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Created November 14, 2024 20:46
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Save JustLinuxUser/07793f092d504adf4e3ce520f06740ad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
return {
cmd = function()
require("lint").linters_by_ft = {
c = { "norminette" },
-- Error: VAR_DECL_START_FUNC (line: 171, col: 1): Variable declaration not at start of function
local pattern = '(Error):%s+([%u_]+)%s+%(line:%s+(%d+),%scol:%s+(%d+)%):%s+(.*)';
local groups = { 'severity', 'code', 'lnum', 'col', 'message' };
local default_severity = {['Error'] = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN};
local parser = require('lint.parser').from_pattern(pattern, groups, default_severity, {}, {});
require('lint').linters.norminette = {
name = "norminette",
cmd = 'norminette',
stdin = false, -- or false if it doesn't support content input via stdin. In that case the filename is automatically added to the arguments.
append_fname = true, -- Automatically append the file name to `args` if `stdin = false` (default: true)
args = {}, -- list of arguments. Can contain functions with zero arguments that will be evaluated once the linter is used.
stream = "both", -- ('stdout' | 'stderr' | 'both') configure the stream to which the linter outputs the linting result.
ignore_exitcode = true, -- set this to true if the linter exits with a code != 0 and that's considered normal.
env = nil, -- custom environment table to use with the external process. Note that this replaces the *entire* environment, it is not additive.
parser = parser
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufWritePost" }, {
callback = function()
-- try_lint without arguments runs the linters defined in `linters_by_ft`
-- for the current filetype
local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf();
local allowed = true;
for _, b in pairs(BANNED_BUFFS) do
if b == buf then
allowed = false;
if vim.fn.filereadable("NONORM") == 1 then
allowed = false;
if allowed then
local ns = require("lint").get_namespace("norminette");
vim.diagnostic.reset(ns, vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf());
local ns = require("lint").get_namespace("norminette");
vim.diagnostic.reset(ns, vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf());
table.insert(BANNED_BUFFS, vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf());
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