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Ekaterina Aksenova K8NA

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oderwat /
Last active February 10, 2025 22:22
JetBrains Space - Issue Grabber Scripts (MIT License)

JetBrains Space - Issues JSON export

BEWARE: This is provided as is and we do not give any support to using it. It may or may not work for you!

These bash scripts are meant to export all the issues of JetBrains Space projects.

They were create on OSX and you need jq and curl installed.

There is one script for exporting a single issue and one to export all of the Issues (up to 1000 is the limit)

vaibhav276 / cc_validate.hs
Created May 18, 2016 11:27
Haskell - Validate credit card number
Credit card number validation steps:
1. Convert card number to a string of integers
2. Reverse it
3. Double the digits at even locations
4. Calculate sum of individual digits
eg. [2,12,3,10,2,16] should be evaluated as 2+1+2+3+1+0+2+1+6
5. If sum is a multiple of 10, then the card number is valid