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Last active January 5, 2023 19:59
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// ==UserScript==
// @name HomeStuck Troll Accessiblity
// @namespace
// @version 0.6
// @author Pongles
// @description Modifies the Troll's text so that it can be read easier
// @icon
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict'
console.log('Homestuck Troll Acessiblity running')
let lineCount = 0;
const formatting = (str) => {
str = str.replace(/(\w)([\w\s\'\"\,\;\.\?]+)/gm, (match, p1, p2, offset, stri) => {
return p1.toUpperCase() + p2;
str = str.replace(/(\si\s)/g, " I ");
str = str.replace(/\<E/gi, "<3");
return str;
let trolls = {
adiosToreador: {
color: "rgb(161, 80, 0)",
convert: function(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();
apocalypseArisen : {
color: "rgb(161, 0, 0)",
convert: function(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
str = str.replace(/0/g, 'o');
return str;
arachnidsGrip : {
color: "rgb(0, 86, 130)",
convert: function(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
// I believe this one will be the most tedious since she is so chaotic with it
let replacements = {
"f8ed" : "fated",
"ch8nge" : "change",
"8l8tant" : "blatant",
"sk8" : "skate",
"p8ste" : "paste",
"pl8y" : "play",
"g8mes" : "games",
"w8s" : "was",
"assh8le" : "asshole",
"idi8t" : "idiot",
"m8y8e" : "maybe",
"l8fe" : "life",
"h8gh" : "high",
"might8" : "mighty",
"an8" : "and",
"th8nk" : "think",
"gr8at" : "great",
"m8y88" : "maybe",
"c8uld" : "could",
"d8n\'t" : "don't",
"kn8w" : "know",
"do8ng" : "doing",
"b8d" : "bad",
"gr8" : "great",
"fin8" : "fine",
"ubbbbbbbbh" : "uggggggggh",
"qu8te" : "quite",
"d8dn\'t" : "didn't",
"w8rd" : "word",
"qu8ck" : "quick",
"usu8lly" : "usually",
"sne8k" : "sneak",
"th8t" : "that",
"stink8n" : "stinkin",
"littl8" : "little",
"th8r8" : "there",
"m8d" : "mad",
"st8pid" : "stupid",
"godd8mn" : "goddamn",
"fri8nd" : "friend",
"8nd" : "and",
"g8d" : "god",
"d8re" : "dare",
"mist8kes" : "mistakes",
"r8gret" : "regret",
"reserv8tions" : "reservations",
"ch8nging" : "changing",
"d8y" : "day",
"l8ttle" : "little",
"n8thin" : "nothin",
"f8ce" : "face",
"ag8in" : "again",
"t8rrible" : "terrible",
"t8ke" : "take",
"c8n\'t" : "can't",
"fre8king" : "freaking",
"aw8y" : "away",
"f8ck" : "fuck",
"los8r" : "loser",
"delusion8l" : "dislusional",
"path8tic" : "pathetic",
"congratul8" : "congratulate",
"g8me" : "game",
"tog8ther" : "together",
"le8ders" : "leaders",
"m8ke" : "make",
"wo8ldn\'t" : "wouldn't",
"f8r" : "for",
"everyth8ng" : "everything",
"infuri8ing" : "infuriating",
"s8mething" : "something",
"he8rt" : "heart",
"sup8r" : "super",
"op8n" : "open",
"p8nt" : "paint",
"em8tions" : "emotions",
"conversation": "conversation",
"consol8tion" : "consolation",
"s8ving" : "saving",
"decapit8" : "decapitate",
"dict8" : "dictate",
"cre8tive" : "creative",
"br8k" : "break",
"ultim8" : "ultimate",
"w8" : "wait",
"g8" : "gate",
"l8" : "late",
"tr8": "try",
"8n\'t" : "ain't",
"st8p" : "stop",
"th8" : "the",
"h8" : "hate",
Object.keys(replacements).forEach(replace => {
if (str.includes(replace)) {
let re = new RegExp(replace, 'gi');
str = str.replace(re, replacements[replace]);
str = str.replace(/8/g, 'b');
return str;
arsenicCatnip: {
color: "rgb(65, 102, 0)",
convert: function(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
str = str.replace(/3/g, 'e');
str = str.replace(/\:ee/g, ':33')
return str.toLowerCase();
caligulasAquarium : {
color: "rgb(106, 0, 106)",
convert: function(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
str = str.replace(/vv/gi, 'v')
str = str.replace(/ww/gi, 'w')
return str;
carcinoGeneticist: {
color: "rgb(98, 98, 98)",
convert: function(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();
centaursTesticle : {
color: "rgb(0, 0, 86)",
convert: function(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
let replacements = {
"perfe%ion" : "perfection",
"predi%ion" : "prediction",
"una%eptable" : "unacceptable",
"distin%ion" : "distinction",
"%%ings" : "doublecrossings"
Object.keys(replacements).forEach(replace => {
if (str.includes(replace)) {
let re = new RegExp(replace, 'gi');
str = str.replace(re, replacements[replace]);
str = str.replace(/\%/g, "x");
str = str.replace(/0/g, "o");
str = str.replace(/1/g, 'l');
return str;
cuttlefishCuller : {
color: "rgb(119, 0, 60)",
convert: function(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
str = str.replace(/\)\(/g, 'h');
str = str.replace(/\-/g, '');
return str;
gallowsCalibrator: {
color: "rgb(0, 130, 130)",
convert: function(str) {
str = str.replace(/3/g, 'e');
str = str.replace(/4/g, 'a');
str = str.replace(/1/g, 'i');
return str.toLowerCase();
//Unfortunately, they use numbers as actual numbers sometimes. -_-
grimAuxiliatrix : {
color: "rgb(0, 129, 65)",
convert: function(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();
terminallyCapricious: {
color: "rgb(43, 0, 87)",
convert: function(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();
twinAmageddons: {
color: "rgb(161, 161, 0)",
convert: function(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
str = str.replace(/ii/g, 'i');
str = str.replace(/2/g, 's');
return str;
document.querySelectorAll(".o_chat-log > span").forEach(line => {
if (/\[\w+\]/gm.test(line.textContent)) return; //Don't want to affect the [XX] spans
if (!(/\s/gm.test(line.textContent))) return;
Object.entries(trolls).forEach((entry) => {
if ( == entry[1].color) {
let ident = line.textContent.match(/\w+\:/i)[0];
let text = line.textContent.slice(ident.length)
line.title = line.textContent;
line.textContent = ident + " " + formatting(entry[1].convert(text));
lineCount += 1;
// He's not a troll, but damn if he ain't annoying
if ( == "rgb(255, 255, 255)") { = "rgb(153, 153, 153)"; }
console.log(`Converted ${lineCount} lines for ease of reading`);
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's not like a reader is just going to skip the pesterlogs, why do they start closed?
setTimeout(function() {
document.querySelector('.o_chat-log-btn').click(console.log('Log opened'))
}, 100)
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