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Last active April 24, 2024 15:11
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TestContainers - Forward test
package tcgot
import (
// // replace => /......./testcontainers-go
type StdoutLogConsumer struct{}
func (lc *StdoutLogConsumer) Accept(l testcontainers.Log) {
fmt.Print("LOGGER: ")
var lc = StdoutLogConsumer{}
func TestContainerPortForwarding(t *testing.T) {
s := mockHTTPServer()
_, err := curl(t, "http://host.testcontainers.internal:7171/")
if err != nil {
func mockHTTPServer() *http.Server {
s := &http.Server{
Addr: ":7171",
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello")
go func() {
if err := s.ListenAndServe(); !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
log.Fatalf("HTTP server error: %v", err)
return s
func curl(t *testing.T, url string) (testcontainers.Container, error) {
ctx := context.Background()
c, err := testcontainers.GenericContainer(ctx, testcontainers.GenericContainerRequest{
Started: true,
ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Image: "alpine",
HostAccessPorts: []int{7171},
LogConsumerCfg: &testcontainers.LogConsumerConfig{
Consumers: []testcontainers.LogConsumer{&lc},
WaitingFor: wait.ForAll(
Cmd: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", "apk add curl && echo ready && sleep 5"},
if err != nil {
return c, err
cmd, reader, err := c.Exec(ctx, []string{"curl", "-s", "-L", url})
if err != nil {
if cmd != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Unable to CURL URL %s, expected return code 1, got %v\n", url, cmd)
buf := new(strings.Builder)
_, err = io.Copy(buf, reader)
if err != nil {
o := buf.String()
if !strings.HasSuffix(o, "hello") {
t.Fatalf("Bad CURL content, expected return string hello, got %v\n", o)
return c, err
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