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Working from home

Khải KSXGitHub

Working from home
  • Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way
  • X @hvksmr1996
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KSXGitHub /
Created October 27, 2024 14:32
Hex manipulation
use core::mem::size_of;
pub trait ParseHex: Sized {
fn parse_hex(input: &str) -> (&'_ str, Self);
macro_rules! impl_parse_hex {
($($num:ident)*) => {$(
impl<const LEN: usize> ParseHex for [$num; LEN] {
fn parse_hex(input: &str) -> (&str, Self) {
KSXGitHub / uad_exported_selection.txt
Last active October 27, 2024 18:46
Samsung Galaxy bloatware list
com.sec.spp.push # <-- this is the annoying notifications that "recommended" apps to have
KSXGitHub / SmartTube on Android x86 on virt-manager on
Last active October 19, 2023 16:41
notes: How to create best experience with SmartTube on Android x86 virtualization on virt-manager on Linux


  • Host OS: Linux
  • Program: virt-manager
  • Intel Virtualization Technology (to enable OpenGL for good framerate)

OpenGL for good FPS

  1. Enable Intel Virtualization Technology in the BIOS.
  2. Add intel_iommu=on iommu=pt to your kernel parameters (of the host OS).
KSXGitHub / Share
Created August 29, 2022 16:26
set -o errexit -o pipefail -o nounset
if [[ "${TERMINAL_OPENED:-false}" == 'false' ]]; then
exec gnome-terminal -- env TERMINAL_OPENED=true "$0" "$@"
storage=$(mktemp -d)
echo "🛈 Created $storage" >&2
KSXGitHub /
Created February 10, 2022 11:43
Consume 2GiB of RAM
set -o errexit -o pipefail -o nounset
echo 'Consuming RAM. Press Ctrl-C to stop.' >&2
while true; do
echo {0..8388608} >/dev/null
KSXGitHub /
Last active May 29, 2021 15:48
Announcement: Parallel Disk Usage (pdu) — A highly parallelized, blazing fast disk usage visualizer

Announcement: Parallel Disk Usage (pdu) — A highly parallelized, blazing fast disk usage visualizer

Here is the link to the git repository in case you desire none of my ramblings:

About dust

In the past few months, I have always used dust to visualize disk usages of heavy directories. It displays an intuitive bottom-up tree from heavier items to lighter ones. Every item is attached with a percentage bar that allow me to compare the relative size 2 sibling items as well as their parent. I quite like it.

I would soon discover its limits however.

import { createReadStream } from 'fs'
import { createInterface } from 'readline'
const READ_STREAM_OPTIONS = { encoding: 'utf8' } as const
export function firstLine (filename: string) {
const stream = createReadStream(filename, READ_STREAM_OPTIONS)
const reader = createInterface(stream)
let result: string
reader.once('line', line => {
KSXGitHub / tmp.zsh
Last active February 27, 2020 11:30
#! /usr/bin/env zsh
deno fetch $script
run=(deno run $script)
insert=($run --before dependencies)
args-to-list packages/*/package.json | while read filename; do
echo '>>>' $filename
< $filename |
$insert browser '"index.mjs"' |
$insert module '"index.mjs"' |
import xs from 'xstream'
import spawn from 'advanced-spawn-async'
import { Option, Some, some, none, match } from '@tsfun/option'
export enum Status {
Plugged = 'Plugged',
Unplugged = 'Unplugged'
type UnknownStatus = Status | 'Unknown'