript-helpers allows us to pass an object to any element we are instantiating and specify attributes that should have. We can specify an onclick handler and when it's called simply call address, passing it an action from our type and the current legislator. Then address will trigger an update event and our update function!

var legislatorView = R.curry(function (address, type, legislator) {
  return tr('.container-fluid', {
    onclick: function(ev) {
      address(action('Toggle', action(type, legislator)));
  }, [
    td('.col-xs-6', legislator.firstName),
    td('.col-xs-6', legislator.lastName)


Elm is a fantastic programming language, and the Elm architecture is a fantastic way to structure web applications. If it's not possible for you to start using Elm for your application, it's possible to get some benefits from copying some ideas from them into your javascript code.

If you like the ideas in this blog post, you should consider looking at olmo which is a very thorough look at porting the Elm architecture to javascript. And if you would like to build a full web application in this style, I would encourage you to look at Redux, which is a Flux implementation which borrows heavily from the Elm architecture.

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