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Created December 21, 2013 05:56
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Save Justasic/8065956 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is an XChat/HexChat plugin to announce Google Voice SMS notifications locally on your IRC client. If you're like me and always looking at your IRC client not your phone, this is much more useful.
__module_name__ = "Google Voice"
__module_version__ = "1.0"
__module_description__ = "Receive Google Voice SMS notifications in IRC"
# This google voice plugin ONLY receives SMS messages and displays them in
# the current context. You are NOT able to reply to these people through
# this plugin (YET).
# This plugin requires the pygooglevoice library, unfortunately, it hasn't
# been updated in a few years and has since changed. You can view an updated
# version here:
USERNAME = "<Google Username>"
PASSWORD = "<Google Password>"
from googlevoice import Voice
import sys, time, random
import BeautifulSoup
import pynotify
import xchat
import thread, threading
local_thread = None
def extractsms(htmlsms) :
extractsms -- extract SMS messages from BeautifulSoup tree of Google Voice SMS HTML.
Output is a list of dictionaries, one per message.
msgitems = [] # accum message items here
# Extract all conversations by searching for a DIV with an ID at top level.
tree = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(htmlsms) # parse HTML into tree
conversations = tree.findAll("div",attrs={"id" : True},recursive=False)
for conversation in conversations:
# For each conversation, extract each row, which is one SMS message.
rows = conversation.findAll(attrs={"class" : "gc-message-sms-row"})
for row in rows: # for all rows
# For each row, which is one message, extract all the fields.
msgitem = {"id" : conversation["id"]} # tag this message with conversation ID
spans = row.findAll("span",attrs={"class" : True}, recursive=False)
for span in spans: # for all spans in row
cl = span["class"].replace('gc-message-sms-', '')
msgitem[cl] = (" ".join(span.findAll(text=True))).strip() # put text in dict
msgitems.append(msgitem) # add msg dictionary to list
return msgitems
def ctx_print(event_name, *args):
ctx = xchat.get_context()
ctx.emit_print(event_name, *args)
class LoadThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, voice):
self.voice = voice
self.items = {}
self.msgs = []
self.running = True
def run(self):
while self.running:
msgs = extractsms(self.voice.sms.html)
if not self.msgs:
self.msgs = msgs
old_msgs = []
new_msgs = []
for msg in msgs:
for msg in self.msgs:
find_msgs = list(set(old_msgs) ^ set(new_msgs))
if find_msgs:
new_msgs = []
for m in find_msgs:
for o in msgs:
if m == o['text']:
for msg in new_msgs:
user = msg['from'][:-1]
if user not in self.items:
self.items[user] = random.randint(0, 25)
if user == "Me":
ctx_print("Channel Message", "\003%d%s\017" % (self.items[user], user), msg['text'], "$")
self.msgs = msgs
def on_unload(userdata):
local_thread.running = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
voice = Voice()
voice.login(USERNAME.encode('utf-8'), PASSWORD.encode('utf-8'))
local_thread = LoadThread(voice)
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